The Faculty of Medical Sciences was established in 1993 at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura as the sixth medical faculty in Sri Lanka. There are 17 academic departments in the Faculty. Since its inception in 1993, our Faculty has progressed to one of the most sought-after Faculties in the country.
We are a unique medical school in many ways. We are the only ‘Faculty of Medical Sciences’ in Sri Lanka offering study programmes in Medicine (MBBS) and Human Biology (B.Sc. in Human Biology). We are the first Faculty to initiate paramedical degree programmes in Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Sciences. Our Faculty is within closed proximity to the main University premises thus our students have the opportunity to mingle with fellow students from other faculties and enjoy the facilities available in the main campus. Our graduates have secured top positions in the common grading list (merit list) of medical graduates in Sri Lanka and continue to excel at postgraduate level.

Accreditation Unit of Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) has been awarded Recognition Status by the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) for a period of ten years from 07 March 2023″.
The aim of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) is to enhance the quality of medical education worldwide. The recognition is a mark of international approval for the high standards maintained by the Unit in the accreditation process, post-accreditation monitoring, and decision making when accrediting Medical Faculties in Sri Lanka.

To produce competent and socially responsible professionals who are empowered to provide and advance healthcare globally through diverse learning opportunities.

- Compassion and Empathy – The Faculty appreciates being sensitive to the difficulty of others and what they may be experiencing through expressions of kindness, caring and helpfulness, which create greater trust and learning for all involved.
- Integrity and Honesty – The Faculty values the ability to be honest with one self and stay true to our own values and beliefs and stand up for what we believe is right.
- Respect and Humility – The Faculty promotes an environment where everyone respects each other by understanding that they can learn from and celebrate the achievements of others without it detracting from their own accomplishments and sense of identity.
- Diversity and Inclusiveness – The Faculty recognizes that its strength and unity come from being inclusive and providing equal opportunities to a diverse staff, students and patients.
Initiation of the Faculty
In 1991 the Government of Sri Lanka took a stance to increase the doctors available to offer their services to the public and taking advantage of this concept, then Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. S.B. Hettiaratchi, put forward a proposal for establishment of a Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

On the request of the Vice Chancellor, Dr. H.H.R. Samarasinghe, Consultant Physician of Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital was appointed as the ‘Coordinator’ and given the overwhelming task of establishing the new Faculty. Giving fruit to untiring efforts of the Vice Chancellor and the Coordinator, the Faculty of Medical Sciences was established in 1992 and the first batch of students were enrolled.
Preceded by the above dedicated individuals who set the stepping stones for the initiation of the Faculty, following Deans led the way for the Faculty to the world-renowned state that it is enjoying today.

Prof. M.T.M. Jiffry
Jan 1996 – Jan 2002

Prof. Dayasiri Fernando
Jan 2002 – Jun 2004

Prof. Narada Warnasuriya
Jul 2004 – Nov 2008

Prof. Jayantha Jayewardene
Dec 2008 – Jan 2011

Prof. Mohan de Silva
Jan 2011 – Nov 2014

Prof. Surangi Yasawardene
Nov 2014 – Nov 2020

Prof. Aloka Pathirana
Nov 2020 – Nov 2023