Essentials of Public Health in Sri Lanka
Essentials of Public Health in Sri Lanka, is a compendium designed by the staff of the Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura by compilation of circulars and guidelines released by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka in the past five years, in relation to public health. This will be a useful resource for medical and paramedical undergraduate and postgraduate students to learn about services provided by the state to the public, procedures followed in relation to prevention and control of specific diseases in Sri Lanka and measures taken to prevent disease and promote health.
The compilation contains chapters on Maternal and child health services, family planning, non communicable diseases, communicable diseases, demography, occupational health, environmental health, health promotion, health information system, health care system planning, management and quality and health economics.
Price: Rs 2500/= (Concessionary price of Rs 1750/= for undergraduates)
Available at the Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Please contact: Prof. Shamini Prathapan – 071 4852269