The objectives of the Examinations Unit of the Faculty of Medical Sciences are,
- To facilitate the proper conduction of examinations in the Faculty by coordinating and supervising all the relevant processes and procedures
- To ensure adherence to the examinations by-laws and regulations
- To ensure accurate and timely release of examination results and other student records, reports etc.
- To ensure secure storage and maintenance of confidential information related to examinations centrally

The Examinations Unit is under the purview of the Dean of the Faculty and is headed by the Director of Examinations who is a senior academic staff member of the Faculty (Senior Lecture Grade II or above). The Director of Examinations is supported in his/her work by the Deputy Director who is a senior academic staff member (Senior Lecture Grade II or above) of the Faculty, a Senior Assistant Registrar/Assistant Registrar and several dedicated non-academic staff members. The Director and Deputy Director of Examinations are appointed for a period of three years by the Vice Chancellor of the University on the recommendations of the Dean.
The main function of the Examination Unit is to coordinate all examinations held by the Faculty.
The unit also performs other functions such as processing of final and non-final year results and awards for Vice-Chancellor’s and Senate approval, notification of results and issuance of certificates to graduates of the Faculty. The Examination Unit is the custodian of rules and regulations concerning the conduct of examinations in the Faculty.

+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4151, Mobile : +94 77 3410584, sanath.mahawithanage@gmail.com

Deputy Director
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4176, sriyaniranasinghe@sjp.ac.lk
Student Awards
Content will be available soon
Director – Examination Unit
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
E-mail: examinationsfms@sjp.ac.lk
Tel: +94 11 2758000 Extension – 4023