Pre-University Work Experience Programme
This is a short-term work experience which will be obtained by a student {Advanced Level (G.C.E A/L) or after Ordinary Level (G.C.E. O/L) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE): London or local syllabi} awaiting the application process to foreign universities.
Minimum 40 hours and Maximum 80 hours (as requested by the student)
Type of work that can be undertaken by the student
- Research: Data collection, data entry, help out in any other safe research procedures decided by the supervisor and being an observer in the laboratory.
- Hospital wards & clinics/ Family Medicine clinic/ Community Medicine: working as an observer & helping out patients under supervision, helping the doctors and nursing staff etc. as decided by the supervisor within the ethical and legal framework.
Available Departments
Pre-clinical Departments
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
Para-clinical Departments
- Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Immunology and Molecular Medicine
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
Clinical Departments
- Family Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Medicine
- Paediatrics
- Surgery
Available slots
Only two (02) slots will be allocated from each unit per given time. Selections will be made on first come first serve basis.
Click here to see available slots
Eligibility criteria
Student over 16 years of age
Registration Fees
For a foreign citizen: US$ 100/- (Application process fee US$ 20/-)
For a Sri Lankan citizen LKR 15000/- (Application process fee LKR 2000/-)
Air fare, accommodation and meals will not be provided.
Dr. Thanuja Ranasinghe
Coordinator – Pre-University Work Experience Programme