For Sustainable Development – 2024

Goal 1
No Poverty
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Evidence |
Community Anti-Poverty programs |
We have requested from our Sri Lankan Psychiatrists work with overseas consultants for foreign donations to buy medications who cannot afford due to poverty. During the financial crisis most of the medications were not available at hospital. We revived medications. |
Community Anti-Poverty programs | Facilitated the students from rural schools to come to the department of Anatomy and create interest in biology. |
Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty | Three scholarships were awarded to 3 students by the Rajatha Rashmi scholarship scheme. |
Documents pertaining to the applications, review process and awardees can be provided upon request |
Department of microbiology Endowment fund for research |

Goal 2
Zero Hunger
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Teach students on nutrition related topics (ex: Clerkship programme – child welfare clinic growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) teaching, lectures in nutrition module) | Make the students aware about nutritional assessment of children by interpreting growth monitoring chart in CHDR and identified children with acute and chronic malnourishment. |
Mental Health and Medico Legal Modules - Lecture Schedule |
National level contributions to address nutrition problems | Academic members are giving technical inputs to the Nutrition Division of the Ministry of Health in addressing nutrition deficiencies. |
National Nutrition Month - 2024 Provision of fortified rice with iron and folic acid in School Meal Proqramme |

Goal 3
Good Health and Well-Being
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Write Up |
Evidence |
Outreach clinics for mentally ill patients at Piliyandala |
Multifaceted pharmacist-led interventions in secondary care settings between countries of various income levels: a scoping review protocol
Jegath Janani Tharmalinga Sharma, Sara S McMillan, Nithushi R Samaranayake, Dulshika A Waas, Ian D Coombes, Amanda J Wheeler PERMA Profiler: Adaptation to Sinhala |
Lectures are conducted related to Epidemiology, Non Communicable disease (Ischaemic Heart Disease, Hypertension, Cancer) and Communicable diseases (food sanitation, dengue, malaria, filarial) |
Clerkship Programme - 30th Batch Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) Burden Globally and in Sri Lanka 10th Term - Blood and Immune and Trauma Modules - Lecture Schedule |
Programmes to enhance wellbeing of staff and students | Providing infrastructure to enhance wellbeing of staff providing ITN Lakhada Rajya Sewaka harasara Pranama programme. |
Medicine donation | Outreach programs in the local community to improve health and well-being–conducted a musical event and donated medicine for patients with terminal malignancy at “shantha sevana” aiming to improve their mental well-being. |
Sessions to improve mental health | Open mike sessions to alleviate stress and promote mental health |
Participate in the World Heart Day celebration, organized by the Sri Lanka College of Cardiology | Students were contributed and played a pivotal role in raising public awareness about heart health |
SLCC World Heart Day Celebration |
‘Wellbeing 360°’, Health Education Programme organized at the MOH Office in Borelesgamuwa | The ‘Wellbeing 360°’, Health Education Programme, a 5-day interactive initiative, was successfully conducted from 29th July to 3rd August. Led by Hiran Chamuditha, a medical student and the SDG 3
These goals were designed to empower community members with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed health decisions, ultimately fostering a healthier community. The sessions took place at the MOH Borelesgamuwa and other local clinics, ensuring a broad reach and significant impact. |
Photographs |

Goal 4
Quality Education
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Clinical training | Clinical training given to pre and post MD trainees in psychiatry, pre MD trainees in MD medicine, nutrition PGIM University of Colombo |
Awareness booklets for Children | The two booklets were written by Prof. Manori Gamage in collaborated with Sri Lanka College of Paediatricinas (SLCP) and Baby Cheramy. |
Contents are delivered using student centred learning (SCL) activities | Teaching sessions are further reinforced by SCL activities; SGD and Case based discussion (CBD), hands on sessions, tutorials, research, Google Classroom, and community based learning during Clerkship programme these SCL activities allow students to clear the issues related to subject matters by discussing with lecturers. |
Lecture Schedule Community Medicine - 31st Batch Clerkship Programme Evaluation Form Advanced Certificate in Monitoring & Evaluation Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation Flyer Electives for Foreign Students Elective Appointments for Foreign Medical Students |
Student feedback is collected, discussed and relevant actions are implemented. | ||
Introduced a new course named “Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation” | ||
Elective programme for the International students on Public Health System in Sri Lanka | Student feedback is collected at the end of a module to identify any areas to improve and the necessary actions are taken based on the feedback |
Academics are involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education of other HEIs | Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation is the first M & E course introduced in Sri Lanka for those who are interested in learning basics of monitoring and evaluation with the involvement of local and international M & E experts |
Developing a Masters in Public Health programme targeting international students | ||
An academic is a member of the SLMC medical education review team | From time to time programmes on the public health system in Sri Lanka are offered by the department for elective students from different foreign universities |
An academic participated as a panelist in the international Academic Symposium on M&E Education held from 2-4th December 2024 | ||
Academics participate in workshops/ trainings to continuously improve and update their knowledge and skills | ||
Academics contribute to teaching in other higher education institutions as visiting lecturers | ||
Produced one PhD student | Produced one PhD student– Supervised by Prof P.H. Dissanayake |
Workshops | Lifelong learning measures– conducted free workshops related to art. E.g. - short film |
Workshops |
Weekly consensus meeting for updating teaching materials for MBBS | Module Documents |

Goal 5
Gender Equality
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Representing faculty at the university gender equality committee | Victims of domestic violence referred from Mithurupiyasa CSTH are supported with liaison with win, get legal help to assess perpetrators, treatment and follow-up |
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education sessions at SMI | Under health education sessions of the SMI, students conduct awareness sessions on SRH for school children to sensitize them on gender equality |
An academic member is in the organizing committee as a technical partner of the International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health (ReproSex)- 2024 | ReproSex aims to create a flatform for knowledge sharing, advocacy, and collaboration in the realm of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) crucial in achieving gender equality |
ReproSex International Conference |
Proportion of senior female academic staff | 50% of female academics including the head of the department are females. There are approximately 60:40 ratio between males and females. |
‘Her Story’ Health Education Programme organized at the MOH Office in Borelesgamuwa | The "Her Story" Health Education Programme, a 3-day interactive initiative, took place from 29th July to 3rd August. Spearheaded by Kaveesha Akalanka, a medical student and SDG 5 ambassador of the G17 University Ambassadors Consortium, the programme addressed gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health, aligning with the United Nations' SDG 5: Gender Equality.
Photographs |

Goal 6
Clean Water and Sanitation
Event |
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Evidence |
Clerkship visit to water and sewage purification | In the clerkship programme, students learn about how water pollution occurs due to human activities, why waste water recovery is important, and what actions can be taken to recover from water pollution. |
Clerkship Programme - 30th Batch |
Proportion of female population in the committee | The executive committee composed of approximately 50% of females. |
Effective waste segregation and management | e-Waste Bin |

Goal 7
Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Lectures on occupational Health | Students learn how work affects health and measures to ensure optimum physical and mental well-being for workers and the role of a medical officer in occupational heath |
Factory visit under Clerkship programme | ||
Income generating projects |
Service Function for Microbiological Testing Service Function for Microbiological Testing - Finance Committee Decision Charge for Utlization of Laboratory Bench Space and Equipment - Finance Committee Decision Charge for Providing Clinical Stains - Finance Committee Decision |

Goal 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
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Evidence |
Undergraduate research | Students develop skills in conducting scientific research through the research module. Supervision of research projects are carried out by experts in different fields including the Ministry of Health. Undergraduate research findings are presented at scientific fora. |
Undergraduate Research Project Resuls 29th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka Full Paper Publications Arising from the Undergraduate Research Project 29th Annual Academic Sessions 2024 - College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka ORCID and Google Scholar Links |
Academics and non-academics are involved in collaborative research | ||
Fund generation project | AO CMT Course (advances in TMJ Surgery and management of TMJ disorders with anatomical specimens.) by faculty of Dental Sciences on 07th August 2024 | |
Patent for modified Ilmenite Nano hybrid material for food packaging | ||
Expansion of department of microbiology to the AHEAD building |

Goal 10
Reduced Inequalities
Event |
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Evidence |
Lectures on health care provision for special groups and social determinants of health. | Students get a understanding of concepts related to equity and equality and how it affects health and well-being. |
Talents 2024 | Planned action to recruit students and staff from under-represented groups - There was a separate multiculture item in the talents agenda. Talents competitions are done in all 3 languages where necessary. Eg-singing, poetry, creative writing, etc. |
Talents 2024 |
Department of microbiology Endowment fund for research | Endowment Fund Offer Letter |

Goal 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct a lecture on disaster in Environment & Occupational Health module | As the future healthcare professionals, students’ gain knowledge on disaster preparedness and response which is important in reducing the adverse effects of disasters. |
Talents 2024 | Provide artistic events for members of the public, such as Concerts - Talents 2024 concert was held with free access to public at the national youth centre. |
Talents 2024 |

Goal 12
Responsible Consumption and Production
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Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct the Environmental Health lectures. | By discussing the effects of pollution these lectures highlight the importance of responsible consumption, educate student to adopt more sustainable practices. Visits to wastewater treatment plants and sewage facilities provide practical insights into how waste is managed and processed. This aid in demonstrating the importance of treating and reusing waste, reducing environmental pollution, and promoting resource efficiency. |
Waste water and sewage visit and hospital PHI under Clerkship Programme |

Goal 13
Climate Action

Goal 14
Life Below Water
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct the Environmental Health lectures. | Conduct environmental health lectures for students, where they learn about environmental pollution and its impact on health. Students learn about methods for creating safe environments for living beings and managing environmental factors to improve quality of life through proper waste disposal |
Waste water and sewage visit and hospital PHI under Clerkship Programme |

Goal 15
Life on Land
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct the Environmental Health lectures | Conduct environmental health lectures for students, where they learn about environmental pollution and its impact on health. Students learn about methods for creating safe environments for living beings and managing environmental factors to improve quality of life through proper waste disposal |
Waste water and sewage visit and hospital PHI under Clerkship Programme |

Goal 16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education sessions at SMI Academic members are engaged in collaborative activities to ensure SRH rights of the people | Under health education sessions of the SMI, students conduct awareness sessions on sexual abuse for school children and take necessary measures for the victims of sexual abuse. |

Goal 17
Partnerships for the Goals
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Evidence |
Supervising a PhD Research with Griffith University Australia | Supervising a PhD Research with Griffith University Australia on improving pharmacists input at mental health clinics |
National and international research collaborations | Academics of the department are involved in international collaborative researches which promote knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science technology and innovation. Two academics are directors of two research centres of the university and conduct collaborative research | Appointment as a Member of The Board of Study in Venereology |

Sustainable Development Goals 2023
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