Center for kidney research was established in 2015 under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge and Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Surangi Yasawardene.
The aim of the centre is to initiate, facilitate and support basic and applied scientific research related to kidney disease by universities and conduct multidisciplinary collaborative research address themes of national importance. The centre will support numerous research, development & innovation activities/ programmes in the field of kidney disease to enhance the outputs and outcomes which will benefit the Sri Lankan society in the long run.

At present Sri Lanka is faced with an increase in renal disease with Chronic Kidney Disease being the major disease. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is characterized by progressive destruction of renal mass with irreversible sclerosis and loss of nephrons over a period of months to years, depending on the underlying aetiology. With the emergence of endemic CKD of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in the North Central Province in the 1990’s, a lot of research has been confined to the study of the aetiology of CKDu. Yet renal failure due to other causes which amounts to a large number has gone unnoticed. Thus, it is crucial to carry out research in determining diagnostic, risk and prognostic factors as well as effective treatment modalities.
Early detection of disease will help the individuals to be treated and managed before they go into ESRD. This necessitates research on novel drugs which could stop or slow down the progression of kidney disease. Therefore, in order to finding long lasting solutions to the increasing incidence of renal disease, novel drugs for halting disease progression and formation of policies based on scientific evidence, a dedicated centre for research on kidney disease was established.

To carry out highly scientific, multidisciplinary research, in order to find out novel diagnostic markers and treatment methods for kidney disease and thereby contributing to early detection, prevention and effective treatment of patients with kidney disease in Sri Lanka.

To contribute to the vision by providing independent, objective, and expert scientific and medical research in the fields of biochemistry, pathology, medicine, pharmacy, environment and social factors.
To conduct high quality research on kidney disease to promote multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative work with National and International Research Centers.
To create a critical mass within the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in the field of kidney disease research.

To investigate the diagnostic value of novel markers of kidney disease in Sri Lankans and determine the, biochemical and nutritional parameters that are associated with occurrence, progression and severity of chronic kidney disease.
To investigate the factors which lead to progression of chronic kidney disease in Sri Lankans and determine new treatment modalities and explore traditional and Ayurvedic treatment modalities that are effective in treating renal disease and isolation of active ingredients
Director & Members

+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4151, radeep_2005@yahoo.com

Research Projects Funded
Study on biochemical markers in CKDU funded through University research grant leading to a PhD degree.
Proposed research projects funded
- Investigating the diagnostic value of novel markers of CKD factors in Sri Lankans and determining the biochemical and nutritional parameters that are associated with occurrence, progression and severity of CKD.
- A feasibility study to carry out clinical trials using Ayurvedic medicinal products for Kidney disease leading to a M.Phil/PhD degree program.
- In the process of formulating a proposal to detect Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) in Sri Lankans with the aim of validating eGFR measurements in Sri Lankan population.