Ceremonial Opening of the Refurbished Anatomy Auditorium

The ceremonial opening of the refurbished Anatomy Auditorium of Faculty of Medical Sciences, USJ, was held on the 20th Monday February 2023. This historical occasion was graced by Prof. Upul Subasinghe, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Snr. Prof. Aloka Pathirana, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, and many other distinguished guests, academic and non-academic staff members and students.

The renovations of this auditorium with a history of over 30 years, commenced in July 2019 under the guidance of Prof. Harsha Dissanayake, former Head of the Department of Anatomy and Snr. Prof Surangi Yasawardene, former Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences during the tenure of Snr. Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. It spanned nearly 4 years due to the turbulent situations in the country, finally reaching completion in February 2023 under the guidance of Dr. Varuni Tennakoon, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Snr. Prof. Aloka Pathirana, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.

The commencement lecture of the new intake (32nd Batch) of medical students to the Faculty of Medical Sciences, immediately followed the opening ceremony.

The fully-fledged auditorium meets the latest advances in multimedia and sound systems and has the capacity to accommodate over 300 students at a time. The auditorium is planned to be utilized extensively for lectures and teaching activities of medical undergraduates.