Prof. H.W.C.K. Kulathilake
Professor in Haematology
- General information
- Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Field/s of Expertise
- Research & Innovation
- Teaching
Department of Pathology
Office – +94 11 2758718
Academic Qualifications
- MBBS / 1998 / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- Diploma in Pathology / 2004 / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- MD (Pathology) Haematology / 2007 / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
Professional Qualifications
- Board Certification as a Specialist in Haematology – January 2009
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- Sri Lanka College of Haematologists since 2010
- Haematology
Research Interests
- Haemostasis/Thrombosis
- Novel automated parameters
ORCID ID and Link
Google Scholar Link
Research Gate Link
Research Grants Held
- University research grant No. ASP/01/RE/MED/2016/71
- University research grant No. ASP/01/RE/MED/2018/61
Publications and Scientific Communications
Publication of Abstracts
- A retrospective study on application of Modern Haematology Analyzers in recognition and differentiating hypochromic and microcytic anaemias ; Proceedings book, 6thAnnual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Haematologists; October 2006: Chandima Kulathilake, Mahinda De Alwis
- Limited experience in the management of aplastic anaemia with immunosuppressive therapy; Proceedings book, 6th Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Haematologists; October 2006: Dishna de Silva, Bhaddika Jayaratne, Dilrukshi de Silva, Nalin Prasannna, Chandima Kulathilake, Priyanka Herath
- Common hair problems encountered by young adutlts; Proceedings of the Scientific Sessions 2017-FMS, USJ : Gamage SVM, Chandrasiri PHCP, Samarakkody NN, Gayathri MD, Jayasooriya MD, Kulathilake C, Sivayogan S
- Knowledge, myths and stigma about tuberculosis among apparel industry employees in Sri Lanka; Proceedings of International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference,FMS,USJ 2019: Elvitigala KN, Weerakkody DSI, Ranasinghe KA, Wanasinghe ASLM, Prathapan S, Kulathilake C
- Evaluation of One- Tube Osmotic Fragility as a Screening Test for Beta Thalassaemia Trait in Sri Lanka; Indian J Haematol Blood Transfus (Nov 2017) 33(suppl 1) : S1-S126
:Pilapiyiya PHMAU, Thayaparan M, Warushahennadi R, Nilam JM, Kulathilake HWCK - Pattern of adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia(ALL) patients at the National Cancer Institute, Sri Lanka ; Proceedings book.12thSAARC Federation of Oncologists International Cancer Coference & Sri lanka College of Oncologists Annual Academic Sessions 2017 : Somawardana UABP, Malluwawadu GN, Senanayake S, Mubarak FS, Kulathilake C, Balawardane J
- Availability of patient records in a tertiary care setting in Sri Lanka; Proceedings book, 12thSAARC Federation of Oncologists International Cancer Coference & Sri Lanka College of Oncologists Annual Academic Sessions 2017: Somawardana UABP, Malluwawadu GN, Senanayake S, Mubarak FS, Kulathilake C, Balawardane J
- Relationship between HAS-BLED Score & major bleeding events in patients with atrial fibrillation on warfarin: A study at a tertiary care teaching hospital.Book of procedings.Haem Icon 2018, 19th Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Haematologists: Lokuhettige VG, Chathuranga GP, Kulathilake HWCK, Ranasinghe N, Goonewardena CSE
- Evaluation of the adequacy of information in blood picture request forms in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Book of procedings.Haem Icon 2018, 19th Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Haematologists : Karunarathne AMPW, Kulathilake HWCK, Gunawardena D, Wijesisiwardena IS
- Successful management of a patient with recurrent thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) with rituximab. Book of proceedings.International Conference on Health Sciences 2018, FMS, USJ : Karunarathne AMPW, Abeyrathne SASP, Moonesinghe C, Fernandopulle B, Kulathilake HWCK, Gunawardena D, Wijesisiwardena IS
- Polycythaemia vera in a patient with congenital heart disease:A rare coincidence.Book of proceedings. International Conference on Health Sciences 2018, FMS, USJ : Abeyrathne SASP, Karunarathne AMPW, Moonesinghe C, Fernandopulle B, Kulathilake HWCK, Wijesisiwardena IS
- Clonal eosinophilia with FIP1L1-PDGFRA rearrangement.Book of proceedings. International Conference on Health Sciences 2018, FMS, USJ : Gamakaranage GAC, Bavanthan J, Fernandopulle KHBP, Wijesisiwardena IS, Kulathilake HWCK, Moonesinghe CS
- Disease characteristics and response to treatment of patients with myelofibrosis: A multicentric descriptive, retrospective study from Sri Lanka.D. Moratuwagama, C Kulathilake.; 24th European Haematology Association Congress; HemaSphere 2019;3:S1
- Can we rely on red cell distribution width to detect iron deficiency anaemia? Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Sciences 2019, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Gamage MN, Wijesekera DS, Kulathilake C, Peiris PLS, Fernando DS, Palliyaguru TDN, Fonseka WADN, Wanasinghe WAK, Senarathne ULNH
- Evaluation of Iron Status by Reticulocyte Haemoglobin Content (Chr) in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Haemodialysis and Erythropoietin; Proceedings of AAS, Sri Lanka college of Haematologists 2021: Piumanthi Karunarathne, Chandima Kulathilake, Indira Wijesiriwardena, Anura Hewageegana, Arjuna Marasinghe
- Relationship between PT/INR and APTT in patients on warfarin: A study at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Proceedings of the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2023 -FAHS,USJ Attanayake MASM, Manathunga ID, Kulathilake HWCK
- Knowledge and its associated factors on deficiency anaemia among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics in selected medical officer of health areas in Colombo District Proceedings of the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2023-AHS, USJ Jayamuni NA, Ranasinghe RARC , Alahapperuma SN , Imasha KAC , Athukorala ACR , Kulathilake HWCK, Alagiyawanna AMADK , Jayasinghe LV , Seneviwickrama KLMD
Publication of Full Articles
- Whole blood impedance aggregometry detects heparin induced thrombocytopenia antibodies. Thrombosis Research 2010;125:234-239 Marie-Christine Morel-Kopp, Margaret Aboud, Chee Wee Tan, C Kulathilake, Christoper Ward
- Clinical and laboratory aspects of heparin induced thrombocytopenia; Experience in a large tertiary care teaching hospital.Journal of the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists
2010;3:29-31, HWCK Kulathilake - Heparin induced thrombocytopenia; Evaluation of Ig G & Ig GAM ELISA assays.
International Journal of laboratory haematology 2011; 33(3): 245-250
M-C Morel-Kopp, M Aboud, C W Tan, C Kulathilake, C Ward - Venous thrombosis at unusual sites-three case reports –Journal of the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists 2013;(5):20 CS Moonesinghe, HWCK Kulathilake
- Successful management of a pregnancy complicated by essential thrombocythaemia with pegylated interferon; Ceylon Medical Journal 2015;60:72-3; W.M.N.D. Jayasekara, S.A.S.P. Abeyratne, C Kulathilake, D Gunawardena, I S Wijesiriwardena
- Case Report of Autoimmune Haemolysis with Lymphoma-Managing the Impossible J Blood Lymph 2018, DOI: 10.4172/2165-7831.S1-002: Gunawardena D, Moonesinghe CS,Wijesisiwardena IS, Kulathilake HWCK
- Evidence update on the use of oral anticoagulants in clinical practice. Chandima Kulathilake, Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2016; 3 E36: 1-11 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/jpgim.8137
- Evaluation of One Tube Osmotic Fragility as a Screening Test for Beta Thalassaemia Trait ; Asian Journal of Medical Principles and Clinical Practice 4(1): 7-13, 2021; Article no. AJMPCP.64291: Akila Pilapitiya, Mylvaganam Thayaparan, Chandima Kulathilake*, Rohini Warushahennadi and Jiffry Nilam
- Extensive Bone Marrow Necrosis: A Rare Presentation of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Hindawi Case Reports in Hematology, Volume 2020, Article ID 8889850, 3 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8889850; Ranathunga , N. R. Muthumala, H. W. C. K. Kulathilake, S. Weerasinghe, and N. L. A. Shyamali
- Relationship between HAS-BLED Score & Major Bleeding Events in Patients with Non valvular A trial Fibrillation on Warfarin: A Study at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital; Asian Hematology Research Journal 3(2): 27-34, 2020; Article no. AHRJ.57373 Vishwa Lokuhettige, Prabath Chathuranga, Chandima Kulathilake, Nishadya Ranasinghe, Sampatha Goonewardena and Vindya Kumarapeli
- Assessment of Full Blood Count Parameters in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) onRegular Haemodialysis Asian Journal of Research in Nephrology 3(2): 26-32, 2020; Article no. AJRN.59425 Tharindu Alagiyawanna, Sajani Ranawaka, Piumanthi Karunarathne and Chandima Kulathilake
- Role of Manual Immature to Total neutrophil (I/T) ratio and Automated Immature Granulocyte count (IGC) and percentage (IG%) in the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis Clinical Practice (2021) 18(4), 1705-1711 Nalika Jayasekara, Chandima Kulathilake, Saraji Wijesekara, Indira Wijesiriwardena
- Evaluation of Iron Status by Reticulocyte Haemoglobin Content (Chr) in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Haemodialysis and Erythropoietin Indian J Hematology and Blood Transfusion (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12288-021-01464-3; Piumanthi Karunarathne, Chandima Kulathilake*, Indira Wijesiriwardena, Anura Hewageegana, Arjuna Marasinghe
- Prevalence and associated factors of post thrombotic syndrome in patients with deep vein thrombosis; A study in Sri Lankan population Journal of Current Surgery. 2022;12(2):38-44 doi: https://doi.org/10.14740/jcs459 Sashi Abeyrathne, Chandima Kulathilake, Indira Wijesiriwardena
- A Rapid and Satisfactory Outcome with Combined Immunosuppressive Therapy in Acquired Haemophilia A with Underlying Tuberculosis: Hindawi Case Reports in Hematology; Volume 2022, Article ID 2271228, 4 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2271228 G. A. C. Gamakaranage , C. Kulathilake , P. G. N. Nadeeshani ,K. H. B. P. Fernandopulle, C. S. Moonesinghe , D. Gunawardena , R. S. Gamage ,N. Perera , and J. Indrakumar
- Correlation between PT/INR and APTT in Patients on Warfarin: A Study at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital; Asian Hematology Research Journal Volume 7, Issue 3, Page 1-7, 2023; Article no.AHRJ.97608 Sasini Attanayake, Ishara Manathunga and Chandima Kulathilake
Other Publications
- Novel automated parameters. CME Article. The Sri Lanka Journal of Haematology. 2014;6:18 HWCK Kulathilake, D Gunawardena, I Wijesisiwardena
- Acute trauma coagulopathy and massive transfusion.CME Article. The SriLanka Journal of Haematology.2015;7(1):24 HWCK Kulathilake, I Wijesisiwardena
- Iron Metabolism. CME Article. The SriLanka Journal of Haematology .2016;8(1):22 HWCK Kulathilake, I Wijesisiwardena
- Editorial: Direct oral anticoagulants:Are we aware of their efficacy and safety? The SriLanka Journal of Haematology.2018;10(1):1-4
- Editorial; Clinical use of novel automated full blood count parameters. The SriLanka Journal of Haematology.2020;12:1-4
Author / Co-Author of Books
- “Cases in Haematology for Primary Care Doctors” Published by S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. ISBN 978-624-00-1639-1
- “Ward handbook on haematology, biochemistry, histopathology and transfusion medicine for nurses” Published by S.Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. ISBN 978-624-00-1702-2
- Basic Haematology for BSc (Hons) students in Zoology Published by Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. ISBN 978-624-00-1746-6
Curriculum Development / Author
- Curriculum development in haematology component in Bio Medical Sciences Degree at Kaatsu International University (KIU) in 2015
- Author in sessions 11-15 in clinical Haematology course material (MLU 2243) for the BSc MLS at Open University, Sri Lanka
- 2019 – Best oral presentation– International Conference on Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- 2018 – Best poster presentation -AAS Sri Lanka College of Haematologists
- 2021 – Best oral presentation – AAS Sri Lanka College of Haematologists
- 2017, 2018,2019,2020 – University research awards
Other Faculties of University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
Other Universities
- Visiting lecturer in Bio Medical Sciences Degree at Kaatsu International University (KIU)