Talents 2023

As 2023 drew to a close, the Arts circle of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura exceeded expectations with the crowning jewel of their annual itenary- Talents 2023! This year’s extravaganza was held on the 7th of November at the Navarangahala, Royal College, Colombo 07.

This year’s line-up included a colourful blend of music, dance, art and theatre. It provided a platform to students not just to showcase their talents but to share their different cultures, relieve stress, acquire many professional skills such as leadership, team work, communication, time management etc.  An event of this calibre wouldn’t have been possible if not for the sense of camaraderie and confidence that each and every one of the students fostered that night. Activities were not only limited to the undergraduates, but also to members of the staff and alumni.

All our talented performers were applauded by an enamoured audience, including the chief guest, Senior Professor Pathmalal Manage/vice chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Guest of honour, Dr. Rohan Weerasinghe and Senior Professor Aloka Pathirana, dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences. Despite the downpour of rain, Talents 23 became a night filled with arts, love, laughter, unity and strength making the mother “Japura” proud.