Center for cancer research was established in July 2015 under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge and Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Surangi Yasawardene. The aim of this project was to initiate, facilitate and support basic and applied scientific research related to cancer by universities and multidisciplinary collaborative research centers that address themes of national importance.

The activities of the center are mainly focused on facilitating high quality collaborative cancer research among the scientific community in Sri Lanka. Center will support numerous research, development & innovation activities/ programmes in all cancer related fields with a view to enhance the outputs and outcomes which will ultimately benefit the Sri Lankan society. The scientists are encouraged to carry out quality research and innovations which will have a direct impact on the health care system of Sri Lanka.

To promote high quality cancer research that will have a significant impact on the prevention, diagnosis and management of cancer

To reach the highest standard of scientific research and to disseminate high quality scientific information related to cancer.

- Promote research in cancer diagnostics, including the molecular biology of cancer, prioritizing the development of new biomarkers and screening techniques
- Better understanding of causative factors of cancer to facilitate prevention
- Develop new and refine existing therapeutics for cancer
- Encourage collaborative cancer research
- Enable cancer research leaders of tomorrow
Director & Members

+94 11 2881788 Ext: 4176,

Ongoing Research
- Imaging and clinicopathology profile of women diagnosed with breast malignancy in Sri Lanka
- Prognostic factors and survival analysis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka
- Health-related quality of life among cervical cancer patients receiving treatment at National Cancer Institute in Sri Lanka
- Delay in diagnosis and associated factors among children with Haematological malignancies admitted to National Cancer Institute Maharagama, Sri Lanka
- A systematic review on dietary habits and breast cancer in South Asian females
- A scoping review on influence of the religion, religiosity and spirituality on head and neck cancer patients
- A phenomenology research on body image concerns among women diagnosed with breast cancer in Sri Lanka
- Systemic immune inflammation index among female breast cancer patients receiving treatment
- Prevalence of incidental carcinoma of the Prostate in cadaveric prostates in a tertiary care center in Sri Lanka
- Predictability of malignancy in suspicious thyroid nodules using immunohistochemistry and molecular markers in cytology specimens
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Seneviwickrama, M., Jayasinghe, R., Kanmodi, K.K., Rogers, S.N., Keill, S., Ratnapreya, S., Ranasinghe, S., Denagamagei, S.S., Perera, I. (2025). Influence of religion and spirituality on head and neck cancer patients and their caregivers: a protocol for a scoping review. BMC Systematic Reviews (Accepted for publication)
- Seneviwickrama, M., Denagamagei, S., Jayakody, S., Gunasekera, S., Liyanage, G. (2024). Availability and accessibility of cytotoxic medicines in the WHO model list of essential medicines for childhood cancer in low and lower-middle- income countries: a systematic review. BMC Cancer (Accepted for publication)
- Goonewardena, C.S.E., Manawadu, M.C.K., Seneviwickrama, K.L.M.D., Senaratna, B.C.V., Wijewickrama, G.K., Manjika, M.S., Kumarasinghe, R.D.K.K. Fatigue and associated factors among female breast cancer survivors attending the National Cancer Institute, Sri Lanka. BMJ Open 2024 (Accepted for publication)
- Seneviwickrama, M., Navarathnage, S.D.W., Jayakody, S., Denagamagei, S.S., Nawaratne, S. (2024). Dietary habits and breast cancer in South Asian females: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open (Accepted for publication)
- Edirisinghe, N.P., Makuloluwa, P.T.R., Amarasekara, A.A.T.D. and Goonewardena, C.S.E. (2024). Coping with cancer pain: a qualitative study to explore pain perception and self-coping strategies of patients with cancer in Sri Lanka. BMJ Open, 14:e085510. doi:
- Edirisinghe, N.P., Makuloluwa, P.T.R., Amarasekara, A.A.T.D. and Goonewardena, C.S.E. (2024). Severity, interference, qualities, and correlates of severe pain: Descriptive cross-sectional study on pain experience of cancer patients in Sri Lanka. Chronic illness, [online] 20(3), pp.515-526. doi:
- Alles, P.S., Alagiyawanna, D., Seneviwickrama, M., Nanayakkara, S., Kariyawasam, M. and Pathirana, A (2024). Brief psychological intervention to reduce psychological distress among pre-operative cancer patients: A randomized, single-blind, two arm, parallel group-controlled trial in a selected tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry, 14(2), pp.40-48. doi:
- Wijesinghe K., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Jeyakumaran N., De Silva G., Chamara Y., Gamage H., Heiyanthuduwa W. R. (2024). Patient factors that lead to presentation delay in breast cancer among Sri Lankan women: A cross sectional study. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 15(9) pp 83-88. doi:
- Seneviwickrama, M., Gunasekera, S., Liyanage, G., Heiyanthuduwa, W. and Jayakody, S. (2023). Availability of cytotoxic medicines in the WHO essential medicine list used in treating childhood malignancies in low-income and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, [online] 13(6), p.e071988. doi:
- Edirisinghe, S.T., Devmini, T., Pathmaperuma, S., Weerasekera, M., De Silva, K., Liyanage, I., Niluka, M., Madushika, K., Deegodagamage, S., Wijesundara, C., Rich, A., De Silva, H., Hussaini, H., De Silva, D.K. and Yasawardena, S. (2023). Risk Assessment of Alcohol Consumption for Oral Cancer: A Case-Control Study in Patients Attending the National Cancer Institute (Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama) of Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, [online] 24(4), pp.1181-1185. doi:
- Edirisinghe, S.T., Weerasekera, M., De Silva, D.K., Devmini, M.T., Pathmaperuma, S., Wijesinghe, G.K., Nisansala, T., Maddumage, A., Huzaini, H., Rich, A.M., De Silva, H., Trudy, M., Goonesinghe, R., De Silva,K., Yasawardene, S. (2023). Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) as Potential Biomarkers for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Sri Lankan Study. Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, [online] 24(1), pp.267-274. doi:
Conference Proceedings
- Dinethra M.W.T., Gammanpila N.T., Hiranya K.M., Pathivila S.V., Chinthanie D.L.J., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Wijesighe M.S.D., Vidanapathirana D.M. (2024). Factors associated with knowledge on Pap smear screening among women aged 35- 60 years, attending the outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Annual academic session 2024 of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists.
- Goonewardena C.S.E., Manawadu M.C.K., Wijewickrama G.K., Manjika M.S., Kumarasinghe R.D.K.K., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Senaratna B.C.V. (2024). Fatigue and associated factors among female breast cancer survivors attending the National Cancer Institute, Sri Lanka. Annual academic sessions of the College of Community Physicians 2024
- Dinethra M.W.T., Gammanpila N.T., Hiranya K.M., Pathivila S.V., Chinthanie D.L.J., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Wijesighe M.S.D., Vidanapathirana D.M. (2024). Knowledge, attitude and practices related to Pap smear screening among women aged 35- 60 years attending the outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Medical Sciences 2024. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- Gunathilaka I.D.C., Walpola G.Y., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D. (2024). Knowledge and Attitudes on Cancer Pain Management Among Nurses at the National Cancer Institute in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Medical Sciences 2024. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Goonewardena C.S.E., Kumarasinghe R.D.K.K., Denagamagei SS, Manjika M.S., Wijewickrama G.K., Senaratna B.C.V. (2024). Socio-demographic and economic determinants of health outcome of breast cancer survivors in a lower-middle income country. International conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health 2024.Pg 142.
- Samaraweera PCU, Malhasi IWGAL, Beneragama DH., (2023). An ovarian carcinoid in a mature cystic teratoma; a rare occurrence. International Conference on Medical Sciences 2023. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- de Silva, G., Seneviwickrama, K.L.M.D., Heiyanthuduwa, W., Somawickrama, N., Chamara, Y., Gamage, H., Nandasena, M., Wijesinghe, K., (2023). Delays in the presentation and diagnosis of breast cancer in Sri Lanka: A retrospective observational study. 52nd Sri Lanka Surgical Congress. 14-16th September 2023.
- Goonewardena, C.S.E., Fernando, C.S., Manjika, S., Wijewickrama, G.K., Senaratna, B.C.V., Seneviwickrama, K.L.M.D., Somawickrama, D.N.M., de Silva, K.G.B. (2023). Histological types, treatment, and associated factors among female breast cancer survivors followed up at Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka. 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 25-28th July 2023. Ceylon Medical Journal 68 (Suppl) p168-69
- de Silva, G., Seneviwickrama, K.L.M.D., Heiyanthuduwa, W., Somawickrama, N., Chamara, Y., Gamage, H., Nandasena, M., Wijesinghe, K (2023). Knowledge and attitudes on breast cancer among female patients diagnosed with breast cancer in Sri Lanka. 52nd Sri Lanka Surgical Congress. 14-16th September 2023.
- De Silva K.G.B., Seneviwickrama K.L.M.D., Heiyanthuduwa W., Somawickrama D.N.M., Gamage H.M., Chamara K.A.Y., Manjika S., Nandasena M., Wijesinghe K. (2023). Knowledge and practices of breast cancer screening and its associated factors among female patients diagnosed with breast cancer in Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Oncologists. 13th – 15th October 2023
- Samaraweera PCU, Piyamalika HKU, Beneragama DH, Nandasena M,Pathirana A (2023) Peripancreatic tuberculous lymphadenitis mimicking pancreatic cystic Neoplasm. International Conference on Medical Sciences 2023. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- Kosgallana EW, Wijetunge S, Malaviarachchi SL, Prathapan S, Prematilleke I (2023). Tumour Budding as a Predictor for Lymphovascular Invasion in Colorectal cancer. 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 25-28th July 2023. Ceylon Medical Journal 68 (Suppl) p168-69
- Seneviwickrama KLMD, Heiyanthuduwa WR, Wijewickrama GK,Manjika S, Senaratna BCV, Jeyakumaran N, Goonewardena CSE., (2022). Psychological distress among female breast cancer survivors followed up at National Cancer Institute, Sri Lanka. 17th SAARC Federation of Oncologists (SFO) International Cancer Conference & Sri Lanka College of Oncologists Annual Academic Sessions 2022
- Goonewardena CSE, Palihawadana R, Ekanayake M, Pabasara SAD, Wijerathne B, Jeyakumaran N, Gunasekera D, Manjika S, Wijewickrama GK, Seneviwickrama KLMD 1, Senaratna BCV. (2022). Sleep quality among post-surgical female breast cancer survivors followed up at Apeksha hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka. 17th SAARC Federation of Oncologists (SFO) International Cancer Conference & Sri Lanka College of Oncologists Annual Academic Sessions 2022
Recent Activities
- Collaborated with the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka as a Technical partner to organize ReproSex 2024 – International conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health held on 5-6th November 2024 at BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Meeting with a team headed by Prof. Ruwan Jayasinghe, Director of the Centre for Research in Oral Cancer, University of Peradeniya to explore collaborative research opportunities on 16th November 2022
- Two breast cancer awareness programmes organized by the Indira Cancer Trust on 13th & 19th October 2022 to mark the world breast cancer day
- Training of trainers programme on breast cancer organized by the Yeheliya foundation in collaboration with the Indira Cancer Trust on 16th October 2022
- Webinar for postgraduate trainees in Pathology, Surgery & Oncology on the management of thyroid malignancies in collaboration with the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 10th June 2022
- Webinar on Early detection of breast cancer in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Cancer Society on 30th of October 2021 as a community service project for the public to mark the world breast cancer day
- Seminar on breast cancer/mammogram screening in collaboration with the National Cancer Control Programme in June 2021 for general public
- MOU with the cancer research group of the College of Oncologists was signed on the 30th of April 2021 to facilitate collaborative research
- Workshop on cancer research, receptor studies, and breast cancer in April 2021 for post graduate students
- Workshop on Molecular diagnostics in May 2021 for postgraduate students