Welcome to the Student Grievances Help Desk
Student Grievances Help desk is an online complaint mechanism established by the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura for medical students to address their grievances. This may include any physical, psychological, academic or any other problem related to the University life. All requests for help/complaints that are lodged will be investigated and victims of such incidents will be offered support and redress. This service is coordinated by the Student Grievances Committee. The Faculty will be responsible for the confidentiality of all the information you provide here.

Grievances Committee

+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4151,

Coordinator – Orientation Program
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4151,

Coordinator – Personal Tutor Scheme
+94 11 2758698, Mobile : +94 77 7271430,

Student Counselor
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4220,

Department of Psychiatry
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4551,
How to Lodge a Complaint/Request for Help
Click on the link below to enter the requested details and lodge your request or complaint. Indicate how urgently, should your problem need attention. Once the request for help/complain is successfully logged, you will receive a system generated acknowledgment to your e-mail.
Process of Action
Once a student lodge a complaint, the STUDENT GRIEVANCES COMMITTEE will be the first to receive the complaint and will take necessary arrangements to redress the issue after determining the said grievance is within the jurisdiction of the committee.
Student will be updated on the actions taken by the committee within the same day/next day or after few days depending on the urgency of the matter. Details you share with us and your identity will be kept confidential and information will not be divulged to members outside the Student Grievances Committee without the student’s permission.
Once the complaints receive, the Student Grievances Committee will refer/consult the relevant chairpersons or the committees of the Faculty for their view and necessary action. Grievances Committee will recommend the course of action to the Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences after obtaining opinion from relevant parties.
It is the responsibility of the student to provide genuine information and a genuine contact detail. False allegations are subjected to disciplinary actions. Despite having this system in place, you are also welcome to use the traditional channels to lodge your respective complaints.