Dr. R.D.S. Ranasinghe
Senior Lecturer Grade I
- General information
- Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Field/s of Expertise
- Research & Innovation
- Teaching
Department of Community Medicine
Office – +94 11 2881788 Ext: 4176
Academic Qualifications
- MBBS / 2000 / University of Sri Jayewardenepura / Sri Lanka
- MSc / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine / 2006 / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- MD (Community Medicine) / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine / 2009 /University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
Professional Qualifications
- Board Certified Consultant Community Physician
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- Life member of the College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka
- Life member of the College of Medical Administrators of Sri Lanka
- Public Health
- Maternal and child health
- Reproductive health
- Non Communicable Diseases
Research Interests
- Physical Activity
- Nutrition
- Maternal and child health
- Reproductive health
- Cancer /Palliative care
- Gender Based Violence
ORCID ID and Link
Google Scholar Link
Research Gate Link
Publications and Scientific Communications
Principal Investigator
- Ranasinghe R. D. S, Fernandupulle S., Home health practices of mothers with children less than three years in relation to selected childhood illnesses in MOH area Kalawana in Rathnapura district, Sri Lanka” (dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2006)
- Ranasinghe, R.D.S. Fonseka,P., Physical activity and selected correlates among adolescent school children aged 13 to 14 years in Rathnpaura district of Sri Lanka” (Thesis submitted for Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine-2009)
- Ranasinghe, R.D.S., Abhayasinghe, K., Ga mage, D.G., Ginige, P.S., Kasturiarchchi, S.K., Abeysinghe, M.R.N., Quality assessment and recommendations for improvement of clinic based routine immunization services: district of Ratnapura, 2017.
Full Papers Publications
- Ranasinghe S, Gunawardena N. An analysis of Sri Lankan government policies for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and its risk factors. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health; 2021;10 (1)
- Gunawardena M.B.I, Ranasinghe R.D.S., Incidence, immediate consequences, associated factors and health seeking behaviour related to falls among the elderly in Elapatha Medical Officer of Health Area Sri Lanka. JCCPSL, 2021;27(3)
- Ranasinghe R.D.S., Maranthota M.C.M., Rodrigo M.D.A., Analysis of missing inward patients of major specialties in Teaching Hospital Ratnapura. Sri Lanka Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020;3
- Macfarlane TV, Wirth T, Ranasinghe S, Ah-See KW, Renny N, Hurman D. Head and Neck Cancer Pain: Systematic Review of Prevalence and Associated Factors, J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012;3(1):e1 URL: http://www.ejomr.org/JOMR/archives/2012/1/e1/v3n1e1ht.htm.doi
- Ray Watkins, Tatiana MacFarlane, Kirstin Rhodes, Sriyani Ranasinghe, Neil Kotecha, Claudia Cunningham, Iain Bovaird, Rochelle Morgan, Val Angus, Fiona Chaloner, Katie Wilde, Michal Kawecki. Grampian Adult Dental Health Survey: Summary Report. NHS Grampian. 2010.
Abstract Publications
- Dissanayake Neranjan ; Ranasinghe Sriyani, Nanayakkara Geetha, Lakruwan G. L. A., Ranasinghe Achala; Abeywardhane Lalith, Rathnayake Bandusiri, Jayasinghe Sanath; Rathnayake Upul, Rodrigo Anoja. Assessment of outcome and risk categorization of COVID‐19 exposed healthcare workers using a risk assessment tool in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Sri Lanka. Respirology. 2021 Nov;26(Suppl 3):173. doi: 10.1111/resp.14150_249. Epub 2021 Nov 19. PMCID: PMC9011840.
- Ranasinghe, R.D.S., Abhayasinghe, K., Gamage, D.G., Ginige, P.S., Abeysinghe, M.R.N., 2017. Quality of provision of immunization services in Ratnapura district, Sri Lanka: Recipient and provider perspectives. Oral Presentation at 1st South East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association 2019.
- Ranasinghe, R.D.S., Abhayasinghe, K., Gamage, D.G., Ginige, P.S., Abeysinghe, M.R.N., 2017. Quality of provision of immunization services in Ratnapura district, Sri Lanka: Recipient and provider perspectives. Oral Presentation at National Health Symposium 2018, Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka.
- Jayarathna K.A.D.N.S., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2017 .Knowledge, attitude and practices of contraception among male spouses, their involvement in family planning decision making, and its associated factors in Medical Officer of Health area Deraniyagala (Oral Presentation at 1st South East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association 2019.
- Jayarathna K.A.D.N.S., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2019 .Knowledge, attitude and practices of contraception among male spouses, their involvement in family planning decision making, and its associated factors in Medical Officer of Health area Deraniyagala (Oral Presentation at Annual Academic Sessions of College of Community Physicians. 2019.)
- Ranasinghe R.D.S, Fonseka P., 2016. Validity and reliability of a physical activity questionnaire for Sri Lankan adolescents. Presented at 15th scientific annual meeting for the International Scoiety of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical activity (ISBNPA), Cape Town, South Africa. (Poster)
- Ranasinghe R.D.S., Fonseka P., 2016. Sedentary behaviour pattern among adolescent school children aged 13-14 years in a district of Sri Lanka. Presented at 15th scientific annual meeting for the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical activity (ISBNPA) , Cape Town, South Africa. (Poster)
- Wanniarachchi S., Ranasinghe S., Pre-conceptional knowledge, attitudes and utilization of pre-conceptional care services among newly married females in Maharagama medical officer of health area. The College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka – 25 Annual Academic Sessions
- Marasinghe M.A.P., Ranasinghe R.D.S, Screen time: pattern and, its association with caregiver practices and behavioral problems among preschool children of 3-5 years in the Medical Officer of Health area-Kegalle. Journal of the College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. Vol. 24, Issue 3 (Special edition) 2018.
- Gunawardena B.M.I., Ranasinghe R.D.S., 2015. Incidence, immediate consequences, associated factors and health seeking behaviour related to falls among elderly in Medical Officer of Health area Elapatha. Presented at the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. Vol.21, (Supplement) 2015.
- Nandasena Y. L. S., Senevirathna W. M. C. K., Janithri M.D.D., Ranasinghe R.D.S., Thamalee K.W.M.D., Paranamana U.P. 2014. Risk factors associated with low birth weight in Kalutara Medical Officer of Health Area, Presented at 19th Annual Acedemic Sessions of College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. (Supplement) 2014. (Poster)
- Kaluarchchi D.V.V., Ranasinghe R D S, Kulathilake K A D T, De Alwis W M M S, 2013. Knowledge on HIV/AIDS among Public Health Midwives and student Public Health Midwives attached to National Institute of Health Sciences, Sri Lanka. Oral Presentations. 4th PGIM Academic Sessions 2013, Post Graduate institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kaluarchchi D V V, Ranasinghe R D S, Kulathilake K A D T, De Alwis W M M S, De Silva A U S, 2013. Knowledge on sexually transmitted infections and mother to child transmission among public health midwives and student public health midwives attached to National Institute of Health Sciences, Kalutara. Presented at the International conference on Public Heath Innovations 2013 organized by National Institute of Health Sciences, Sri Lanka. (Poster)
- Kaluarchchi D V V, Ranasinghe R D S, Kulathilake K A D T, De Alwis W M M S. Knowledge on HIV/AIDS among Public Health Midwives and student Public Health Midwives attached to National Institute of Health Sciences, Sri Lanka. 2013. Poster presentations, 18th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Venereologists, Sri Lanka. (Poster)
- Ranasinghe R D S, Fonseka P, 2011. Physical Activity in Adolescents of Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka: Prevalence & associated factor. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA). (Poster)
- Ranasinghe RDS, Fonseka P, 2011. Physical Activity in adolescents of Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka: prevalence & associated factors. Abstract presentation for 16th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka. (Poster)
- Gunawardena B.M.I., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2015. Incidence, immediate consequences, associated factors and health seeking behaviour related to falls among elderly in Medical Officer of Health area Elapatha (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2015)
- Marasinghe M.A.P., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2017.Screen time: pattern and, its association with caregiver practices and behavioral problems among preschool children of 3-5 years in the Medical Officer of Health area-Kegalle (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2017)
- Jayarathna K.A.D.N.S. Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2018.Knowledge, attitude and practices of contraception among male spouses, their involvement in family planning decision making, and its associated factors in Medical Officer of Health area Deraniyagala (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2018)
- Liyange, L.D., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2018.Knowledge on diet, dietary pattern and associated factors among the elderly population in Medical Officer of Health area, Bulathkohupitiya (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2018)
- Wanniarachchi, S.P., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2019. Utilization of pre- conception care services and associated factors among registered newly married females in Maharagama Medical officer of Health area. (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2019)
- Wickramasinghe, T.M., Ranasinghe R.D.S, 2019. Health related quality of life and associated factors among patients with Chronic Liver Diseases attending outpatient clinics of National Hospital Sri Lanka (Dissertation submitted for Master of Science in Community Medicine-2019)
Other Faculties of University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
Other Universities
- Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo