A SIDCER/FERCAP recognised Research Ethics Committee in Sri Lanka
SIDCER the Strategic Initiatives for Capacity in Ethical Review a WHO/TDR programme provides a quality assurance and capacity building programme based on the quality of the committee based on 5 standards; structure and composition of REC, adherence to specific policies, completeness of its review process, after review process, documentation and archiving. REC FMS/USJ is the second REC in Sri Lanka to undergo this review and to be recognized at the 12th Annual FERCAP conference in Sri Lanka.
Read more http://www.fercap-sidcer.org/recog.php

The REC FMS/USJ will review all types of research proposals involving human studies. The objectives of the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (FMS/USJ) is to maintain ethical standards of practice in research, including protection of potential human participants, animals, other living or genetically modified organisms while taking into account the interests and needs of researchers and the integrity of FMS/USJ. We strive to contribute to the highest attainable quality of scientific and ethics research, to provide reassurance to the public that proper ethics standards are maintained in research with the aim of safeguarding their rights. The REC FMS/USJ is also involved in capacity building in research ethics and ethics review among its Faculty, students and the scientific community.