The Department of Biochemistry was established in 1993 under the Faculty of Medical Sciences which was established in 1992, to conduct undergraduate courses for MBBS and B.Sc. in Human Biology. The establishment of the Biochemistry Division at the inception was under the guidance of Dr. E.R. Jansz, Dr. I. Jayawardane, and Dr. H. Pieris. The Division of Biochemistry together with the Divisions of Anatomy and Physiology was first established under the Department of Human Biology at its inception and with the evolvement of the Faculty, the three divisions including the Department of Biochemistry were separated in to three departments.

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Participation in Undergraduate Training Programmes
Courses conducted by the Faculty of Medical Sciences
- B.Sc. in Human Biology – General and Special
- Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS)
Past contributions in initiating, establishing and conducting degree programs:
- B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing [up to 2019]
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) [up to 2019]
- B.Sc. (Hons) Medical Laboratory Sciences [up to 2019]
Participation in Postgraduate Training Programmes
- MPhil. in Biochemistry/Nutrition/ Clinical Biochemistry (The department has produced more than 30 MPhil graduates)
- PhD in Biochemistry/Nutrition/ Clinical Biochemistry (The department has produced more than 30 PhD graduates)
- MSc in Nutrition (research component)
- MD Pediatrics (research component)
- MSc in Food Science & Technology (research component)
Postgraduate Diploma in Toxicology (Dissertation
Teaching and Learning Activities
- Lectures
- Small Group Discussions (SGDs)
- Guided Learning Sessions (GLSs)
- Fixed Learning Modules (FLMs)
- Seminars
- Quizzes
- Laboratory practical sessions and demonstrations of laboratory techniques.
- Learning Management System (LMS).
- Field Surveys
- Industrial Training
- Hospital Visits
- Hands-on Training on Statistical Applications

The department comprises the following facilities:
- Biochemistry Students Laboratory
- Biochemistry Research Laboratory (with HPLC, facilities for “Proximate analysis” and “Glycemic index” of foods, etc.)
- Clinical Biochemistry Research Laboratory (with automated clinical biochemistry analyzer, and automated immunoassay analyzer)
From its inception, the Department has produced more than 50 postgraduates who are currently serving the country in many different capacities. Undergraduates following all degrees are also trained for research by academics of the Department. The department boasts of National and International award-winning researchers from its inception and the trend continues with the present academic members.
The broad fields of research study in the Department are Nutrition and Clinical Biochemistry with some work being carried out on bioactivity studies. The areas of interest are studies on glycemic index, herbal & ayurvedic products, kidney disease, heart diseases, autism spectrum disorder, inherited metabolic disorders, cancers, and mindfulness. Further, some of the academic members are currently involved in collaborative research activities with foreign universities and private sector companies as part of the public-private partnerships.
The department has earned more than 6000 cumulative google scholar citations (as of 22/05/2023).
The department published a book entitled “Glimpses of Research” synopsizing the research activities and related achievements of the Department.
The department managed to attract the first foreign grant to the Faculty, “SRI 07” (ISP Sweden).
Two academic members received “The Vice-chancellor award for research”.
Other noteworthy accolades of the Department in history of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.
- First postgraduate enrolments and completion
- First Science Citation Index (SCI) publication (1999)
- First professors from alumni (both degree programs MBBS and B.Sc. in Human Biology)
- First Emeritus Professor
Database on Glycaemic Indices of Sri Lankan Foods
The department carries out industrial food based collaborative research as a service and has established a centre for determining glycaemic indices of commercial products.