The integrated MBBS curriculum with a pre-clinical phase, a para clinical phase and a clinical phase combines sound theoretical knowledge with practical skills in laboratory settings and applications in real life situations through teaching learning activities in many diverse settings. Clinical teaching takes place in 3 teaching hospitals; Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Jayewardenepura General hospital and Homagama Teaching Hospital and many other local health care facilities. Preventive health care is learned at the Boralesgamuwa Medical officer of Health area.

Graduate Profile
At the conclusion of the undergraduate medical programme of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura the medical graduate should:
- be able to apply knowledge and skills in basic sciences in diagnosing, managing and preventing illnesses and diseases
- be competent to manage medical emergencies with the available resources and be aware of best practices in ideal circumstances
- be able to provide quality care to patients taking into consideration all relevant features related to disease in a holistic manner
- be aware of the limitations of professional skills, available facilities and recognize when referral is necessary
- be able to carry out basic medico-legal procedures and related statutory duties
- possess communication skills to interact with the patient, patient’s family, general public and media
- possess skills to function effectively as a member of a health-care team
- possess the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to promote and contribute to the health and well-being of the individual, the family and the community as a whole
- have knowledge on emerging diseases, changing patterns of disease, social, economic, cultural and behavioural practices of the community in the practice of medicine
- develop appropriate characteristics and attitudes and humane qualities to practice as a health professional in any part of the country
- be accountable, compassionate and empathic towards patients and their families
- be aware of patient rights, the legal implications of interacting with patients, relatives, health-care providers and other professionals and society in general
- be able to provide professional services respecting individual rights, equity and equality
- be capable of continuing self-education, keeping abreast of advancing medical knowledge, emerging diseases, changing patterns of disease and developing an aptitude for scientific research
- be able to engage with commitment and integrity in reflective practices and become an empathic, accountable and socially responsible health-care professional.
Each academic year consists of three terms, and each term is 10 weeks in duration. Phase I consist of 5 terms, Phase II 6 terms and the Phase III, 3 terms

The present curriculum is an integrated system based curriculum spanning over three phases. Phase I consists of five terms. (The duration of each term is ten weeks). Ten modules are included in Phase one. The Personal and Professional Development (PPD) stream begins in Phase 1 and continue throughout phase II and Phase III.
Phase II consists of six terms (Term 6 – 11). Sixteen modules, Community Health Stream (CHS) and the PPD stream are included in Phase II. Each module/stream committee is chaired by a chairperson and assisted by a convener with an average of 5-8 committee members representing the relevant departments. The committee members are selected on the basis of the main subjects which are to be included in the module to facilitate smooth implementation.

Community Based Medical Learning (CMBL) is a rural posting for all students and is held at the end of the 4th year.
One of the Institutional objectives of the Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura is to train a graduate to work in a primary care setting. Many inputs are made into the curriculum to achieve this. This year the Community Based Medical Learning programme (CBML) focused on supervised exposures to state primary care facilities with self directed learning and reflective writing.
Professorial unit appointments span over the final year in Phase III conducted at the university professorial units in the Colombo South Teaching Hospital at Kalubowila rotating through 8-week attachments in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics and 2 weeks and 6 weeks in Family Medicine and Psychiatry respectively.