Disability Action Committee

Equality, accessibility, and support for students with special needs and disabilities

The Disability Action Committee of the Faculty is committed to assist in providing an inclusive and accessible environment for students with special needs/disabilities to have an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of teaching and learning activities of the Faculty.


Prof. Saraji Wijesekara

+94 11 2758654, sarajiwijesekara@gmail.com

Dr. Maduri Vidanapathirana

+ 94 112758718, maduri@sjp.ac.lk

Committee Members

Prof. Guwani Liyanage
+94 11 2758654, guwanil@yahoo.co.uk
Dr. Ianthi Gunasekara
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4251, ianthisg@sjp.ac.lk
Dr. Shehan Silva
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4301, dshehans@gmail.com
Dr. S.M.P. Seneviratne Alles
+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4551, dayanip@gmail.com

To be eligible for special needs/disability support,

Students enrolled at the Faculty should declare their disabilities by filling the special needs/disability declaration form to obtain the required facilities or reasonable adjustments.

*For further details please refer to the Policy for students with special needs/disabilities of the FMS/USJ.

The information received by the Disability Action Committee will be kept strictly private and confidential


The Disability Action Committee is dedicated to,
    create awareness, remove barriers and support students with special needs/disabilities
    facilitate equal access to students with special needs/disabilities by providing,
        – access to services (academic, transport, accommodation etc.)
        – support services (academic, health, counselling etc.)
        – access to infrastructure (building and lavatory)
        – denounces any type of discrimination against disabilities

Please find the following links to the Policy for Students with Special Needs/Disabilities, Disability Action Plan or Disability Declaration Form

Policy for Students with Special Needs/Disabilities

Disability Action Plan

Disability Declaration Form

Faculty Map

Faculty Map provides information regarding the location of elevators and disability friendly lavatories.

Contact Us

Email – disabilityac.fms@sjp.ac.lk

Secretary DSAC
Dr Maduri Vidanapathirana
Department of Pathology
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Tel: +94 112758718 Ext: 8174
E-mail : maduri@sjp.ac.lk