The FMS has officially acknowledged and pledged to abide by all the rules and regulation related to gender equity and equality of the University Grants Commission and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Dr. S.M.P. Seneviratne Alles
Faculty Representative
Centre for Gender Equity and Equality
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4551
The staff and the students, especially the newcomers, are educated on the gender policy of the University and about ragging and other harassments during the orientation period of each year.
The students and the staff are encouraged to seek assistance via counselling and other help on these issues which are kept confidential and unbiased assistance is arranged for people who recruit support.
Curriculum Contribution
Teaching of gender issues including gender based violence is part of the medical curriculum. The students come across these in their Psychiatry, Forensic Medicine, and Community Medicine modules as well as clinical attachments. All students visit community organizations such as WIN (Women in Need) and are exposed to external input on helping people with gender based violence.
The Faculty expects to conduct workshops for the academic and non-academic staff as well as for the students on gender issues each year.