Medical Journal
Published by
Faculty of Medical Sciences,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Sri Lanka.
Peer Review Process
All submissions are assessed by the editors to decide whether it should be further reviewed. Editors may reject a paper without peer review when it is deemed unsuitable. Those selected for review will be sent anonymously to reviewers. The journal adopts a double blind review process. This usually involves review by two independent reviewers. Authors may request exclusion of individuals as reviewers, but they should explain the reasons in their cover letter.
Editorial Board Meetings are held once in 2 months. All submitted papers and the reviewers’ reports are discussed. The final decision regarding a manuscript is made by the Editorial Board.
Original research articles authored by a member of the journal’s editorial team are independently reviewed. When an editor is an author of a manuscript the review process is handled by another member of the editorial board. Manuscripts authored by members of the editorial team are discussed in the absence of that particular editorial board member. Editors or editorial board members who are authors of a manuscript do not participate in any way in the publication decision for their own article.
The average time from submission to first decision is eight weeks.
Editors and reviewers will treat all submitted manuscripts in confidence.
Section Policies
Original research
- Open Submissions
- Peer Reviewed
Brief Reports
- Open Submissions
- Peer Reviewed
- Open Submissions
- Peer Reviewed
Case Reports
- Open Submissions
- Peer Reviewed
Book Reviews
- Open Submissions