The Elective Short Course in Forensic Medicine, Toxicology, Ethics and Law

Who Should Apply?

Undergraduate Medical Students after completing the basic sciences and having a minimum of 6 months of clinical exposure can apply for this course. The ability to understand and communicate in English is a prerequisite. English language tests are not required. For other requirements; please visit

* Important:  Students who wish to sit for the ERPM examination in Sri Lanka in due course will not be enrolled on this course as there is another course designed for these students.

Course Duration

2 weeks (excluding weekends and Public holidays). The duration of study time on each working day is 9-3 pm.

Course Fee

400 US$

Course Dates

Any period of the year with prior approval by the Head, Department of Forensic Medicine.

Maximum students that could be accommodated at a given time




Teaching-learning Methods and Course Materials

This is a full-time short course which will continue for 2 weeks. During this time a student will be exposed to lectures, LMS sessions, and self-studies through recorded lectures and fixed learning modules. Visiting the hospital police post, Inquirer’s office will also be included.

How to apply


Applications are now open for 2023 and can be made via our online application form.