The Department of Medical Education was established in 1996.
Department of Medical Education of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura is the first Department established in medical faculties to uplift the educational quality of the medical teachers with the objective of promoting technology driven education/training while introducing such component into the medical curriculum as well.
As such, the audio-visual unit, attached to the Department, has been equipped with then modern facilities form 1998. The department employed and trained two members of the non-academic staff to execute its functions. Notably, the video produced by the Department, named “Microscope”,has been awarded “The ICD prize by Contests’ Jury” in November 1999 in the Sony ICD video contest in Tokyo committee, Sony Corporation, Japan.
The AV unit continued in providing Audio-visual support for all lecturers of the entire faculty and in special occasions, for different functions organized by both students and staff.
+94 11 2758694, +94 11 2881788 Ext: 4276
With the shift of Medical Faculty to the new faculty complex, three ground floor rooms were built with the purpose of expanding the service further. This includes, Audio recording room, Video recording room and in the middle an editing room, apart from small rooms for costume and other facilities.
As with the present Covid situation, the necessity of Audio-Visual material production has shown an exponential demand. Since the equipment is getting obsolete, it is a high time to update the AV Unit with state of the art equipment.
The discipline of Medical Education aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Develop, implement and review activities related to improving the efficiency of teaching.
- Identify problems and suggest methods to facilitate the interaction of the academic and non-academic staff of the faculty with a view to including the concept of team work.

To improve and sustain the quality of teaching/learning processes in the Faculty.
To conduct Degree, Diploma and Certificate courses in Health Sciences.
Teaching, Training and Activities
The department is responsible for maintaining and uplifting the standards of medical education in the Faculty. This is achieved through the following activities:
- Curriculum evaluation and revision.
- Evaluation of student feedback.
- Peer evaluation and feedback for academic staff members.
- Staff development workshops for academic and non-academic staff members.
- Coordination and evaluation of assessments.
- Assist to MBA students
- In addition, the academic staff members of the department also participate in teaching activities in the MBBS and Allied Health Science degree programmes.
Facilities and services provided – Service components
- Photography and editing
- Videography and editing facility and technical support
- Audio equipment supply and technical assistant
- Training programmes and workshops (Curriculum review, staff development
- Quality assurance of the lecturing (Peerevaluation for Academic members, Student feedbacks for Lecturing)
- Postgraduate student …….
The department is located on the sixth floors of the Faculty of Medical Sciences building.
It comprises a fully air-conditioned audio-visual production room, equipped with audio visual technology. These services are made available to all Departments of the Faculty for teaching-learning, research activities. These services are also provided for activities organized by the numerous student organizations in the Faculty.
Details for Activity Calendar
Academic activities done during 2022

Non-academic activities done during 2022