Prof. Sagarika Ekanayake
Senior Professor & Chair
- General information
- Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Field/s of Expertise
- Research & Innovation
- Teaching
Department of Biochemistry
Office – +94 11 2881788 Ext: 4151
Academic Qualifications
- B.Sc. / (Chemistry, Hon – 2nd Upper) / 1992 / University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- M.Phil / Biochemistry / 1999 / University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
- PhD / Applied Nutrition& Food Chemistry / 2005 / University of Lund, Sweden
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow & Charted Chemist, Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon
- Fellow, IUPAC (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry)
- Fellow, National Academy of Science of Sri Lanka
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Sciences (Chemical, Medical & Biological sections)
- Elected member of American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS -2005)
- Founder Member / Member of Coordination committee of Swedish South Asian Network on Fermented Food
- IUPAC Member Affiliate 1997/98
- Life Member, Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka
- Life Member, Alumni Association of University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Life and Founder member SLALAS, Sri Lanka
- Fellowship by International Foundation for Science, Sweden to participate in the “Leadership course for Asian women in agriculture R & D and extension. Organized by IRRI, Philippines, February 2008.
- Fellowship to visit the International centre for Chemical Sciences, Karachi university, Pakistan for a study visit/ training programme by the National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) Sri Lanka. 3-14th December 2006.
- Scholarship by AMBO International to participate in the Training Course on “Innovative Research Strategies for Tomorrow. Cell Adhesion, Recognition, Apoptosis and Oxidative stress”; Analyses of Reactive oxygen and Nitrogen Species, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan. 21-28 March 2001.
- World Bank funded Fellowship through IRQUE/QEF to visit University Sains Malaysia & University Malaya, Malaysia for inspection and familiarization of Problem Based Learning (PBL) curriculum and Information Technology development activities in medical teaching/learning (12-26th March 2006).
- Cited in
(a) Marquis Who is Who in the World 2014 & 2015 (Leading professionals of the world); Who is Who in Science and Engineering 2016-2017.
(b) International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (2014; & 2015- 2000 outstanding intellectuals of the21st century; Top 100 educators -2014; Top 100 scientists -2014; Woman of the year -2014; Cambridge certificate for outstanding Educational Achievement; Leading professionals of the year -2014; Leading educators of the world – 2014; Cambridge certificate for outstanding Scientific Achievement and The Da Vinci Diamond for Inspirational Accomplishment)
- Biochemistry
- Applied Nutrition
- Food Chemistry
Research Interests
- Biochemistry
- Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry
- Natural Products Chemistry
- Toxicology
Google Scholar Link
Research Grants Held
- Protein Nutritional Quality of differently processed Canavalia gladiata seeds. University of Sri Jayewardenepura grant (2001) Rs. 237,000.00
- Physico-chemical properties of starch of Canavalia gladiate: National Research Council, Sri Lanka (2000-2001) Rs. 739,000.00
- Detection of oral hypoglycaemic activity of Kara leaves on normoglycaemic & hyperglycaemic Wistar rats. University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2004) Rs. 175,000.00
- Establishing a database of glycaemic indices of pure and mixed standard Sri Lankan meals. (2005-2008). IFS/ Sweden – US$ 11 700
- Study of glycaemic indices of basic starchy food items and typical Sri Lankan mixed diets. (2005-2008)
a) National Science Foundation (AG/10) – Rs 1,758,260.00
b) National Research Council (05-03) – Rs 1,250,000.00 - Proportion of known common risk factors of gastro intestinal tract carcinomas among patients attending clinics at Cancer Institute, Maharagama. IRQUE/CBR/ RG/2006/30 World Bank Funds from Quality enhancement grant Rs 12, 000.00
- Chemical composition of processed meat products and their compatibility with Sri Lankan standards. IRQUE/CBR/ RG/2007/17 World Bank Funds from Quality enhancement grant Rs 150 000.00.
- Evaluation of protein nutritional quality of processed Cycas circinales IRQUE/CBR/ RG/2009/HB1. World Bank Funds from Quality Enhancement grant Rs 150 000. 00.
- International Program in Chemical Sciences (IPICS), Uppsala University, Sweden Rs 6.5 million for grant SRI:07 for Nutritional Biochemistry research (2008-2009)
- Equipment grant (2008): National Science Foundation NSF/RG/2008/EQ/10; Muffle furnace (Rs 405,000.00)
- Nutritional evaluation of porridge made with green leafy vegetables and their influence on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Awarded by University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2010) Rs 741,500.00 (ASP/06/PR/2010-12)
- Equipment grant (2011): National Science Foundation RG/2011/EQ/22(Rs 3.5 million) – Purchase mini vidas analyzer (hormone and biochemical markers).
- Determination of association of risk factors for development of coronary artery disease and nutritional status & immune status on the recovery following coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) – National Science Foundation (2011) (Rs 3.1 million)
- Nutritional evaluation of porridge made with green leafy vegetables and their influence on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Grant awarded through World class University Project funded by the World Bank (Rs 2.9million) (2012-2014)
- Determination of association of nutritional status, biochemical parameters and histopathological features of breast cancers from selected centers. University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2012) Rs. 747,500.00.
- Award of three travel grants from National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka for research paper presentations at,
a) Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social well-being, India (2003)
b) 1st European Food Congress, Slovenia (2008) Rs 150,000.00
c) IJFST conference New Zealand (2015) Rs > 500,000.00. - Further studies on association of nutritional status, biochemical parameters and histopathological features of breast cancers from selected centers. University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2013) Rs 958.000.00
- India- Sri Lanka Foundation grant (2014) to travel to India to deliver invited address and travel funds for 02 students to present papers at the Indo-Global Healthcare Summit – 2014] being held in Hyderabad, India June 20-22, 2014. Rs 150 000.00
- Cytotoxic and anticancer activity of Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Mudilla fruit extract. University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2014) Rs 1,31,0000.00
- Glycaemic indices of Sweet potato and value addition (Rs 2.2 m – University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2015)
- Glycaemic indices of traditional rice varieties (Rs 4.1m – University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2016)
- NSF equipment grant (2017) Rs 1.2 m Purchasing an autoclave for the department.
- Cytotoxic mechanisms of Barringtonia asiatica extracts (Rs 1.6m – University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2017).
- Landscape analysis on Sri Lankan foods/ingredients likely to contain trans fats. World Health Organization grant (2019). Rs 3.9 million.
- Effect of herbal porridge made of Osbekia octandra leaf on Hepatic disorders in metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (ASP/01/RE/MED/2022/58) Rs 2,815,221.00
Publications and Scientific Communications
- Eknayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (1999) Proximate composition, mineral and amino acid content of Canavalia gladiata. Food Chemistry. 66: 115 -119.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (2000) Nutritional quality of protein and starch of mature Canavalia gladiata International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 51 (4) 289 -294.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (2000). Literature review of an under -utilized legume: Canavalia gladiata Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 55: 305 -321.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E. R., Nair M. Baboo. (2003) Effect of Processing on Protein Nutritional Quality of Canavalia gladiata. Nahrung/Food 47, 4, 256 -260.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Nair Baboo M, Asp Nils -Georg, Jansz E R. (2006) Effect of Processing on physico -chemical properties of Canavalia gladiata starch. Starke/ Starch5; 215 -222.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Skog Kerstin & Asp Nils -Georg. (2007) Canavanine content in sword beans (Canavalia gladiata) Analysis and effect of processing. Food and Chemical Toxicology 45, 297 -303.
- Keerthi Attanayaka, Sunil Mendis, Errol Jansz, Ekanayake Sagarika& Antoinette Perera (2008) A pilot study on wound healing using an anti -bacterial steroidal saponin. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences2 (3) 299 -305.
- Bandara Thushari, Begum Rokeya, Ekanayake Sagarika, Liaquat Ali, Jansz E R, & Balasubramanium K. (2009) Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on glycemic and lipidemic status in type 2 diabetic subjects. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology4, 65 -68.
- Seneviratne, Kapila, Hapuarachchi, C, D &Ekanayake, Sagarika (2009) Comparison of the phenolic – dependent antioxidant properties of coconut oil extracted under cold and hot conditions. Food Chemistry114, 1444 -1449.
- Hettiaratchi U P K, Ekanayake S&Welihinda J. (2009) Glycaemic indices of 03 Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread -lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60(S4) 21 -30.
- Widanagamage R, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J. (2009) Carbohydrate rich foods: glycaemic indices and correlation with macronutrients. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 60(S4) 215 -223.
- Keerthi, A A P, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika & Premakumara G A S. (2009) The synergistic neurotoxins of palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer) flour. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 3(2) 255 – 265.
- Keerthi, A A P, Jansz E R, &Ekanayake Sagarika (2009) A review of the neurotoxic effect of palmyrah flour. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60 (S4) 306 -316).
- Bandara Thushari, Rokeya Begum, Ekanayake Sagarika, Ali Liaquat, Jansz R. Errol &Balasubramanium Kandiah (2010). Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on serum glucose and cholesterol levels of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 4(3): 815 -819.
- Nekadage don Amal Wageesha, Sagarika Ekanayake, Errol Radclif Jansz, & Sanath Lamabadusuriya (2011) Studies on hypercarotenemia due to excessive ingestion of carrot, pumpkin and papaw. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 62(1):20 -5.
- U P K Hettiaratchi, S Ekanayake, J Welihinda (2011) Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 62(4):307 -309.
- Kapila, N. S., Roshan, T. K. and Sagarika, E (2011) Serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels of rats fed with consumer selected coconut oil blends. International Food Research Journal 18 (4) 1303 -1308.
- Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., Ekanayake, S., Welihinda, J. (2011) Sri Lankan rice mixed meals: Effect on glycaemic index and contribution to daily dietary fibre requirement. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition17(1): 97 -104.
- Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda& A Perera (2011) Glycemic and insulinemic responses to breakfast and succeeding second meal in type 2 diabetics. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. 31 (4), 199 -206.
- Sarojini J K A Ubhayasekera, Pradeepa Jayasinghe, Sagarika Ekanayake, Paresh C Dutta (2012) High cholesterol oxidation in traditionally preserved mackerel (Rastrelligerkanagurta) during storage in Sri Lanka. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 114, 695 -700.
- Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda, J (2012) Prediction of Glycaemic Indices (GI) of meals by starch hydrolysis indices. International Food Research Journal19 (3): 1153 -1159.
- Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda, J. (2012) How accurate is glucometer in determining GI? International Food Research Journal 19(4): 1511 -1516.
- Senadheera P A S, Ekanayake S. (2013) Green leafy porridges: How good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition64(2):169 -74. doi: 10.3109/09637486.2012.710895. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- Wageesha, NDA, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2013) Prevalence of hypercarotenaemia in nursery/kindergarten children in western province of Sri Lanka: a preliminary study. International Food Research Journal 20(4): 1873 -1875.
- Senadheera P A S and Ekanayake S. (2013) Development of a marketable rice based herbal porridge suitable for diabetics from Scoparia dulcis. Agricultural Sciences 4 (9B) 81 -84.
- Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S. and Ranaweera K.K.D.S. (2013) Phyto -chemical studies and in vitrostudy on anti -glycation and antioxidant activity of water extract of Syzygiumcumini The Journal of Phytochemistry Photon 114, 187 -195. (on line)
- Widanagamage R, Ekanayake S and Welihinda J. (2013) Effect of extent of gelatinization of starch on the glycaemic responses of carbohydrate rich breakfast meals. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 19 (2) 233 -242.
- Senavirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S, Jansz ER and Welihinda J. (2013) Total phenol content and antioxidant potential of traditional breakfast meals of Sri Lanka. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition19 (2) 243 -250.
- Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S. and Ranaweera K.K.D.S (2013) In vitro study on antiglycation activity, antioxidant activity and phenolic con tent of Osbeckia octandra leaf decoction. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2 (4): 158 -161. (on line)
- Perera PRD, Sagarika Ekanayaka, Ranaweera KKDS (2013) In vitroantiglycation activity of some medicinal plants used in Diabetes mellitus. Med Aromat Plants 2: 143. doi: 10.4172/2167 -0412.1000143. (on line)
- Perera PRD, Ekanayake S, Ranaweera KKDS (2013) Antiglycation and Antioxidant Activities of a Ready to Serve Herbal Drink of Syzygium Cumini Bark Extract. Med Aromat Plants 3: 148. doi: 10.4172/2167 -0412.1000148. (on line)
- Senadheera P A S, Ekanayake S and C A Wanigatunga (2014) Anti -diabetic properties of rice based herbal porridges in diabetic Wistar rats. Phytotherapy Research. 28, 10; 1567 -1572. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5169.
- M.I.S.K. Senavirathna,Sagarika Ekanayake, Eroll Radcliff Jansz and Jayantha Welihinda (2014) Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch/Starke66 (11 -12) 1041 -1048. DOI: 10.1002/star.201400059
- Ruwani Nadeeshani, Uthpala N. Wijayaratna, W. Chathuri Prasadani, Sagarika Ekanayake, Kapila N. Seneviratne, Nimanthi Jayathilaka (2015) Comparison of the Basic Nutritional Characteristics of the First Extract and Second Extract of Coconut Milk. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 4 (10) 9516 -21. DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0410003. (on line)
- S P A S Senadheera, Sagarika Ekanayake, Chandanie Wanigatunge (2015) Anti -hyperglycaemic effects of herbal porridge made of Scoparia dulcis leaf extract in diabetics – A randomized crossover clinical trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 15: 410. doi: 1186/s12906 -015 -0935 -6 (on line)
- P R D Perera, Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2015) Comparison of Antiglycation and antioxidant potentials and total phenolic contents of decoctions from antidiabetic plants. Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Chemistry 2015,BANDUNG, INDONESIA. Procedia Chemistry 16, 519 – 524. (on line)
- M. I. S. K. Senavirathna,Sagarika Ekanayake, Eroll Radcliff Jansz and Jayantha Welihinda (2016) Traditional and novel foods from indigenous flours: nutritional quality, glycaemicresponse and potential use in food industry. Starch/Starke 68, (9 -10) 999 -1007.
DOI: 10.1002/star.201500175 - E M S Bandara, S. Ekanayake, C A Wanigatunge and A Kapuruge(2016) Lipoprotein(a) and lipid profiles of patients awaiting coronary artery bypass graft; a cross sectional study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 16, 213 (6 pages).1186/s12872 -016 -0393 -1.
- S P A S Senadheera, SagarikaEkanayake and ChandanieWanigatunge (2016) Dietary habits of type 2 diabetes patients: variety and frequency of food intake. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7987395, 6 pages
- PRD Perera, S Ekanayake and KKDS Ranaweera (2017) Anti -diabetic compounds in Syzygiumcumini decoction and ready to serveherbal drink. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017, Article ID 1083589, 5 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/1083589.
- Prasadani WC, Senanayake CM, Jayathilaka N, Ekanayake S, Seneviratne KN (2017) Effect of three edible oils on the intestinal absorption of caffeic acid: An in vivo and in vitro study. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179292. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0179292.
- Lumbini A. Wijesekara, RinzeeUsoof, Sachindra S. T. Gamage, Ruwan Jayasinghe, Nandasena Gamage, Dileep De Silva and Sagarika Ekanayake (2017).Mercury levels in hair samples of dentists: A comparative study in Sri Lanka. Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry. Version of Record online: 22 OCT 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/jicd.12302.
- H M K Akalanka,S Ekanayake and K Samarasinghe (2018). Could Anthropometric and Lipid Parameters Reflect Susceptibility to Breast Cancer? Comparison of Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer and Apparently Healthy Women. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 19 (9)2476 -2480.DOI:10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.9.2475.
- EM Samantha Bardara, Sagarika Ekanayake, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Aruna Kapuruge, GA Sarath Kumara (2020) Prevalence and association of thyroid disorders with selected risk factors and severity of disease in patients confirmed of Coronary Artery Disease. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 19 ( 04) 674 -684.
- Kasuni HM Akalanka, Sagarika Ekanayake, Kamani Samarasinghe (2021) Serum sex hormone levels and hormone receptor status in identifying female breast cancer risk. Indian Journal of Cancer. Published online since November 2/2020, DOI: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_400_19.
- Paramasamy R., Weerasekera M.M. & Ekanayake S (2021) Seeds of ornamental tree Barringtonia asiatica as a potential source of efficacious antimicrobials. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature. Vol. 11 (3) 289 -297. DOI: 10.1080/22311866.2021.1916593
- Waidyarathna G R Nipuni Nayanathara and Ekanayake Sagarika (2021) Nutrient composition and functional properties; suitability of flour of sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) for incorporation into food production. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences15 (3) 897 -908.
- Waidyarathna G R Nipuni Nayanathara, Ekanayake Sagarika, Chandrasekera Anoma (2021) Comparative analysis of nutrient composition and glycaemic indices of nine sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) varieties. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 15 (4), 1410 -1420.
National Journals (Peer Reviewed)
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R and Sharmini Jayasekera (2001) Effect of Canavalia gladiata seed meal on impregnated ICR mice. Journal of Science 2: 1 – 10. Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Abeysekera A M & Nair Baboo. (2001) Someanti – nutritional factors of sword beans (Canavalia gladiata). Vidyodaya J.of Sci.USJ 10: 79 -88.
- Keerthi A A P, Ekanayaka S& Jansz E R (2007) Larvicidal effects of a flabelliferin saponin from palmyrah flour on dengu mosquito Aedes J. Natn. Sci. Foundation, Sri Lanka 35; 133 -138.
- Keerthi A A P, Mendis, W S J, Jansz E R, Ekanayake S &Perera M S A (2007) A preliminary study on the effects of an antibacterial steroidal saponin from Borassus flabellifer fruit on wound healing. J. Natn. Sci. Foundation, Sri Lanka 35(4) 263 -265.
- Widanagamage, R &Ekanayake S. (2009) Oral hypoglycaemic effect of Canthium coromandelicum leaf extract on Wistar rats.Vidyodaya Journal of Science, USJ 14, 53 -58.
- A G Shefana &Ekanayake S. (2009) Some nutritional aspects of Lasia spinosa (kohila). Vidyodaya Journal of Science, USJ14, 59 -64.
- Keerthi AAP, Jansz ER &Ekanayake S. (2009) Studies on a Hyper -haemolytic compound of palmyrah flour (odiyal) Vidyodaya Journal of Science USJ14,79 -84.
- Hettiaratchi U. P. K., Ekanayake Sagarika, Welihinda Jayantha. (2009) Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? Ceylon Medical Journal 54(2) 39 – 43.
- Keerthi, A A P, Ekanayake Sagarika, Premakumara G A S. (2009) A new cytotoxic flabelliferin from palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer) flour. Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka37 (4) 277 -279.
- Bandara Thushari, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika& Balasubramanium K. (2009) Preparation and storage of Pinnatu destroys the hypocholesterolaemic effect of Palmyrah fruit pulp. Vidyodaya Journal of Science, USJ 14, 85 -94.
- Bandara Thushari, Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, &Balasubramanium K. (2009) Canthiumcoromandelicum leaf as a functional food. Vidyodaya Journal of Science, USJ14,105 -110.
- Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda, J. (2009) Do Different Fractions of Digestible Carbohydrates in Foods Influence the Glycaemic Responses? Journal of Food and Agriculture2(2): 28 -35. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/jfa.v2i2.4178
- Nekadage don Amal Wageesha, Sagarika Ekanayake, Errol Radclif Jansz, &SanathLamabadusuriya (2010). Hypercarotenaemia in Wistar rats and ICR mice and correlation to humans. Vidyodaya J of Science USJ Vol 15(1 & 2) 27 -35.
- V.R.T.D.G. Bandara, Sagarika Ekanayake, Errol Radclif Jansz, & K. Balasubramanium (2010). Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on serum glucose and cholesterol levels of normo -glycaemic Wistar rats. Vidyodaya J of Science. USJ Vol 15(1 & 2) 1 -6.
- UPK, Hettiaratchi, Ekanayake, S,Welihinda, J (2011)Nutritional assessment of a jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) meal.Ceylon Medical Journal56(2):54 -58.
- Premasiri Asanthi and Ekanayake Sagarika (2011) Oxalic acid content of some commonly consumed green leafy vegetables of Sri Lanka. Vidyodaya Journal of Science, USJ 16, 7 -17.
- Jayasinghe K W M A, Ekanayake S.and Nugegoda D B (2013)Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic responses of foods made with finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour.Ceylon Medical Journal 58 (4) 148 -152.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S and C A Wanigatunga (2014) Antioxidant potential of green leafy porridges. Ceylon Medical Journal 59 (1) 4 -8.
- M D T L Gunathilaka and SEkanayake. (2015) Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index (GI) of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties. Ceylon Medical Journal. 60 (2) 57 -61.
- P R D Perera, Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2013) Free radical scavenging activity and phenolic content of decoctions of some medicinal plants. Vidyodaya Journal of Science USJ 18, 24 -34.
- Senadheera, S.P.A.S. and Ekanayake, S., (2013). Protein quality of foods made incorporating Cycas circinalis seed flour. Vidyodaya Journal of Science, 18, 35 -43.
- U S Nisankaand S Ekanayake (2016) Rice variety and processing: contribution to glycaemic response. Ceylon Medical Journal. 61(4) 159 -162.
- S Ekanayake (2019) Glycaemic indices of commonly consumed Sri Lankan foods and variation in blood glucose. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians50, 77 -83.
- R.D. Perera, S. Ekanayake and K.K.D.S. Ranaweera (2020) Antioxidant, antiglycation potentials and total phenolic content of Scoparia dulcis decoction. Vidyodaya Journal of Science USJ 23 (01) 33 -40.
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2020) Physical and nutritional characteristics of less common traditional rice (Oryza sativa) varieties of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 7 (2) 41 -67.https://doi.org/10.31357/ijms.v7i2.4817
- Senadheera S. P. A. S., R M I S K Senevirathna and Ekanayake S. (2021) Liver Toxicity of Raw and Processed Cycas circinalis (Madu) Seed Flour: An Animal Study. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 8(1) 1 -10.
- Thennakoon T P A U and Ekanayake S. (2021) Does antioxidant potential of traditional rice varieties vary with processing? International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 8 (II) 117 -130.
- Ekanayake, S (2021) Sustainable development through Chemical Sciences. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 38 (2), 7 -11.
- Wasana, M.L.D., de Silva, A., Gunawardana, N., Illeperuma, D.C.K., Weerasinghe, W.M.P.B., Weerathunga, W.M.D.C., Ekanayake, S.and Madhujith, T., (2021). Study on Trans Fat Content of Selected Foods Commercially Available in Colombo District of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research 32(4) pp.471 -479. DOI: http://doi.org/ 10.4038/tar.v32i4.8515
- Weeraratne MPPP and Ekanayake S (2022) Kithul (Caryota urens) treacle: A healthy natural sweetener? Ceylon Medical Journal 67:11 -16.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Emerging Advances in Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanocomposites and their Potential Applications. Materials Today Sustainability, 20 (2022) 100206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtsust.2022.100206
- Thennakoon, T.P.A.U. and Ekanayake, S., 2022. Sri Lankan traditional parboiled rice: A panacea for hyperglycaemia? PloS one, 17(9), p.e0273386.
List of Research Communications/Proceedings/Presentations
- Ekanayake S, Herath K B, Jayasinghe U L B and Wannigama G P (1992) “Triterpenoids of Anamirta cocculus,” Chemistry in Sri Lanka 9 (1). P 9.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Abeysekera A M and Jayasekera S (1999) Some anti -nutritional factors of Canavalia gladiata. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. 16 (1) P 46.
- Ekanayake Sagarika and Jansz E. R. (2001). Effect of Processing on Protein Quality of Canavalia gladiata. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.57th P 175.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Baboo M. Nair and E. R. Jansz. (2001) Some functional properties of starch of Canavalia gladiata. Faculty of Graduate Studies Annual Sessions, USJP. Proceedings 2001. P13.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Baboo M. Nair and E. R. Jansz. (2002) Change in enthalpy and degree of starch gelatinization of processed Canavalia gladiataseeds. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 19 (2) Pp 20 -21.
- Ekanayake Sagarika and U. G. Chandrika. (2002) Hypochlesterolaemic and antioxidant activity of palmyrah (Barasusflabillifer L) fruit.Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 58 Proceedings Part 1. P4.
- Jayasinghe Pradeepa, Sagarika Ekanayake, Chandima Galappaththi. (2003) Evaluation of quality and shelf life of jaadi from Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurata). Chemistry in Sri Lanka 20, (2). Pp 15 -16.
- Ekanayake, Sagarika., Jayasinghe P. S. (2003) Fermented food products of Sri Lanka and Maldives. Proceedings of International Seminar and Workshop on Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well -being. 13 -14 November 2003, Anand, India. Pp 4 -6.
- Jayasinghe P. S., Ekanayake, Sagarika. (2003) Cured and Fermented Fishery products of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Seminar and Workshop on Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well -being.13 -14 November 2003, Anand, India. Pp 7 -9.
- Ekanayake, S, Nair, B. M & Jansz E. R. (2003). Effect of processing on the properties of starch of sword beans (Canavalia gladiata). Biothailand. Proceedings Starch Update 2003.19 -20 July 2003, PEACH, Pattaya, Thailand.Pp85 -91.
- Keerthi A A P, Gunasekera Sewandhi, Jansz E R &Ekanayake S (2005) Preliminary studies on the mechanism of action of antimicrobial activity of Flabelliferin B on coli type ATCC 25922. 5th Research sessions. Faculty of Graduate Studies. University of Sri Jayewardenepura. P30.
- Bandara Thushari, Jansz E R, Ekanayake S, and Balasubramanium K (2005). Studies on pectin mediated hypocholesterolaemic effect of palmyrahpinnatu. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 23 (2) 26.
- Widanagamage, Rahal and Ekanayake Sagarika (2005). Hypoglycaemic activity of Kara (Canthiumcoramandelicum) leaf extract on normoglycaemic Wistar Rats. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 61st Annual Sessions. Pp 2 -3.
- PrematilakeAsanthi and Ekanayake Sagarika. (2005) Oxalic acid content of some commonly consumed green leafy vegetables of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science Proceedings 61st Annual sessions. P 1.
- Ubhaysekera1 S. J. Kumari A, Jayasinghe Pradeepa, Ekanayake Sagarika and Dutta Paresh C. (2005) Changes in fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of jaadi made from Indian Mackerel (Rastreligerkanagurata) during curing. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well -being.17 -18 November 2005, Anand, India. Pp 16 -18.
- Wimalasekera S and Ekanayake S. (2006). Performance at the final pre -clinical (2nd MBBS) examination and knowledge of English and Information Technology: A Sri Lankan Experience. 3rd Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore. February 2006. P 96.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jayasekera Sharmini, Thammitiyagoda Mayuri, and Kumara W.G. S. S (2003) Some reproductive parameters of ICR mice: Bred and maintained at the MRI. Research Sessions, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 28th February 2003.
- Ekanayake Sagarika (2001) Report on a Course “Chemometry” International Program In the Chemical Sciences (IPICS) News Letter. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Pp 42 -47.
- Ghafoor S and Ekanayake S (2006) Lasia spinosa: and underutilized vegetable. Malta Polyphenols 2006.International conference on Polyphenols applications in nutrition and health. Malta. October 26 -27. P 98.
- Keerthi A A P, Mendis W S, Jansz E R, Ekanayake S and Perera M S A (2006) Effect of flabelliferin B on wound healing: A preliminary study. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science Proceedings 62nd Annual sessions. P 13.
- Ekanayake S, Jayasundera J M M A and Marikkar J M N (2006) The effect of virgin oil and essential fatty acids enriched virgin coconut oil on serum cholesterol levels in Wistar rats. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 62nd Annual sessions. P 38.
- Shefaana A G, Ekanayake S and Jansz E R (2006). Some nutritional aspects of Lasia spinosa (kohila). Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 62nd Annual sessions. Pp 67 -68.
- Keerthi A A P, Jansz E R and Ekanayake S (2006) A study on mosquito larvaecidal and hyper haemolytic compounds of palmyrah flour. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 62nd Annual sessions. Pp 85 -86.
- Widanagamage R, Ekanayake S and Welihinda J (2007) Postprandial blood glucose response of some Sri Lankan breakfast meals. CHEMTECH 2007.International conference on Chemistry, Technology and Innovation for greater safety and economic growth. Colombo, Sri Lanka. June 20 -23 2007. P 45.
- W V R T G Bandara, Ekanayake S, Jansz E R and Rokia R: Effect of plant material Gymenemalactiferum on the glycaemic and lipidaemic status of Type 2 diabetic Long -Evan rats. Conference of European Association for the Studies on Diabetes. 17 -21 September 2007.
- K R R Seneviratne and Ekanayake S: (2007) Proximate composition of coconut flesh, first and second extractions of coconut milk. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63nd Annual sessions. Pp 69 -70.
- W V R T G Bandara, Ekanayake S, Jansz E R and Balasubramanium K (2007) Thehypocholesterolaemic effect of Canthiumcoromandelicum leaf on Wistar rats. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63nd Annual sessions. P 71.
- Widanagamage R, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J (2007) Effect of selected traditional breakfast meals on postprandial serum glucose levels. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63nd Annual sessions. Pp 18 -19.
- Widanagamage R, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J (2007) Effect of different processing methods on starch structures: A microscopic study. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63nd Annual sessions. Pp21 -22.
- Samarasinghe KRR, Rajapaksha D, Ekanayake S (2007) Evaluation of protein quality in minor cereal grown in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63rd Annual sessions. Pp 133 -134
- Hettiaratchi U P K, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J (2007) Comparison of glucometer and an enzymatic assay values of blood glucose during assessment of glycaemic indices: A preliminary study. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63rd Annual sessions. Pp164 -165.
- Hettiaratchi Usha, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J (2007) Blood glucose responses to selected bread varieties. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings 63rd Annual sessions. Pp 165 -166.
- Bandara Thushari, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika & Balasubramanium K (2008) Preparation of Pinnatudestroys the hypocholesterolaemic effect of palmyrah fruit pulp. Chemistry in Sri Lanka Vol 25 (2) 20p.
- Bandara Thushari, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika & Balasubramanium K (2008) Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on serum glucose and cholesterol levels of normoglycaemic and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Chemistry in Sri Lanka Vol 25 (2) 20 -21pp.
- Bandara Thushari, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika&Balasubramanium K (2008) Effects of Gymnemalactiferum on glycamic and lipidaemic status in type 2 diabetics. Chemistry in Sri Lanka Vol 25 (2) 21p.
- Keerthi A A P, Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R (2008) The cytotoxic and hyper haemolytic steroidal saponins of palmyrah flour. Chemistry in Sri Lanka Vol 25 (2) 22p.
- Keerthi, A A P, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika (2008) Bioactivity directed separation of the neurotoxins of palmyrah flour and studies on its structure. Chemistry in Sri Lanka Vol 25 (2) 24 – 25pp.
- Hettiaratchi U. P. K., Ekanayake Sagarika, Welihinda Jayantha, (2008) Effects of macronutrients and carbohydrate sources on the Glycaemic indices (GI) of some South Asian meals. 9th Nordic Nutrition Conference (June 4 -6th 2008). P 85.
- Hettiaratchi Usha, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J (2008) Effect of release of glucose from selected food items on their glycaemic indices. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P 15.
- Hettiaratchi Usha and Ekanayake, S. (2008) Glycaemic responses of bananas. Annual Sessions of the College of General Practitioners. September 27 -28th
- Hettiaratchi Usha, Senevirathne R I M S K, Ekanayake, S. (2008) Effect of inter and intra individual variations in determination of glycaemic indices. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P
- Senevirathne R I M S K, Ekanayake, S, and Jansz E R. (2008) Traditional foods and their blood glucose responses. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P 99.
- Wageesha N D A, Ekanayake S, Jansz E R and Lamabadusuriya S P (2008) Recognition of foods responsible for hypercarotenaemia from serum carotenoid metabolic profiles. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P
- Withanage Niroshima and Ekanayake S. (2008) Chemical composition of selected varieties of chicken sausages. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P
- Kapila Seneviratne, Sagarika Ekanayake&Chamil D Hapuarachchi (2008) Comparison of in vivo antioxidant activity of traditional coconut oil, virgin coconut oil and soya oil. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P
- Kapila Seneviratne, Sagarika Ekanayake& Roshan T Kotuwegedara (2008) Preparation of coconut oil blends and the evaluation of their health effects. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual sessions. P141.
- Hettiaratchi Usha & Ekanayake, S. (2008) Study of physicochemical properties of foods that influence the glycaemic responses. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.64th Annual session ns. P 97.
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Widanagamage R, Hettiaratchi U. P. K., Welihinda Jayantha (2008). Effect of macronutrients and processing methods on glycaemic indices of traditional pure and mixed meals. First European Food Congress, Slovenia, 4 -9th November 2008. [P021].
- Ekanayake Sagarika, Jayasundara J M M A &Arachchige K S A. (2008) Effect of feeding virgin coconut oil enriched with carotenoids from carrot on vitamin A levels in Wistar rats. First European Food Congress, Slovenia, 4 -9th November 2008. [O32.4]
- A.P. Keerthi, E.R. Jansz, & S. Ekanayake (2008) Some Bioactivity Studies on Underutilized Palmyrah Products. International Seminar & Workshop on Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass. 15 -16 December 2008. Pp 128 -131.
- Hettiaratchi U. P. K., Ekanayake Sagarika, Welihinda Jayantha (2009) The in vitro rate of hydrolysis of starch of single and mixed meals (and the correlation with the in vivo glycaemic indices). Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society 2009. January 23 -24. Hotel Taj, Colombo. P
- Hettiaratchi UPK, Ekanayake S& Welihinda J. (2009). Use of glucometers in determining Glycaemic Indices. 19th International Congress of Nutrition, 4 -9th October. P 306.
- Thilan Kalaichelvi, Ekanayake S (2009) A preliminary study on lycopene content and the effect of storage in Sri Lankan tomatoes and its availability in processed tomato products. Institute of Chemistry Ceylon,Annual sessions.
- Wageesha, NDA, Ekanayake, S, Jansz, ER and Lamabadusuriya, SP (2009). Fate of excess carotenoids fed to Wistar rats and ICR mice. Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 65th Annual Sessions. P 8.
- Wageesha, NDA, Ekanayake, S, Jansz, ER and Lamabadusuriya, SP (2009). A preliminary investigation on prevalence of hypercarotenaemia among infants/children in the Western province. The College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka, 35th Annual Academic Sessions. P 2.
- Wageesha, NDA, Ekanayake, S, Jansz, ER and Lamabadusuriya, SP (2009) Vitamin A mega dosing and development of hypercarotenaemia. Buddhism, Science and Development -50th Anniversary Academic Conference, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 9 -12 December 2009. P 62.
- Senavirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S, Jansz ER and Welihinda J (2009) Proximate compositions and blood glucose responses of traditional tuber varieties. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings 65th Annual Sessions. P 10.
- Senavirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2009) Total phenolics and antioxidant properties of some traditional breakfast foods of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions. P 85.
- Senadheera SPAS, Senavirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S (2009) Protein quality of processed and unprocessed flour of Madu (Cycas circinalis). Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions. P 86.
- Senevirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2009) Nutritional quality and blood glucose responses of a food product from Kithul (Caryotaurens). Buddhism, Science and Development – 50th Anniversary Academic Conference, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 9 -12 December 2009. P 60.
- Senevirathne Kapila, Chamil D Hapuarachchi and Ekanayake Sagarika (2009) Improving the nutritional quality of coconut oil by incorporating phenolic substances of coconut cake. Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions. P 126.
- Hettiaratchi UPK, Ekanayake S, Welihinda J & Perera MSA. (2009) Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to three breakfast meals and the effects of the breakfast meals on a standard lunch meal with type 2 diabetic patients. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions. P 11.
- Hettiaratchi UPK, Ekanayake S, &Welihinda J. (2009) Influence of dietary fibre on glycaemic indices of rice meals. Buddhism, Science and Development – 50th Anniversary Academic Conference, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 9 -12 December 2009. P 63.
- Ekanayake S. (2009) Studies on Glycaemic indices of basic starch food items andtypical Sri Lankan food items (Review) National Research Council 10th Anniversary, Seminar on Research for National Development. Nov 2009. Pp 1 -4.
- Gunasekera M.M.N.P., Samarasekara R., Rathnayake R.M.P.D., Bandara E.M.S., A.M.S.R.Chathuranga, Ekanayake S. (2010) Acute oral toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt AB 67) Sri Lankan isolate.Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science. 66th Annual sessions. P 64.
- Senavirathana RMISK, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2010). Nutritional quality and Glyceamic index of pittu prepared from hal flour (Vateriacopallifera). Annual Scientific Sessions of Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka. P 6.
- Hettiaratchi UPK, Ekanayake S & Welihinda J (2010) Nutritional aspects of a jack fruit meal. Annual Scientific Sessions of Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka. P 9.
- Senavirathana RMISK, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2010). Processing induced changes in starch granular structure of some indigenous tubers. Scientific Sessions of the Institute of Chemistry, 2010. Vol 27 (2). P 10.
- Nishantha Perera, Thilan Kalaichelvi, Sagarika Ekanayake, Warna Fernando and Manisha Wickramasinghe (2010). Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of fibre enriched Maliban bran cracker. 1st International Congress on Food Technology, November 3 -5th 2010, Antalya, Turkey. P 203.
- S Ekanayake, W M U D Bandaranayake, K B W M R A I Wathupolaand P M C Somathunga (2010). Effect of long term ingestion of “FadnaDiabetea” on blood glucose, liver and kidney of Wistar Rats. 5th Asian Congress of Dietetics, 10 -12th November, Bangkok, Thailand. P 139.
- Senevirathna R. M. I. S. K., Senadheera S. P. A. S and Ekanayake S. (2010) Mammalian liver toxicity of Cycas circinalis raw and processed seed flour. International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry, 26 -30 July 2010, Mauritius. P 41.
- Senadheera S. P. A. S., Ekanayake S. (2011). Glycaemic responses and Glycaemic indices of coconut and green leafy porridges. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society 2010 (January 2011). P 14.
- Somaratne R M N U and Ekanayake S. (2011) Glycaemis indices of some selected rice varieties. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society 2010 (January 2011). P 5.
- Senevirathna R. M. I. S. K., Ekanayake S. and Welihinda J (2011) Processing induced physical and chemical changes in starch granular structure of food prepared from endogenous flour varieties. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society 2010. (January 2011). P 11.
- Wageesha N D A, Ekanayake S, Jansz, ER and Lamabadusuriya, SP (2011) Development of hypercarotenaemia: Loss of control over absorption of pro -vitamin A carotenoids? Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society 2010. (January 2011). P 16.
- Ekanayake S, Perera Nishantha, Senerath Anura, Nayana Karunarathne & Traveen Fernando (2011) Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of a cracker targeting diabetic populations. ISEKI -Food 2011. Milan, Italy. August 31 – September 2, 2011. P242.
- Perera Rupika, Ekanayake S and Ranaweera KDW (2011) In vitro antioxidant activity and phenolic activity of water extract of selected plants with antidiabetic properties. 67th annual sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science Annual sessions. P 20.
- Perera Rupika, Ekanayake S., and Ranaweera KDW (2011) ABTS free radical scavenging activity of some herbal water extracts used in diabetic treatment. 3rd International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products2011, 19 -22 December 2011, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka. P 77.
- Senadheera S. P. A. S., and Ekanayake S (2011). Nutritional composition and glycaemic indices (GI) of coconut and some green leafy porridges. 3rd International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products2011, 19 -22 December 2011, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka. P 100.
- Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S. and Ranaweera K.K.D.S (2012) In vitro antiglycation activity of Syzygiumcumini (Madan) water extract. Proceedings of the National Ayurvedha Research Conference, Sri Lanka. The Bandaranayake Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute and the Ministry of Indigenous Medicine. P 30.
- Senadheera S. P. A. S. and Ekanayake S. (2012) Effect of coconut milk on starch digestion in green leafy porridges. Annual scientific sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, 28 -29 January 2012. P 15.
- Jayasinghe K W M A, Ekanayake S. and Nugegoda D B(2012). Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic responses of foods made with finger millet flour. Annual scientific sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, 28 -29 January 2012. P 16.
- Ekanayake S (2012) Glycaemic index, glycaemic load and prevention of diabetes mellitus. Symposium Lecture. Annual scientific sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, 28 -29 January 2012. P 5.
- P. A. S. Senadheera andS. Ekanayake (2012). Antioxidant potential of green leafy porridges. International Conference on Chemical Sciences, 20 -22 June, 2012, Colombo. P 62.
- D Bandaranayake, P Lanerolle, T Thoradeniya & S Ekanayake (2012) Cafeteria foods in a Sri Lankan university: Consumption and quality. 44th APACPH conference, Sri Lanka. P 167.
- Senadheera S. P. A. S., Ekanayake S. (2012). Effect of long term consumption of selected green leafy porridges on liver enzyme profiles of Wistar rats. 2nd International Symposium – 2012, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 25th – 27th May 2012. P
- Wathupola A, Ekanayake S and Welihinda, J (2013) Glycaemic responses and glycaemic indices of rice and milk rice made with sudukekuluand red basmathi Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, 2 -3 February 2013. P 15.
- Senadheera S. P. A. S. and Ekanayake S. (2013). Effects of long term consumption of selected green leafy porridges on glycaemic and lipidaemic parameters of diabetic Wistar rats. Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka, 23 -24th February 2013. P 48.
- Ekanayake Sagarika (2013) Glycaemic indices of Sri Lankan foods. Annual Scientific Sessions of College of Dentistry and Stomatology of Sri Lanka, Hotel Galadari, 2 -3 March 2013. P 36 -39. (Guest Lecture).
- L. Chathuranga, N Perera, Warana Fernando, Manisha Wickramasinghe and S Ekanayake (2013). A healthy sweet treat for diabetics. EUROFOODCHEM XVII, Istanbul, Turkey May 7 -10, 2013. P 264.
- Sanjeevan and S Ekanayake (2013) Analysis of fatty acids profiles, oxidative and hydrolytic stability of some commonly utilized oils. Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon Annual sessions 2013. P 18 -19.
- Wathupola A, Ekanayake S&Welihinda, J (2013) Proximate nutrient composition and glycaemic responses of godamba and kottu roti. Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon Annual sessions 2013.P 27.
- Ekanayake Sagarika (2013) Sri Lankan Foods: Glycaemic indices and physico -chemical factors affecting the glycaemic indices. Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon Annual sessions 2013. (Dr C L De Silva Gold medal lecture abstract). Chemistry in Ceylon. 18th June 2013. P 8.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S. and Ekanayake S. (2013) Development of a marketable rice based herbal porridge suitable for diabetics from Scoparia dulcis. World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET2013); Symposium on Agriculture and Food Engineering (AFE2013), October 25 -27, 2013, Sanya, China. (Oral presentation). P 5.
- Bandara E.M.S, Ekanayake S., Wanigatunga C.A., and Kapuruge A. D (2013) Correlation between thyroid profile and lipid profile of patients awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): A preliminary study. 39thAnnual Academic Sessions of CGPSL. 10th November 2013.P 23.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S., andWanigatunga C. (2013) Effect of ingestion of Scoparia dulcis leafy porridge on type 2 diabetics: A preliminary study. 69th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), 2013. Pp 23 -24.
- Bandara E.M.S, Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S. Wanigatunga C.A., and Kapuruge A. D (2013) Anthropometric parameters of patients with type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart diseases, 69th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), 2013. Pp 212 -213.
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake S, and Samarasinghe K. (2013) Serum lipid profiles of newly diagnosed Sri Lankan breast cancer patients.69thAnnual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Scienc P 214.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S., and Wanigatunga C. (2013) Anti -diabetic and toxic effects of herbal porridge made of Scoparia dulcis leaf extract.5th Global summit on medicinal and aromatic plants, December 8 -12, 2013, Marriot Resort and Spa, Miri, Malaysia. P 207.
- Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S., and RanaweeraK.D.S. (2013) Antiglycation and antioxidant activity of a ready to serve herbal drink made from Syzygiumcumini extract. Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, December 8 -12, 2013 at Marriot Hotel and Spa, Miri, Malaysia 221.
- Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S., andRanaweera K.K.D.S. (2013) In vitro antiglycation activity of some medicinal plants used in diabetes mellitus. Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, December 8 -12, 2013 at Marriot Hotel and Spa, Miri, Malaysia
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S., andWanigatunga C. (2013) Consumption of green leafy preparations by type 2 diabetic patients.5th Global summit on medicinal and aromatic plants, December 8 -12, 2013, Marriot Resort and Spa, Miri, Malaysia. P 235.
- Akalanka H.M.K and Ekanayake S (2014) Phytochemical screening and cytotoxicity of Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz extracts: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium 2013. February 7 2014. Pp 5 -7. (Merit Award)
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake Sand Wanigatunge C. A (2014) Dietary patterns of type 2 diabetics of a selected study center. Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium 2013.February 7, 2014. Pp 169 -171.
- M.M.S. Ekanayake, H.P.R.P. Gunawardhena and S. Ekanayake (2014) Effect of long term ingestion of FADNA DIABETEA on glycaemic response and liver in normal healthy adults. Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium 2013. February 7 2014.Pp 52 -54.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S., Wanigatunga C. (2014) The effect of herbal porridge made with Scopariadulcisonlipid parameters of type 2 diabetics. 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, 22 -23 January 2014. P 58.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S., Wanigatunga C. (2014) Consumption of sweetened foods/ drinks by type 2 diabetic patients of a selected study center. 1stRuhuna International Science and Technology Conference –2014; 22 -23 January 2014. P 57.
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake S, andSamarasinghe K. (2014) Anthropometric parameters and attitudes towards physical exercise among breast cancer patients. 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference 22 -23 January 2014, P 54. (1st Runner up in best poster competition)
- Bandara EMS, Ekanayake S, Kapuruge A and Wanigatunge CA (2014). C – Reactive Protein association with overweight and obesity of patients awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): A preliminary study. 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology conference. P 36. (Award of 1st runner up -best oral presentation).
- M.S. Bandara, S. Ekanayake, A. D. Kapuruge and C. A. Wanigatunge. (2014) Correlation of risk of operative mortality and anthropometric measurements of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): a preliminary study. Peradeniya University International Research Session 2014, Peradeniya. July 4 -5, 2014.P 274.
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake S, and Samarasinghe K. (2014) Thyroid profiles of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Peradeniya University International Research Session2014, Peradeniya, July 4 -5, 2014.P
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake S, andSamarasinghe K. (2014) Serum ferritin and its association with intake of animal proteins in patients with breast cancer. Wayamba International Conference 2014.P 180.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, andK Samarasinghe (2014) A study on risk factors associated with development of breast cancer. Indo global health care summit and expo 2014. Hyderabad, India. June 20 -22 2014. (poster)
- Bandara EMS, Ekanayake S, Kapuruge A and Wanigatunge CA (2014). Association of antioxidant potential and severity of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in diabetics and non diabetics. Indo -Global Healthcare Summit and Expo, Hyderabad, India June 20 -22 2014, – (poster).
- Bandara, EMS, Ekanayake, S, Kapuruge, A and Wanigatunge, CA (2014). Association of selected risk factors and the number of grafts at Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery: A preliminary study.International conference on multidisciplinary Approaches, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 13th and 14th August (2014). P 25.
- Bandara, EMS, Ekanayake, S, Kapuruge, A and Wanigatunge, CA (2014). Lipoprotein (a) and its association with severity of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) of patients awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): A preliminary study. Ceylon College of Physicians, 47th Annual Academic Sessions, 6th October 2014. P 76.
- Bandara, EMS, Ekanayake, S, Kapuruge, A and Wanigatunge, CA (2014). Statins and liver toxicity among patient awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery: A preliminary observation. Ceylon College of Physicians, 47th Annual Academic Sessions, 6th October 2014. Pp 76 -77.
- Bandara, EMS, Ekanayake, S, Kapuruge, A and Wanigatunge, CA (2014). Association of serum ferritin and severity of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). The College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka, 40th Annual Academic Sessions,17th -18th October (2014). P 29.
- Gunathilaka M, D, T, L and Ekanayake S, (2014). Glycaemic Index (GI) of commercially available basmati rice varieties. The College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka, 40th Annual Academic Sessions. P -21.
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake S, andSamarasinghe K. (2014) Breast Cancer prevalence according to the anatomical site of origin. International conference on multidisciplinary Approaches, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 13th and 14th August (2014). P 42.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2014) Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.40th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka. P 27.
- Ekanayake Sagarika andBaboo M Nair (2014) Chemical composition and nutritional value of the seeds of Canavalia gladiata. Fourth International Seminar on Sustainable utilisation of tropical plant bio mass & ayur informatics. University of Kerala, Karyavattom, Trivandrum, India. 12 -13 December 2014. Pp 142 -43.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2015),A study of selected risk factors in Sri Lankan breast cancer.2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology conference. January 22 -23 2015. P 99.
- Bandara E.M.S, Ekanayake S., Wanigatunga C.A., Kapuruge A. (2015) C -reactive protein and fibrinogen levels in smokers with CAD. Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2015, 23 January 2015. Pp 21 -24 (Merit certificate).
- Bandara, EMS, Ekanayake, S, Kapuruge, A and Wanigatunge, CA (2015) Consumption patterns of animal and high fat food items by patients with CAD. 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology conference. January 22 -23 2015. P 51.
- Bandara EMS, Ekanayake S, Kapuruge A and Wanigatunge CA (2015). Relationship between pre and post -operative albumin concentrations and development of post -operative infections in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) patients. 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology conference, January 22nd and 23rd (2015). P 52.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2015) Sex hormone profiles and anthropometric parameters of post menopausal breast cancer patients. Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2015, 23 January 2015. Pp 5 -8.
- Gunathilaka M, D, T, L and Ekanayake S. (2015) Do different cooking methods affect Glycaemic Index (GI). YSF annual scientific sessions 2015, 23 January 2015. P
- Ekanayake Sagarika (2015) Protein quality assessment of foods/diets with animal models. 2nd Scientific sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) 16 -17 January 2015. P 27.
- W C Prasadini, Kapila N Seneviratne and Sagarika Ekanayake (2015) Effects of different oils on absorption of caffeic and vanillic acids in Wistar rats. 2nd Scientific sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) 16 -17 January 2015. P 27.
- W C Prasadini, Kapila N Seneviratne and Sagarika Ekanayake (2015) Effects of incorporation of selected antioxidants on lipid profiles of Wistar rats fed diets containing different oils. 2nd Scientific sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) 16 -17 January 2015. P 42.
- Ekanayake S. (2015) Effect of particle size of starchy staple on glycaemic index of foods. IJFST 50th Celebration Conference, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand,17th -19th February 2015. (oral)
- Ekanayake S. (2015). Do protein, fat and dietary fibre content of cooked rice affect the glycaemic index in different rice varieties? IJFST 50th Celebration Conference, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand,17th -19th February 2015 (oral).
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe. (2015) Serum lipid profiles of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition, Yokohama, Japan. P 123 (Mirakawa Travel Award).
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2015) Serum lipid profiles, anthropometric parameters and sex hormone concentrations of postmenopausal breast cancer patients. Annual Scientific Sessions of Menopause Society of Sri Lanka. June 21st 2015. P 27 (oral)
- P R D Perera, Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2015). Antidiabetic compounds in Syzygiumcumini ready to serve drink. June 17 -19th 44th Annual sessions of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, P P G L Siriwardene Auditorium, Rajagiriya. Pp 23 -24. (oral)
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2015) Can sex hormone concentrations predict Her2 status of postmenopausal breast cancer patients? Kotalawela Defence University 8th International Conference, Ratmalana. P131.
- Bandara EMS, Ekanayake S, Kapuruge A and Wanigatunge CA (2015) Pre and post -operative total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and development of post -operative infections in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) patients. Kotalawela Defence University 8th International Conference, Ratmalana. P128.
- Bandara EMS, Ekanayake S, Kapuruge A and Wanigatunge CA (2015). Association of serum cortisol with severity of coronary artery disease. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies 2015, September 12 -132015.
- P R D Perera, Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2015) Comparison of Antiglycation and antioxidant potentials and total phenolic contents of decoctions from antidiabetic plants. International Symposium on Applied Chemistry 2015, BANDUNG, INDONESIA 5 -7th October 2015. P 89.
- P R D Perera, Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2015) Antioxidant, antiglycation potentials and total phenolic content of Scoparia dulcis National conference on Indigenous Systems of Medicine -2015. Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute, Navinna, Maharagama October 16 -18th 2015. P 9.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2015) ‘Serum uric acid: a marker to predict risk factor of breast cancer?’ 71st Annual Sessions of Sri Lankan Association for the Advancement of Science: P 104.
- M. S. Bandara, S Ekanayake, A. Kapuruge and C. A. Wanigatunge (2015) Prevalence of well -known risk factors among patients with Coronary Artery Disease. 71st Annual Sessions of Sri Lankan Association for the Advancement of Science. P 3.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2016) Vitamin D status of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients: Annual Scientific Sessions, Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka: Pp 18 -19.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2016) A comparative study of thyroid profiles of breast cancer patients and apparently healthy women, 5th Young Scientists Forum Symposium, Colombo. Pp 05 -07. Merit award.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2016), Serum ferritin in newly diagnosed breast cancer and apparently healthy individuals. 25th Anniversary International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Ragama. P 103.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2016), CA15 -3 and the grade of the breast carcinoma in newly diagnosed patients. 25th Anniversary International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Ragama. P 105.
- M.K Akalanka, and S Ekanayake, (2016), Antioxidant status and breast cancer. Annual sessions of Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 33(2) P 17.
- M.S Bandara, S. Ekanayake, A. Kapuruge and C. A. Wanigatunge (2016) Can nutritional or immune markers predict development of post -operative infections in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients?129th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. July 2016.
- Senadheera S.P.A.S., Ekanayake S. and Wanigatunga C. (2016) Nutritional evaluation and influence on Carbohydrate and Lipid metabolism of porridge made with green leafy vegetables. Ceylon College of Physicians – 49thAnnual Academic Sessions 23rd September 2016.
- Akalanka H.M.K, Ekanayake and K. Samarasinghe (2017). Association between CRP and BMI of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Proceedings of the 6th YSF Symposium, YSF, NASTEC, University of Peradeniya. Pp 6 -8. January 20, 2017. (Merit Award)
- Waidyarathna G.R.N.N and Ekanayake (2017) Proximate composition of raw and boiled Ipomea batata (sweet potatoes) cultivars. Nutrition Society Annual Sessions, University of Peradeniya, January 29th 2017. P 10 -11.
- Ragutharan, and S. Ekanayake (2017) Total Phenolic content and Antioxidant potential of Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz. Seed Kernel extracts. The Annual Scientific Sessions 2017, FMS USJ, 24 -25 May 2017. Pp 70 -71.
- Ragutharan, and S. Ekanayake (2017) Cytotoxic potential of different fractions of methanolic extract of Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz. Seed Kernel. Annual Sessions, 2017. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. 17 June 2017.P 20.
- L A Wijesekara, R Usoiof, S S T Gamage, N T Gamage, D de Silva and S Ekanayake (2017) Mercury levels in hair samples of dentists: A comparative preliminary study. Annual Sessions 2017, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. June 2017. Pp25 -26.
- Thennakoon, T.P.A.U., K.P.S.N. Pathiranand Sagarika Ekanayake (2017) Hypoglycaemic and toxicity effects of a diabetic tea product in normoglycaemicWistar rats. Annual Sessions, June 2017, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. Pp 36 -37.
- Waidyarathna G.R.N.Nand Ekanayake (2017) Nutrient composition of some boiled Ipomeabatata (sweet potatoes) cultivars. Annual Sessions 2017. Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. June 2017. Pp 37 -38.
- Ragutharan P and Ekanayake S. (2017) Activity of Barringtonia asiatica extractson MCF -7 breast cancer cells. 46th Annual session 2017. Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon: Chemistry in Sri Lanka.17 June 2017. P 34.
- Waidyarathna G.R.N.N, S Ekanayake, and A Chandrasekera (2017) Newly introduced Makandura Purple sweet potato (Ipomea batata) cultivar: Nutritional facts. iPurse 2017, University of Peradeniya.24st November 2017. P 116.
- Chaturi N. Senanayake, Kapila N Seneviratne, N Jayatilake and Ekanayake S (2017). Nutritional effect of consumption of domestic and commercially available coconut milk preparations in Wistar rats. International Postgraduate Research Conference – 2017, University Kelaniya, Kelaniya. 24 -25th November 2017. P 61.
- Chaturi N. Senanayake, Kapila N Seneviratne, N Jayatilaka and Ekanayake S (2017). Effect of Psidium guineense leaf (PGL) extract and coconut cake (CC) extract on serum lipid and serum antioxidant capacity of Wistar rats. 73rd Annual Sessions, SLAAS. Open University of Sri Lanka. 6th December 2017. P 95.
- Wijesinghe K.G and Ekanayake S. (2017) Antioxidant potential of traditional kurakkan (Eluecine coracana) thalapaand kollu (Mocrotylomauniflorum) curry. 73rd Annual Sessions, SLAAS. Open University of Sri Lanka.6th December 2017.
- Wijesinghe K.G and Ekanayake S. (2017) Nutritional composition and glycaemicresponse of two traditional Sri Lankan meals. iPurse, University of Peradeniya. 21st November 2017.
- Waidyarathna G.R.N.N. Ekanayake S and Chandrasekara G.A.P (2017) Selected fatty acids in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) tuber flour. 73rd Annual Sessions, SLAAS. Open University of Sri Lanka. 6th December 2017. P 188.
- Ragutharan P, Weerasekera MM and Ekanayake S (2017) Antibacterial activity of selected Barringtonia asiatica seed kernel fractions against bacteria. 73rd Annual Sessions, SLAAS. Open University of Sri Lanka. 6th December 2017. P 181.
- Ekanayake S (2018) Food analysis; why and current hows. (Guest Editorial). Chemistry in Sri Lanka 35(2). P 3.
- Ragutharan P, Weerasekera M M and Ekanayake S (2018). Potential of Barringtoniaasiatica seed extracts as antifungal agents. 47th Annual Sessions of Institute of Chemistry. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 35 (2). Pp 16 -17. 12th June 2018.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. Ekanayake S and Chandrasekara G.A.P (2018). Some functional properties of Ipomea batata (sweet potatoes) cultivars for potential use in Industry. 47th Annual Sessions of Institute of Chemistry. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 35 (2). Pp 19 -20.
- Weerarathne MPPP & Ekanayake S (2018) Glycaemc index of Vitagen: A commercial proforma formulated meal replacement. 47th Annual Sessions of Institute of Chemistry. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 35 (2). Pp 24 -25.
- Wijeratne A C, K K D S Ranaweera, S Ekanayake, P R D Pereraand S Senanayaka (2018) Physiochemical properties of rice based herbal biscuit Incorporated with the decoction of Syzygiumcumini bark. 47th Annual Sessions of Institute of Chemistry. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 35 (2). P 30.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. Ekanayake S and Chandrasekara G.A.P (2018).Assessment of glycaemic indices of Ipomea batata (sweet potato) cultivars. Wayamba International Conference (WIN C -2018) Wayamba university of Sri Lanka, August 25 -26th
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2018) Nutritional composition and physic -chemical propertiesof selected traditional rice (Oryza sativa) varieties. Wayamba International Conference (WIN C -2018) Wayamba university of Sri Lanka, August 25 -26th P 225.
- Weerarathne MPPP and Ekanayake S (2018) Glycaemc index of kithul treacle: A substitute for table sugar? Wayamba International Conference (WIN C -2018) Wayamba university of Sri Lanka, August 25 -26th
- Ragutharan, S. Ekanayake and S. R.Samarakoon(2018) Study on cytotoxic and apoptotic potential of Barringtonia asiatica seed kernel against HepG2 cell line. Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products XVI (ASOMPS XVI). December, Colombo.P 96.
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2018) Chemical and Functional Properties of Selected Traditional Rice (Oryza sativa) Varieties. 3rd International Research symposium on pure and applied sciences IRSPAS 26 October 2018. University of Kelaniya. P 36.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N and Ekanayake S (2018) Variation in WSI &WAI of Ipomea batata (sweet potato) cultivars. IRSPAS Kelaniya University. 26th October 2018. P 62.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. and Ekanayake, S. (2019) Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) cultivars available in Sri Lanka, 8th Symposium, YSF, 30th January 2019, Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA), Colombo 07. Pp145 -147.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. and Ekanayake, S. (2019) Starch characteristics of selected Ipomea batatas (Sweet potatoes) cultivars in Sri Lanka. Ruhuna International S & T conference (RISTCON). January 30th P 52.
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Proximate composition of differently processed Dik wee and dahanala. 8th Symposium, Young Scientist Forum. January 27th P 47 -49.
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2019) Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of selected traditional rice. International Conference on Public Health and Well -being 2019. April 4 -5th 2019, Negambo, Sri Lanka.P 10.
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Effect of parboiling on glycemic response of some traditional rice varieties in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Public Health and Well -being 2019. April 4 -5th 2019, Negambo, Sri Lanka. P 56. (Best Poster Award).
- Ragutharan, S. Ekanayake and S. R.Samarakoon (2019) Cytotoxic and apoptotic effect of Barringtonia asiatica seed kernelagainst HepG2 cell line. 48thAnnual Sessions of Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon, Adamantane House, Rajagiriya, 10 -11th June 2019. Pp 31 -32.
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Proximate composition and glycemic indices of selected traditional rice varieties. Asian Nutrition Conference 2019, Bali, Indonesia. (7th August 2019)
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Sri Lankan traditional rice: Does parboiling contributes to lower the carbohydrate load in an edible portion? International conference on Agriculture and Food Security 2019. (9th August 2019)
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2019) Assessment of glycemic responses of five Sri Lankan traditional (Oryza sativa) rice varieties. International conference on Agriculture and Food Security 2019. (9th August 2018)
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2019) Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Their Ability on Controlling Postprandial Glycaemic Response’. 12th KDU -IRC 2019 Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. 11th and 12th of September 2019.
- Ragutharan, S. Ekanayake and S. R. Samarakoon (2019) Study on Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Potential of Barringtonia asiatica Seed Kernel against MCF -7 Cell Line. 12th KDU -IRC 2019 Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. 11th and 12th of September 2019.
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Does resistant starch content vary with processing? A study with selected traditional rice varieties of Sri Lanka. 12th KDU -IRC 2019 Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. 11th and 12th of September, 2019.
- Bhagya K A D L and Ekanayake S. (2019) Assessment of proximate composition of selected traditional rice (Oryza sativa L) varieties in Sri Lanka. SLAAS Annual Sessions, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 9 -13th P
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. and Ekanayake, S. (2019) Selected properties of carbohydrates of some sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) varieties in Sri Lanka. SLAAS Annual Sessions, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 9 -13th P
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2019) Determination of nutritional value of differently processed rice flour of traditional paddy varieties. SLAAS Annual Sessions, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 9 -13th
- Ekanayake S. (2019) Eat rice to be healthy: variety, processing and preparation. 11th Annual Sessions of IBMBB. IBMBB, Colombo. Pp July 2019. Pp 11 -12.
- Senevirathna, R.M.S.I.K., S. Ekanayaka, E.R. Janz and J. Welihinda, 2010. Can Sri Lankan food control metabolic syndrome? Proceedings of RUSL Research Symposium, October 28, 2010, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pp: 1 -3.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2020) Serum Sex hormone concentrations and hormone receptor status of breast cancer patients in Sri Lanka. 5th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Chemical Pathologists Sri Lanka – 14 & 15 February 2020. Colombo.
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2020) Are the fatty acids of traditional rice affected by different processing methods? International conference on “Frontiers in Chemical Technology”, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, July 22 -24, 2020.
- N. Dahanayake, and S. Ekanayake. (2020) Iron and vitamin C content in green leafy vegetables. KDU -IRC 2020. 13th International Conference, 15 -16 October 2020.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2020) Thyroid and sex hormones in predicting breast cancer risk. The 10th Asia Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) General Assembly and Conferences, Tehran, Iran, November 23/December 01, 2020 (Virtual).
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2020) How does antioxidant potential vary with processing? study with selected traditional rice varieties of Sri Lanka. ICMA 2020, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. December 8 -9. P 46.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2020) Biochemical parameters in assessing the risk in developing breast cancer in Sri Lanka. 76th SLAAS Annual Sessions University of Kelaniya (virtual) P 4.
- Ragutharan, P, S. Ekanayake and S. R. Samarakoon (2020) Comparative cytotoxicity of seeds of a purely ornamental tree – for further exploration. 76th SLAAS Annual Sessions 2020 University of Kelaniya (virtual). P 92.
- Bhagya K A D L, Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2020) Physical parameters and correlation between glycaemic responses of less commonly consumed traditional rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties of Sri Lanka. 76th SLAAS Annual Sessions University of Kelaniya (virtual). P 115.
- Ekanayake S. (2020) Bioactivities of seeds of an ornamental plant (Barringtonia asiatica) with special reference to cytotoxicity and anticancer activity. Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass – 2020 (SUTPBM -2020), Mahathma Ghandi University, India (virtual)
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2020) Commercially available herbal porridges made with traditional rice (Hela suwaya); a healthy alternative for breakfast? Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass – 2020 (SUTPBM -2020), Mahathma Ghandi University, India. (virtual)
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. and Ekanayake, S. (2020) Development of Ready to Eat Extruded Composite Flour Blends Incorporating Underutilized Ipomea batatas (Sweet potatoes) Variety. Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass – 2020 (SUTPBM -2020), Mahathma Ghandi University, India. (virtual)
- Thennakoon T A P U and Ekanayake S (2021) Sri Lankan Traditional Rice: Is Parboiled Rice Good for Lowering Glycaemic Response? Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka – 2021. P 56.
- M.N.A. Herath, M. L. D.Wasana, A. de Silva, N. Gunawardana, W.M.P.B. Weerasinghe, S. Ekanayake , and T. Madhujith (2021) Trans Fatty Acid Content of Shortenings and Fat Spreads Used in the Bakery Industry in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka – 2021. P 74.
- Fernando HS, Ekanayake GS and Ekanayake S (2021) Maliban Malt – Nutrition profile and glycaemic index. First International Research Conference in Health Sciences. Faculty of Allied Health Science, USJ. March 2021. P 114.
- Wimalarathne B. A. Lishana C and Ekanayake Sagarika (2021) Effect of cooking on antioxidant properties of traditional rice varieties. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 38(2) 39 -40.
- Randiligama Bismi Thisaruka and Ekanayake Sagarika (2021) Antioxidant properties of commercially available (Hela Suwaya) herbal porridges. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 38 (2) 40 -41.
- Disanayaka H. N, Ekanayake Sagarika and Keerthi A.A.P. (2021) Proximate composition of tetra -packed fresh milk in Sri Lankan Market. Chemistry in Sri Lanka 38 (2) 42.
- Suntharesan J, Atapattu N, De Silva DGH, Jasinghe E, Ekanayake S, Dunseath G, Luzio S and Premawardhana L D (2021) Plasma glucose and gut hormone responses in obese children after three meals with increasing resistant starch. British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED) 2021 Virtual Congress, November 24 -26 2021. P 49.
- M.K Akalanka, S Ekanayake, and K Samarasinghe (2021) A study on stressful lifestyle, cortisol concentrations and breast cancer risk. NZBCS -2021: the Virtual NZ Breast Cancer Symposium. 19thNovember 2021 (virtual). P 35.
- Thennakoon T P A U, Ekanayake S (2021) Effect of processing conditions on functional properties of some selected traditional rice varieties in Sri Lanka. ICMA 2021.
- M.S Bandara, S. Ekanayake, A. Kapuruge and C. A. Wanigatunge (2021) Associated risk factors and their relation with disease severity in a cohort of menopausal women with coronary artery disease: a preliminary descriptive analysis. 6th Biennial conference of South Asian Federation of Menopause Societies and the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of Menopause Society of Sri Lanka (SAFOMS -MENOSOC 2021) 21st November 2021. Pp 42 -43.
- G.R.G.Jinadasa, H.M.K. Akalanka, N.D A. Wageesha, S. Ekanayake (2021) Statins as a potential anticancer agent in breast cancer: a systematic review of BC cell line studies. NZBCS -2021: the Virtual NZ Breast Cancer Symposium. 19thNovember 2021 (virtual). P 102.
- Suntharesan J, Atapattu N, De Silva DGH, Jasinghe E, Ekanayake S, Dunseath G, Luzio S, Premawardhana L D (2022) Post prandial plasma glucose and gut hormone response after meals containing variable amounts of resistant starch (RS) and protein – First study in obese children in Sri Lanka. 24thAnnual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians -2022, 24 -26 April 2022, Hotel Cinnamon Grand, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Potential sustainable utilization of pineapple waste of Murusi & Kew varieties; a comparative study of biological activities. VINGNANAM Research Conference – 2022. July 21 2022
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S. (2022). Phytogenic Silver Nanoparticles from Pineapple Peel Waste Extract of Murusi and Kew for Antioxidant Activity”. IRCUWU2022. July 28th
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Phytochemical screening and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant potential, total phenolic and flavonoid content of palmyra (Borassus flabellifer Linn.) pulp and sprout. Research Conference, Jaffna University. 5th August 2022.
- Waidyaratna G.R.N.N. and Ekanayake, S. (2022) Nutrient composition and glycaemic response of nine sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) varieties in Sri Lanka. Research conference, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. 5th August 2022.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T. Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Synthesis, characterization and antioxidant potential of Ag/ZnO hetero nanocomposites incorporating Ananas comosus peel waste extract. ICN 2022, Mahathma Ghandhi University. 15th August 2022.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T. Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant potential of multifaceted phytogenic ZnO nanoparticles synthesized from peel waste extracts of Anansa comosus varieties. KDU International Research Conference 2022 (29th September 2022).
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) The utilization of cellulose nanocrystal decorated silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties for wastewater treatments. Commonwealth Chemistry Posters – Building Networks to Address the Goals’ 2022.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T. Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Agro -waste from Pumpkin: A Source of Antioxidants? 2nd International Conference – Innovation and Emerging Technologies 2022 (ICIET 2022). Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. (November 2022).
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022). Microwave -Assisted Biosynthesis of Palmyra Pulp -Mediated phytonano zno Particles and their Antioxidant Potential. iCMA 2022. Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. 16th December 2022.
- Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2023). Facile biogenic synthesis of silver -zinc oxide nanocomposites using borassus flabellifer pulp and sprout extracts and evaluation of their antioxidant activities. 11th conference of Young Scientists Forum (YSF 2023). National Science & Technology Commission (NASTEC) & Young Scientists Forum. January 27th
Book Chapters
- Nutritional Biochemistry Research (2007)
ISBN 978 -955 -96690 -2 -9 – S Ekanayake & E R Jansz [Monograph]. - Potential of Canavalia gladiate as a food ingredient: Nutritional and Functional Aspects (2005)
ISBN 91 -7422 -085 -3. Sagarika Ekanayake. - Research for National development: Our strength …. Our Scientists … (2009)
Published by National Research Council, Colombo 07. ISBN 978 -955 -0263 -00 -4.
(Study of glycaemic indices of basic starchy food items and typical Sri Lankan mixed diets (Pp 1 -5) & study on physic -chemical and functional properties of starch in raw and processed mature seeds of Canavalia gladiate (Awara) (Pp 280 -281) - Ethnic Fermented Foods and Beverages of Sri Lanka
(Chapter 6) In; Ethnic Fermented Foods and Alcoholic Beverages of Asia [Editor: Professor Dr. Jyoti Prakash Tamang] 2016; Springer Publishers; ISBN 978 -81 -322 -2800 -4. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9788132227984 - Author of Biochemistry course material Open University of Sri Lanka
MLU 4241 – Vitamin & toxicity (2011)
PCU 1121 – Regulation and integration of metabolism & DNA Technology (2008). - Aththanayaka, S., Ramaraj, N., Thiripuranathar, G., Attanayake, K., Ekanayake, S. (2022). Plant Mediated Nanocomposites for Water Remediation. In: Shah, M.P., Roy, A. (eds) Phytonanotechnology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978 -981 -19 -4811 -4_13
- Aththanayaka Samudrika, Thiripuranathar Gobika, Ekanayake Sagarika (2023) Green synthesized nanomaterials as antioxidant and antiinflammatory substances. In: Ozturk M., Roy A., Bhat R. A., Vardar -Sukan, F., Tonelli, F. M. P. (eds) Synthesis of Bionanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Elsevier. Pp 299 -317.
- Co author “Our Voyage Through the Years” (2021) published by Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka (ISBN 978 -624 -5883 -00 -4). The book was published capturing the significant events of 80 years of history of the Institute in chronological order in celebrating the 50th Annual Sessions and 80th
Research Collaborations
Industry, ITI, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
- Best poster award (Post prandial plasma glucose and gut hormone response after meals containing variable amounts of resistant starch (RS) and protein- First study in obese children in Sri Lanka) at 24thAnnual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians-2022, 25-26 April 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- University Research Awards 18th March 2022
- Best Poster Presentation at International Public Health and Well-being Conference, Negambo, Sri Lanka. April 2019.
- NRC Merit award for scientific publication – 2016 awarded by NRC, Sri Lanka. STARCH-STARKE 2016 & BMC CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS. December 2018.
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research awards – 2018 – Awards for Highest h-index in the FMS and SCI publications & external grant recipient -NSF Equipment. October 2018.
- Award for supervision of postgraduate degree (SUSRED 2017) for M Phil degree. National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka based on completion of research during a stipulated time period with peer reviewed publications. July 2018.
- NRC Merit award for scientific publication – 2015 awarded by NRC, Sri Lanka. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. December 2017.
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research awards – 2017 – Awards for highest citations in FMS, Highest Citation impact for 2014, 2015 & 2016 in FMS and SCI publications. September 2017.
- Merit Award for the presentation “Association between CRP and BMI of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients”. YSF Symposium. January 2017.
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Vice Chancellors’ Award for Research – 2015 and Award for Scientific publication. Annual Research Awards Ceremony, 29thSeptember 2016.
- Henry Rajaratnam award 2016 for the best free paper on Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at College of Physicians Annual Sessions 2016 for the paper on “Nutritional evaluation and influence on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of porridge made with green leafy vegetables”. 23rd September 2016.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication2014 for journal publications of high impact factor. November 2016.
- Prof M U S Sultanbawa Award for Research in Chemistry 2015, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. May 2016.
- Merit certificate at Young Scientists Forum 5th Symposium 2015 for the paper on “A comparative study on thyroid profiles of breast cancer patients and apparently healthy women. 22nd January 2016.
- Award for supervision of postgraduate degree (SUSRED 2015) for PhD (completed in 2014) awarded by the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka based on completion of research during a stipulated time period with peer reviewed publications (area of study: clinical and nutritional biochemistry). December 2015.
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research awards – 2014 – Award for Indexed journal publication. November 2015.
- NRCMerit award for scientific publication – 2013. Awarded by National Research Council, Sri Lanka (IJFN). November 2015.
- Best paper presentation award at Kotalawela Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 8th International Conference 2015 for the paper on Can sex hormone concentrations predict Her2 status of postmenopausal breast cancer patients? October 2015.
- Best paper presentation award at Annual Academic Sessions 2015 of the Menopause Society of Sri Lanka for the paper on Serum lipid profiles, anthropometric parameters and sex hormone concentrations of postmenopausal breast cancer patients. June 21st
- Merit certificate at Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2015 for the paper on C-reactive protein and fibrinogen levels in smokers with CAD. 2015 January.
- Zonta Woman of Achievement Award for Science and Technology (2014) awarded by Zonta Club 1, Colombo. Sri Lanka. 25th May 2014.
- Merit certificate at Young Scientists Forum 4th Symposium 2013 for the paper on Phytochemical screening and cytotoxicity of Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz extracts: A preliminary study (poster). 2014 February.
- Merit certificate at Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2013 for the paper on Dietary patterns of type 2 diabetics of a selected study center (oral). 2014 February.
- 1st runner-up of Poster Presentation at 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Matara for the paper on Anthropometric parameters and attitudes towards physical exercise among breast cancer patients. 22-23 January 2014.
- 1st runner up of Oral Presentation at 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Matara for the paper on C Reactive Protein association with overweight and obesity of patients awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): A preliminary study. 22-23 January 2014.
- Best Poster Presentation award (Session A) at 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, , University of Ruhuna, Matara for the paper on The effect of herbal porridge made with Scoparia dulcis on lipid parameters of type 2 diabetics. 22-23 January 2014.
- NRC Merit award for scientific publication – 2012. Awarded by NRC, Sri Lanka. October 2014.
- Dr C L de Silva Gold Medal Award 2013 awarded by Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, for outstanding research contribution in any branch of Chemical Sciences and/or the use of such research for National Development during the last five years in Sri Lanka. June 2013.
- Award for supervision of postgraduate degree (SUSRED 2012) M Phil (2010) awarded by the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka based on completion of research during a stipulated time period with peer reviewed publications (area of study: clinical and nutritional biochemistry). September 2012.
- Award for supervision of postgraduate degree (SUSRED 2012) Ph D (2009) awarded by the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka based on completion of research during a stipulated time period with peer reviewed publications (area of study: Food chemistry & applied nutrition). September 2012.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication (2011) Publication in a Journal of high impact factor. October 2014.
- Award for best research presentation at Annual Sessions of Nutrition Society, Sri Lanka. January 2010.
- Award for Excellence in Scientific Research – 2009. Awarded by Young Scientist Forum, National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Sri Lanka. December
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication 2009 (SCI; Food Chemistry, 114, 1444-1449). January 2014.
- Prof M U S Sultanbawa Award for Research in Chemistry 2008, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. June 2009.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication 2007 (SCI; Food & Chemical Toxicology45, 297-303). January 2014.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication 2006 (SCI; Starke/Starch 58, 215-222). July 2010.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication 2003 (Food /Nahrung, 47, 4, 256-260). July 2010.
- Award for the Second Best Oral Presentation of a research paper. Starch Update 2003. PEACH. Pattaya. Thailand.
- President’s Research Bonus 1999 (Food Chemistry, 66. 115-119) (National award). June 2001.
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research awards – 2019 /2020 – SCI/other publications & external grant recipient -WHO grant.
- Hayley’s Award for the best performance in Chemistry honours 3rd year at undergraduate level. 1991.
- Fellowships by International Program In the Chemical Sciences (IPICS), University of Uppsala, Sweden.
i) University of Lund, Sweden : 1997 & 1998
ii) Swedish Agricultural University, Ultuna, Sweden : 1999
iii) University of Umea /Lund, Sweden : 2000 & 2001
iv) University of Lund, Sweden : 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005
v) University of Mahidol, Thailand : 2006 - Best oral presentation; Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T. Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Agro-waste from Pumpkin: A Source of Antioxidants? 2nd International Conference – Innovation and Emerging Technologies 2022 (ICIET 2022). Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. (November 2022)
Other Faculties of University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
Other Universities
- University of Colombo
- University of Kelaniya
- Southeast Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine
- Kotalawela Defence University
- Sabaragamuwa University
- Open University of Sri Lanka
- Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
- CINEC, Malabe
- Eastern University