Prof. Aloka Pathirana
Senior Professor of Surgery
- General information
- Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Field/s of Expertise
- Research & Innovation
- Teaching
Department of Surgery
Office – +94 11 2758660
Mobile – +94 77 7393003
Academic Qualifications
- MBBS / 1991 / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- MS (Surgery) / 1997 / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- Board Certification, Surgical Oncology / 2000 / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
Professional Qualifications
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Royal College of Surgeons of England
UK - Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery
University of Strasbourg
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- Sri Lanka Medical Council
- General Medical Council, UK
- The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, Life Member,
- International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Member
- Sri Lanka Medical Association, Life Member
- Sri Lanka Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Life Member
- Sri Lanka Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Association, Life Member
- The Rockwood Gold Medal for Surgery – obtaining the highest marks for surgery at the Final
MBBS, University of Colombo, 1991 - Dr P R Anthonis Gold Medal for Basic Sciences in Surgery – for obtaining the highest marks
at the MS(Surgery) Part I examination, held by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine,
University of Colombo –1993 - Dr Vrasapillai Gabriel Memorial Gold Medal for Surgery – for obtaining the highest marks at
the MS(Surgery) Part II examination, held by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine,
University of Colombo –1997 - The Milroy Paul Gold Medal for Clinical Surgery -for obtaining the highest marks for clinicals,
at the MS(Surgery) Part II examination – held by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine,
University of Colombo –1997
- Special interest in hepatobiliary surgery
- Special interest in teaching clinical and procedural skills
ORCID ID and Link
Google Scholar Link
Research Gate Link
Publications and Scientific Communications
Chapters in Books
- Hepatobiliary Surgery – in History of Medicine in Sri Lanka 1948 – 2018. Published by the Sri Lanka Medical Association. ISBN 978-955-9386-43-8
- Liver Surgery – for the SAARC Text Book of Surgery – published by the SAARC Surgical Care Society (handed over for publication)
- Ward Procedures in Surgery, 3rd Edition (Editor) – A Practical guide for medical students and house officers (2017)
- Benign oesophageal obstruction – endoscopic treatment Endotherapy – the present consensus. Hand book. Post graduate master class. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2009
- Role of endotherapy in oesophageal malignancy Endotherapy – the present consensus. Hand book. Post graduate master class. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2009
- Ward Procedures in Surgery (Editor) – A Practical guide for medical students and house officers
- Shock – Advanced Trauma Initial Management and Resuscitation (ATRIMS) Course Manual, The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
- Trauma in Pregnancy – Advanced Trauma Initial Management and Resuscitation (ATRIMS) Course Manual, The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
- Management of wounds, ulcers, burns and abscesses – Diploma in Family Medicine, Distance Education Programme. Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. DFM SUR 441, 2007/2009
- Detection and management of hernias and scrotal swellings. Diploma in Family Medicine, Distance Education Programme. Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. DFM SUR, 2007/2009
- Management of a traumatic wound – Workshop on surgical skills for practicing doctors – Course Manual, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. December 2005
- Management of a patient with acute abdominal pain. National Guidelines, Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition (ISBN 978-955-9093-56-5)
- Wound care. Essentials of Family Practice. Edited by Antoinette Perera & John Murtagh. (ISBN 955-99958-0-4)
- Gastrointestinal tract infections. SLMA guidelines on the use of antimicrobial agents, Edited by Dr SD Atukorala & Prof Geetha Fernando (ISBN 955-9386-16-6)
Research Papers
- Supun Lakmal de Silva, Ajith Aloka Pathirana, Thejana Kamil Wijerathne, Bawantha Dilshan Gamage. Transabdominal ultrasonography in symptomatic choledocholithiasis – usefulness in settings with limited resources. Journal of Clinical Imaging Science 2019;9:31 DOI 10.25259/JCIS-38-2019
- De Silva WSL, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne TK, Gamage BD, Dassnayake BK, De Silva MM. Epidemiology and disease characteristics of symptomatic choledocholithiasis in Sri Lanka. Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2019:23:41-45. https://doi.org/10.14701/ahbps.2019.23.1.41
- Samarakoon YM, Gunawardena NS, Pathirana A, Perera MN, Hewage SA. Prediction of colorectal cancer risk among adults in a lower middle-income country. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/jgo.2019.01.27
- Dharmapala AD, Siriwardena RC, Chan A, Adair A, Shrikhande S, Jeyarajah R, Jegatheeswaran S, Jagannath P, Siriwardena M, Sivaganesh S, Pathirana AA, Siriwardena AK. Sri Lanka Guidelines for the Management of Hepatic Metastases from Colorectal Cancer Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2018;36(1):1-4
- Samarakoon YM, Gunawardena NS, Pathirana A. Behavioral, familial and Comorbid illness risk factors of colorectal cancer: a case control study. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2018;63:139-144
- Siriwardena RC, Pathirana AA, Siriwardana AK, Espat NJ, Adair A SLHPBA Guidelines for the management of hepatocellular carcinoma in Sri Lanka – consensus statement. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2018; 36(1); 31-33
- Samarakoon Y, Gunawardena N, Pathirana A, Hewage S. Appropriateness of colonoscopy according to EPAGE II in a low resource setting; a cross sectional study from Sri Lanka. BMC Gastroenterology. 2018;18:72 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12876-018-0798-7
- Kumarasinghe KAPR*, Pathirana AA. Impacted wire basket in the main pancreatic duct; How to jailbreak. Gastroenterol Hepatol Endosc, 2017 Volume 2(3): 1-2. doi: 10.15761/GHE.1000145
- Kumarasinghe KAPR*, Pathirana AA. Case series on endoscopic simultaneous multiple plastic stent dilatation of strictures following iatrogenic bile duct injury. Gastroenterol Hepatol Endosc, 2017 Volume 2(3): 1-2. doi: 10.15761/GHE.1000144
- Samarakoon YM, Gunawardena NS, Pathirana A. Prevalence of the population ‘at risk’ of developing colorectal cancer in Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2017; 23(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v23i4.8115
- SLHPBA guidelines on the management of acute pancreatitis – a consensus document Sivasuriya Sivaganesh, Ajith Siriwardena, Aloka Pathirana, The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, 2017; 35(4): 29-33
- Hettiarachchi P, Wickremasinghe AR, Frost GS, Deen KI, Pathirana AA, Murphy KG, Jayaratne SD. Resection of large bowel suppresses hunger and food intake and modulates gastrointestinal fermentation. Obesity 2016; 24: 1723-30
- Pathirana AA, Bandara KGMW, Faleel MA, Kuruppumullage SD, Solangarachchi N, Rupasinghe R, Karunaratne NPN, Ranasinghe DD, Epa WA, Thushyanthan V. A Sonographic scoring system to assess the risk of thyroid malignancy. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016;61:32-34
- Kumara DUA, Fernando SSN, Kottahachchi J, Dissanayake DMBT, Athukorala GIDDAD, Chandrasiri NS, Damayanthi KWN, Hemarathne MHSL, Pathirana AA. Evaluation of bactericidal effect of three antiseptics on bacteria isolated from wounds. J Wound Care. 2015 Jan;24(1):5-10. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2015.24.1.5
- Wijesundere CN, Silva FHDS, Pathirana AA, Wijeratne T. Pringle manoeuvre versus selective hepatic vascular occlusion: outcome of a series in a tertiary referral centre. Ceylon Medical Journal 2014;59:139-140
- Pathirana Aloka. Iatrogenic bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2011; 29: 77-78
- Gunawardena CA, Pathirana A. Creating e-learning material with optimal utilization of limited resources Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics 2011;2(3)112-115
- Jayasundera JASB, de Silva WMM, Pathirana AA. Changing clinical profile, management strategies and outcome of patients with biliary tract injuries at a tertiary centre in Sri Lanka. Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Dis Int 2011;10:526-532
- Abeysuriya V, Deen KI, Dassanayake BK, Kumarage SK, Navarathne NMM, Pathirana AA. Idiopathic pancreatitis is a consequence of an altering spectrum of bile nucleation time. BMC Research Notes 2011; 4:163
- Siriwardena RC, Pathirana AA, Nanayakkara K. Endotherapy for oesophageal anastomotic leaks – is it the way forward? The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2010; 28:11-12
- Pathirana A, Wijerathne T, Siriwardena RC, Samarasekera RPN, Werahera WML. Resection of colorectal liver metastases: single unit experience in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2010; 55:94
- Jayasundera JASB, de Silva WMM, Pathirana AA. Therapeutic value and outcome of gastric access loops created during hepaticojejunostomy for iatrogenic bile duct injuries. Journal of the royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 2010; 8(6): 325-329
- Salgado S, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A. Surgical Anatomy of the veins of the lower limb – a cadaveric study. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2009; 27:45-47
- Sujatha Senadheera Salgado, Vasitha Abeysuriya, Aloka Pathiran Anatomy of the pancreatic vasculature: respect of the duodenum preserving resection of head of the pancreas. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008;26: 7-10
- HDRC Siriwardana, A Pathirana. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52: 53-55
- AA Pathirana, A Fernando, MVC de Silva. Three patients with granulomatous mastitis showing good response to prednisolone. Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52: 14-15
- Vasitha Abeysuriya, Pubudu de Silva, Aloka Pathirana Effectiveness of teaching clinical skills in improving simple wound suturing among medical undergraduates. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2005; 14(2): 38-42
- V Abeysuriya, A P de Silva, A A Pathirana, Enhancing clinical skills in wound cleaning – is a formal teaching session effective? The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2005; 23: 20-21
- A Pathirana, GJ Poston. Lessons from Japan – endoscopic management of early gastric and oesophageal cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2001; 27: 9-16
- Pathirana AA, Vinjamuri S, Byrne C et al. I 131 MIBG radionuclide therapy is safe and cost effective in the control of symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2001; 27: 404-408
- Aloka Pathirana, Management of acute cholecystitis. Sri Lanka Prescriber 2001;9; 5-6
- Pathirana AA, Amarasinghe IY, Jayasekera KAMP. Mastectomy drains – when should they be removed? The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 1999: 17;6-9
Case Reports
- Malith Nandasena, Sahan Perera, Aloka Pathirana, Chinthaka Wijesurendere. Stitch Erosion of small bowel: a rare delayed and avoidable complication of laparotomy. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2019; 37(1): 41-42
- S. L. De Silva, A. A. Pathirana, I. Prematilleke, S. A. P. D. Rajapakse, P. S. H. Hettiarachchi, D. S. Manawasinghe. BK Dassanayake. Two synchronous malignant tumors of the pancreas: a case report Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:84
- JASB Jayasundara, Perera E, de Silva Chandu, Pathirana AA Lymphangioma of the jejunal mesentery and jejunal polyps presenting as an acute abdomen in a teenager Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: e108-e109
- Niriella MA, Kumarasena RS, Dassanayake AS, Pathirana A, Hewavisenthi JdeS, de Silva HJ. Worsening cholestasis and possible cefuroxime induced liver injury following “successful” therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for a distal common bile duct stone: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2016; 10:371
- Pathirana AA, Manawasinghe UGDS, Karunaratne NPN, Thushyanthan V. A foreign body in liver mimicking an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Ceylon Medical Journal 2016;61:87-89
- De Silva WSL, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD, Manawasinghe DS, Jayasundara B, Kiriwandeniya U. Extra-ampullary Peutz-Jeghers polyp causing duodenal intussusception leading to biliary obstruction. Journal of Medical case reports. 2016;10:196
- Siriwardana RC, Pathirana A, Liyanage CAH, Rajapakse PM, Munasinghe M. Long term survival of stage IV hepatocellular carcinoma treated with multimodal approach. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2015;33:4-5
- Pathirana A, Siriwardena RC, Deen KI, Rupasinghe Y. A case of embryonal sarcoma of the liver. Ceylon Medical Journal 2010; 55: 90
- De Zoysa MIM, Dharmawardena AS, Abayadheera AU, Pathirana AA. A case of metachronous biliary carcinoma. Ceylon Medical Journal 2010; 55: 128-9
- Pulathis N Siriwardena, Aloka Pathirana, Episodic biliary obstruction due to an intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2009; 3:9032
- Pratheepan G, Ariyananda PL, Pathirana AA. Pleuropancreatic fistula: a rare cause of pleural effusion. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2009; 27: 19-20
- Aloka Pathirana, Gayan Ekanayake, KL Fernando. Bleeding duodenal diverticula as a surgical challenge Galle Medical Journal 2005; 10:29-30
- D R Mahanama, A A Pathirana, Papillary carcinoma in a thyrotoxic patient. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2002; 20:36
Invited Lectures – Scientific Meetings
- Taming of the liver – past, present and future- Surgeon’s perspectives. International Conference on Health Sciences – 2019. University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 18th October 2019
- Liver – friend or foe of surgeons – Sri Lanka Medical Doctors Association – Scientific Meeting. London May 2019
- Anesthesia – Surgeon’s Perspective – Trainee Day for Anesthetists, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, 29th April 2019
- Management of colorectal liver metastases – Rectal Cancer Masterclass, Pre-congress Workshop, Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. 15th August 2018
- Mindfulness for Undergraduates – Global Mindfulness Summit 2018. Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, 23rd February 2018
- Colorectal liver metastases – Role of the surgeon – Plenary lecture, Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists, 10th December 2017
- Liver – Friend or Foe of Surgeon? – Plenary Lecture, Annual Academic Session of Kurunegala Medical Association, 4th October 2017
- Management of colorectal liver metastases – Rectal Cancer Masterclass, Pre-congress Workshop, Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. 15th August 2017
- Management of thyroid nodules – decision making process – Symposium, 130th International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 11th July 2017
- Screening for Cancer – an update – Clinical Sessions of Lanka Hospitals, 19th November 2016
- Endoscopic Management of Bile Duct Stones – Plenary lecture, Annual Academic Sessions of the Anuradhapura Clinical Society in collaboration with The Ceylon College of Physicians, 6th October 2016
- Acute Pancreatitis – How to improve the outcome – Symposium, Annual Academic Sessions of the Anuradhapura Clinical Society in collaboration with The Ceylon College of Physicians, 6th October 2016
- Challenges for the HPB Surgeon – Symposium. Annual Academic Sessions, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2016
- HPB Training in Sri Lanka – Past, present and the future. Joint clinical sessions on HPB Surgery of the IHPBA and the SLHPBA, December 2015
- Surgery in the 21st century – Joint Regional Meeting of the Sri Lanka Medical Association with the Clinical Society of the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital. June 2015
- Acute Pancreatitis – ABC. Update on Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ceylon College of Physicians and Sri Lanka Society of Gastroenterology. April 2015
- Clinical Teaching in unconventional settings. International Medical Congress of The Sri Lanka Medical Association. July 2015
- Introduction to liver resection- Trainee Day, Organized by the Sri Lanka College of Anaesthesiologists, 26th September 2014
- Management of Neuroendocrine liver metastases – The road ahead. Annual Academic Sessions of The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2014
- Open surgery – A thing of the past – Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, April 2015
- Guidelines on formulating case reports – Organized by the PGIM for the JPGIM, Nov 2015=4
- Introduction to patient safety – Forum for clinical teachers – Faculty of Medical Sciences, USJP. Dec 2014
- Supervision in clinical and community settings’ – South East Asian Regional Association of Medical Association (SEARAME) Conference, November 2014
- Cancer screening – an update. Annual Joint Academic Sessions of the Clinical Society of Base Hospital Wathupitiwala and the Sri Lanka Medical Association. September 2014
- Re-laparotomy – When? Training program for post-graduates. Organized by the Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics and Gynaecoloogy, February 2014
- Wound-care – an update. CME Programme of Puttalam Clinical Society. June 2014
- Cancer screening – an update. CME Programme of Puttalam Clinical Society. June 2014
- Innovative approaches in bedside teaching – Symposium on clinical teaching. Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress – Sri Lanka Medical Association – July 2013
- Opportunities for research – Workshop on Neuroimmunology and Cancer biology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 4th December 2012
- Research Methodology – Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka Spinal Cord Network. National Hospital of Sri Lanka. 19th October 2012
- Management of colorectal liver metastases – Rectal Cancer Masterclass, Pre-congress Workshop, Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. 15th August 2018
- Mindfulness for Undergraduates – Global Mindfulness Summit 2018. Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, 23rd February 2018
- Colorectal liver metastases – Role of the surgeon – Plenary lecture, Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists, 10th December 2017
- Liver – Friend or Foe of Surgeon? – Plenary Lecture, Annual Academic Session of Kurunegala Medical Association, 4th October 2017
- Management of colorectal liver metastases – Rectal Cancer Masterclass, Pre-congress Workshop, Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. 15th August 2017
- Management of thyroid nodules – decision making process – Symposium, 130th International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 11th July 2017
- Screening for Cancer – an update – Clinical Sessions of Lanka Hospitals, 19th November 2016
- Endoscopic Management of Bile Duct Stones – Plenary lecture, Annual Academic Sessions of the Anuradhapura Clinical Society in collaboration with The Ceylon College of Physicians, 6th October 2016
- Acute Pancreatitis – How to improve the outcome – Symposium, Annual Academic Sessions of the Anuradhapura Clinical Society in collaboration with The Ceylon College of Physicians, 6th October 2016
- Challenges for the HPB Surgeon – Symposium. Annual Academic Sessions, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2016
- HPB Training in Sri Lanka – Past, present and the future. Joint clinical sessions on HPB Surgery of the IHPBA and the SLHPBA, December 2015
- Surgery in the 21st century – Joint Regional Meeting of the Sri Lanka Medical Association with the Clinical Society of the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital. June 2015
- Acute Pancreatitis – ABC. Update on Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ceylon College of Physicians and Sri Lanka Society of Gastroenterology. April 2015
- Clinical Teaching in unconventional settings. International Medical Congress of The Sri Lanka Medical Association. July 2015
- Introduction to liver resection- Trainee Day, Organized by the Sri Lanka College of Anaesthesiologists, 26th September 2014
- Management of Neuroendocrine liver metastases – The road ahead. Annual Academic Sessions of The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2014
- Open surgery – A thing of the past – Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, April 2015
- Guidelines on formulating case reports – Organized by the PGIM for the JPGIM, Nov 2015=4
- Introduction to patient safety – Forum for clinical teachers – Faculty of Medical Sciences, USJP. Dec 2014
- Supervision in clinical and community settings’ – South East Asian Regional Association of Medical Association (SEARAME) Conference, November 2014
- Cancer screening – an update. Annual Joint Academic Sessions of the Clinical Society of Base Hospital Wathupitiwala and the Sri Lanka Medical Association. September 2014
- Re-laparotomy – When? Training program for post-graduates. Organized by the Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics and Gynaecoloogy, February 2014
- Wound-care – an update. CME Programme of Puttalam Clinical Society. June 2014
- Cancer screening – an update. CME Programme of Puttalam Clinical Society. June 2014
- Innovative approaches in bedside teaching – Symposium on clinical teaching. Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress – Sri Lanka Medical Association – July 2013
- Opportunities for research – Workshop on Neuroimmunology and Cancer biology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Liver metastases – is it the end of the road? Plenary lecture. Annual Academic Sessions of the Galle Medical Association.5th October 2012
- Iatrogenic bile duct injuries – an overview – Pre-congress workshop on bile duct injuries. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. 15th August 2012
- Obstructive Jaundice – Value of early diagnosis – Regional Symposium on The Current Management of Common GI problems, The Sri Lanka Society of Gastroenterology. Kurunegala 19th May 2012
- The status of liver resection for metastatic colorectal cancer in Sri Lanka – Mini research symposium on Colorectal and anal disorders – The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 29th November 2011
- Surgery for liver tumours – Annual Academic Session of the Sri Lanka College of Radiologists. July 2011
- Management of benign liver tumours – Annual Scientific Sessions of the Gastroenterological & Digestive Endoscopy Society of Sri Lanka – December 2010
- Recent advances in liver surgery – Annual Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. November 2010
- Treatment options for hepatic metastases – Annual Scientific Sessions, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2010
- Role of e learning in surgical postgraduate training: the Sri Lankan experience. Annual Scientific Sessions. Sri Lanka Medical Association. June 2010
- Colorectal hepatic secondaries – Guest Lecture, Kandy Society of Medicine, March 2010
- Role of endotherapy in oesophageal malignancies. 15th Annual Cancer Conference (ONCO 2009), Lahore, Pakistan. November 2009
- Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases. 15th Annual Cancer Conference (ONCO 2009), Lahore, Pakistan. November 2009
- Surgical management of metastatic liver tumours Symposium on Liver Tumours – Annual Scientific Sessions, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2009
Books / Periodicals Edited
- Member of editorial board – Sri Lanka Journal of surgery
- Ward procedures in Surgery – A practical guide to surgical house officers (ISBN 955 99376-0-X)
- Basic surgical skills for doctors – Hand Book (ISBN 978-955-0241-00-2)
- Abstract Book – Annual Scientific Sessions of the Gastroenterological & Digestive
- Endoscopy Society of Sri Lanka. December 2008, November 2009, November 2010
Research Papers (Oral/Poster) – Scientific Meetings
- S De Silva, A Gunarathne, AA Pathirana. A study on utilization of facilities in the intensive care unit by elective surgical patients in a tertiary care institution: case for provision of high dependency units in surgical wards. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (oral)
- HSL Perera, AA Pathirana, T Wijerathne, M Jayawardena, RGMS Nandasena, BDMR Chandraguptha. Cholangiocarcinoma in Sri Lanka: experience of a tertiary referral centre. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (oral)
- PAD Gunasekera, DD Ranasinghe, A Epa, A Pathirana. Alcohol ablation of cystic thyroid nodules – case series. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (poster)
- Malaka Jayawardena, MS Nandasena, A Arulprasanth, S Iddamalgoda, N Harivallavan, BDMR Chandraguptha, HSL Perera, AA Pathirana. A mobile app harnessing open source utilities to enhance hepatopancreatobiliary data base management. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (poster)
- Malaka Jayawardena, A Arulprasanth, S Iddamalgoda, N Harivallavan, BDMR Chandraguptha, HSL Perera, AA Pathirana. A study on deficiencies in surgical log book maintenance and provision of a solution. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (poster)
- BDMR Chandraguptha, AA Pathirana, RGMS Nandasena, MD Jayawardena, B Dissanayake, HSL Perera, SA Piyarathna, S Iddamalgoda, N Harivallavan. A comparative study on chronic pancreatitis (alcoholic vs non-alcoholic). 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2019. (poster)
- Gunawardena M, Nandasena RGMS, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD, Wijerathne TK. Chronic pancreatitis – a single unit experience. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2018 (oral)
- Gunawardena M, Nandasena RGMS, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD, Wijerathne TK, Gunasinghe SK. Effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2018 (poster)
- Wickramasekera N, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne TK, Gamage BD, Nandasena MS. Major morphological variations of ampulla of Vater as seen from endoscopy and their prevalence, Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2018 (poster)
- Nandasena RGMS, Lakmal MAC, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) – A novel risk factor for conversion of laparoscopic to open
- Asia Pacific Digestive Week (APDW) September 2017, Hong Kong (Moderated e poster)
- Lakmal MAC, Chanaka KAN, Nandasena MS, Pathirana A. Reliability of Thy3 in decision making in thyroid nodules; Experience of a single surgical unit of a tertiary care centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Kumarasinghe KAPR, Udayanga DGS, Rathnayake RMGK, Pinto MDP, Fernando FR, Ruvinda PGN, Pathirana A. A descriptive study on hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Sri Lankan experience. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Udayanga DGS, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Ruvinda PGN, Pathirana A. Atypical enhancement pattern in triphasic contrast CT in hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Chanaka KAN, Lakmal MAC, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Pathirana A. Influence of experience on Oncological outcome in Whipple surgery – experience of a single tertiary care unit. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Lakmal MAC, Chanaka KAN, Nandasena RGMS, Kumarasinghe PKAR, Pathirana A. Early complications following liver resection – 5 years of experience in a single hepatobiliary unit of a tertiary care centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- De Silva WSL, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne TK, Ranasinghe JGS, Wijethungaarachchi IU, Weerasinghe TRT, Pitawala HMTGA, Dassanayake BK, Tennakoon SUB. Chemical profile of common bile duct stones in Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Kumarasinghe KAPR, Ruvinda PGN, Rathnayake RMGK, Pinto MDP, Fernando FR, Udayanga DGS, Epasinghe G, Pathirana A. Endoscopic simultaneous multiple plastic stent dilatation of strictures following iatrogenic bile duct injury (IBDI). Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (oral)
- Chanaka KAN, Lakmal MAC, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Pathirana A. Assessment of early complications of Whipple procedure – 10 years of experience in a tertiary care hepatobiliary centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (poster)
- Chanaka KAN, Lakmal MAC, Nandasena MS, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Pathirana A. Results n thirty nine liver resections for metastatic lesions – six years of experience n a single Hepato-biliary centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (poster)
- Lakmal MAC, Chanaka KAN, Nandasena RGMS, Kumarasinghe KAPR, Pathirana A. Does background cirrhosis affect the outcome of liver resections for hepatocellular carcinoma? Single surgical unit experience in a tertiary care centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2017 (poster)
- Nandasena RGMS, Lakmal MAC, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD. Descriptive analysis of laparoscopic converted to open cholecystectomy: Experience of a single tertiary care hepatobiliary referral cente Annual International Medical Congress of the SLMA. July 2017 (oral)
- JASB Jayasundara, BK Dassanayake, EMDNK Ekanayake, TK Wijeratne, AA Pathirana. Long term outcome of hepaticojejunostomy with gastric access loop for iatrogenic bile duct injuries and factors associated with the need for revision reconstruction. Annual Academic Meeting of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Glasgow, 2017. (Abstract published – BJS 2017; 104 (S6):13-82)
- De Silva WSL, Dassanayake BK, Wijerathne TK, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD, David S, Jamaldeen R, Lambiyas PM. A new paradigm for ultrasonography as an outcome predicting tool in choledocholithiasis. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2016
- De Silva WSL, Dassanayake BK, Wijerathne TK, Pathirana AA, Gamage BD, David S, Jamaldeen R. Disease characteristics and endoscopic management of choledocholithiasis in Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2016
- Jayasundara JASB, Dassanayake BK, Nihaj MRA, de Silva WTT, Ekanayake EMDNK, Wijerathne TK, Pathirana AA, de Silva WMM. Factors associated with need for revision reconstruction of hepaticojejunostomy after iatrogenic biliary injuries. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2016
- Lakmal MAC, Dassanayake B, Chanaka KAN, Pathirana A, Gamage B, Wijeratne T, Wanigasooriya IWMP, de Silva M. Patterns of bile duct injuries observed during endoscopic retrograde Cholangiogram: 13 years of experience in a tertiary care referral centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2016 (poster)
- Lakmal MAC, Chanaka KAN, Pathirana A, Gamage B, Wijeratne T, Wanigasooriya IWMP, de Silva M. Iatrogenic bile duct injuries observed during endoscopic retrograde Cholangiogram: is there a change with more formal training in laparoscopic surgery? Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2016 (poster)
- Wijeratne T, Pathirana A, Manawasinghe DS, De Silva WSL, Herath D. Successful use of Nagi stent for management of pancreatic pseudocyst. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2015(poster)
- Wijeratne T, Pathirana A, Herath DA, Harivallavan N, Hirantha HD, De Silva WSL. Value of alpha feto protein in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a developing country. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2015 (poster)
- Weerasekera DD, Pathirana AA, Wijeratne T, Gamage BD, Duminda HKKT, Kamaladasa A, Harivallavan, N. Total mesocolic excision and central vascular ligation in tertiary care centre. Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2015 (poster)
- Rajapakse A, Malewana E, Jayasinghe J, Kailasapathy B, Pathirana A, Prematilleke I. Squamous cell carcinoma of the ampulla of vater – a case report. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2015 (poster)
- Pathirana AA, Wijerathne T, Samarasinghe TM, Jayawardena MRNC, Karunarathne NPN, Punchihewa CP. Five year survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases – analysis of a cohort of 50 patients. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2014
- Wijerathne T, Pathirana AA, Karunarathne NPN, Samarasinghe TM, Jayawardena MRNC, Punchihewa CP Jayathilaka ADPDZ, Deraniyagala MP. Outcome of 127 liver resections in a single tertiary care centre. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2014
- Pathirana AA, Wijerathne T, Jayawardena MRNC, Samarasinghe TM, Karunarathne NPN, Punchihewa CP. Does background cirrhosis affect immediate post-operative outcome after major hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma, Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2014 (poster)
- Rizny MSM, Bandara KMW, Weerasinghe KDKP, Jayasekera P, Pathirana AA. Early predication of hypocalcaemia after thyroidectomy: A prospective study. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013
- De Silva GKS, Dissanayake DMAS, Nanayakkara GS, Pathirana A, Weerasekera KDHD, Srisanjeewan S, Karunarathne S. Study of sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer using methylene blue dye: Initial experience. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013 (poster)
- Nanayakkara GS, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana AA, De Silva WMM. Open abdominal wound management – our experience. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013 (poster)
- Rathnayake Shehan, Liyanage C, Siriwardena R, Pathirana A, Gunatileke B. Liver resection for a hepatocellular carcinoma in a Jehovah’s witness: A case report. Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013 (poster)
- Jayasundara JASB, De Silva WTT, Ekanayake EMDNK, Gamage BD, Pathirana AA, De Silva WMM. Does Surgeon’s risk taking behaviour and learning curve have an impact on iatrogenic biliary injury? Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013
- Jayasundara JASB, De Silva WTT, Ekanayake EMDNK, Gamage BD, Pathirana AA, De Silva WMM. Surgeon’s perception of iatrogenic biliary injury: Is it an avoidable error or an accepted complication? Annual Academic Sessions. The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2013
- Nanayakkara GS, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A, De Silva WMM. Open abdominal wound management – our experience. Postgraduate Institute of Medicine Academic Sessions. July 2013 (poster)
- Nanayakkara GS, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A, De Silva WMM. Enterocutaneous fistula management – our experience. Postgraduate Institute of Medicine Academic Sessions. July 2013 (poster)
- Pathirana A, Rizny MSM. Preliminary study of an early identification of postoperative hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy Scientific Sessions, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 7th December 2012
- Nanayakkara GS, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A, De Silva WMM. Enterocutaneous fistula management – our experience. Scientific Sessions, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 7th December 2012
- Wijesinghe PVN1, Ratnasekera IU1, Ratnayake CD1, Wijesinghe CN1, Jayasekera AGAC1, Fernando TNMS 1, Wackwella WGHC1, Jayasuriya V1, Pathirana A1 Adherence to prophylactic antibiotic guidelines in surgical patients in a tertiary care hospital in Colombo. Annual academic Sessions, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 7th December 2012
- Jothirathna HMJT, Ali R, Naseem FS, Soysa RS, Senaratna BCV, Pathirana A, Wanigabadu LU. Breast cancer: clinical stage at the time of presentation, its correlates and quality of life after treatment. Annual academic Sessions, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 7th December 2012
- Pathirana AA, Jayawickrama BG, Dayaratne Hettige MHCD, Nandasena RGMS, Samarasinghe K, Wasalarachchi K. Axillary lymph node involvement in breast cancer – should we start assessing the sentinel lymph node? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2012
- Liyanage CAH, Bogamuwa MMMP, Wijesuriya SR, Abeygunawardana S, Wijerathne T, Pathirana AA, Siriwardena R. Non cirrhotic hepatomas: Experience of the disease pattern in two centres. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2012
- Kumara DAH, Kottahachchi J, Gunawardena K, Atukorala GIDDAD, Dissanayake DMBT, Damayanthi KWN, Fernando SSN, Dayaratne Hettige MHCD, Jayawickrama BG, Pathirana AA. Bactericidal effects of topical acids on pathogenic organisms – an in vitro study. (poster) Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2012
- Bandara KGMW, Deraniyagala MP, Alahakoon C, Jayasundara JASB, Abeysuriya V, Pathirana AA, De Silva WMM. Preliminary audit of the CRABEL score for medical records. (poster) Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2012
- Liyanage CAH, Nawaratne NMM, Siriwardena RC, Wijesooriya SR, Bogamuwa M, Wijeratne TK, Prasad R, Paranahewa L, Gunasekera D, Pathirana AA Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma – from nihilism to aggressive treatment (poster) Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2012
- De Silva WHYD, Pathirana A, Weerasena OVDSJ, Handunnetti SM Application of cytokeratin-19 based reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for detection of micrometastasis of breast cancer (poster) International Symposium on Breast Cancer Prevention: epigenome, nutrition and public policy. October 2011. Rennes, France
- Faleel MA, Kuruppumullage SD, Pathirana AA et al. Evaluating the usefulness of a sonographic scoring system to predict malignancy in thyroid nodules with follicular proliferation. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011 – was judged as the best paper
- Wijerathne WGDTK, Pathirana AA, Wijesuriya SRE et al. Liver resection in patients with cirrhosis: Safety profile in a general surgical setting. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Harry Prasath M, Senarathne SADVR, Pathirana AA et al. Multidisciplinary meetings: Does it improve the diagnostic accuracy of hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancers? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Kuruppumullage SD, Faleel MA, Pathirana AA et al. Accuracy of dual assessment of thyroid nodules in predicting malignancy. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Sunderalingam S, Athula DUK, Pathirana AA et al. Routine anatomical site of soma creation – is it acceptable for the Sri Lankan population? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Wijesuriya SRE, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne WGDTK et al. Radical bile duct excision in combination with liver resection: is it an option for Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Pathirana AA, Wijerathne WGDTK, Wijesuriya SRE et al. Liver resection for non-colorectal liver metastases – early experience. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- Faleel MA, Pathirana AA et al. Preventive and first aid practices of snake bites in Anuradhapura district. Anniversary academic sessions of the Post graduate Institute of Medicine. April 2011
- RT Rupasinghe, AA Pathirana, HKSN Wijesinghe, JASB Jayasundara, AA Jenil, DD Ranasinghe, V Jayasuriya, N Solangarachchi. An ultrasound based scoring system to evaluate thyroid nodules. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka August 2010
- JASD Jayasundara, BMP Mohan, RPN Samarasekara, MTGJ Kumara, AA Pathirana, WMM De Silva. Management strategies and outcome of biliary tract injuries. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2010
- Pathirana AA, Szeto GPY, Samarasekera RPN, Nandasena RGMS, Mudannayake MPMI. A study on work related musculoskeletal disorders among surgeons. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2010 (poster)
- Silva FHDS, Wijeratne T, Pathirana AA, Ahamed H, Nazaar A. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy – is it safe in the hands of trainees? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2009
- Samarasekera RPN, Wijerathne T, Pathirana AA, Ahamed H, Nazar A, Silva FHDS Peroperative cholangiography: what does it contribute? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Jayasundera JASB, Mohan BMP, Pathirana AA, De Silva WMM Is it useful and safe to create a gastric access loop to retain access to the hepaticojejunostomy anastomosis following reconstructive surgery for iatrogenic bile duct injuries? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- MSM Rizny, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne T Pancreaticogastrostomy – a safe alternative to pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Pathirana AA, Wijeratne T, Samarasekera RPN, Werahera WML. Outcome of hepatic resection for colorectal metastases Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Wijesundere C, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne T, De Silva FHDS Pringles maneuver Vs selective vascular exclusion in major hepatectomies – is there a difference in outcome? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Vithanage KK, Pathirana AA Autoimmune thyroiditis – a descriptive study Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Rupasinghe RAY, Chandrasekera SK, Pathirana AA, De Silva MM Management of colo-vesical fistulae – a single centre experience Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Kawiratne PDS, Kumara A, Rupasinghe RAY, Pathirana AA, A patient friendly method of managing venous ulcers – a randomized controlled trial Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Kawiratne PDS, Kumara A, Rupasinghe RAY, Pathirana AA A novel method of graduated compression to manage venous ulcers – a randomized controlled trial Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Jayasundera JASB, Pathirana AA, Wijerathne T, Wijenayake KK Hepatectomy for benign lesions – a descriptive study Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and The International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2009
- Arudchelvam JD, Pathirana A, Balasooriya J Clinical judgment Vs modified Alvarado score to diagnose acute appendicitis (single unit experience) Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2008. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008; 26:OP 1.2
- Jayasekera DRM, Liyanarachchi KD, Siriwardana PN, Pathirana AA. The diagnosis of cancer; should doctors disclose or conceal? Medical student’s perspective. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2008. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008; 26:PP52
- Weerakkody R, Jayasekera D, Liyanarachchi K, Siriwardana P, Pathirana A. Should doctors reveal the diagnosis of cancer to patients – the patient’s perspective Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2008. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008; 26:PP53
- Sutharsan S, Buddhadasa M, Siriwardana PN, Pathirana AA The diagnosis of cancer; should doctors disclose or conceal? Public’s perspective Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2008. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2008; 26:PP54
- Siriwardana PN, Buddhadasa MS, Sutharsan S, Pathirana A The diagnosis of cancer; should doctors disclose or conceal? Perspective of the public. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2007. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2007; 25:19
- Siriwardana PN, Sutharsan S, Buddhadasa MS, Pathirana A The diagnosis of cancer; should doctors disclose or conceal? Perspective of doctors. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, 2007. Abstract published in the Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 2007; 25:26
- Hettiarachchi P, Wickramasinghe AR, Frost GS, Jayaratne SD, Deen KI, Pathirana AA. Role of the different parts of large bowel in influencing appetite. 120th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association Abstract published in The Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52 (supplement 1): 15
- Abeysuriya V, Pathirana A Enhancing clinical skills in wound cleaning – is a formal teaching session effective? 119th Anniversary Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Medical Association March 2006
- Daminda DADG, Halahakoon VC, Pathirana AA, De Silva M Total thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease: can we justify our practice Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2006
- Kumara DUA, Pathirana A, De Silva WMM, Perera PDM A low cost and effective method of managing chronic ulcers – a preliminary report Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, , August 2006
- Siriwardena RC, Pathirana A Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: can we improve the outcome Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2006
- Silva WDT, Bandara HBMCM, Priyantha AMA, Kumara PMC, Thushyanthi J, Pathirana A et al. Rectal bleeding – common but neglected Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2006
- Gunasekera DS, Halahakoon VC, Pathirana A, De Silva M A preliminary report on an affordable and effective enteral feeding formula Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2006
- Abeysuriya V, De Silva AP, Pathirana AA Improving simple wound suturing of undergraduates: How effective is formal teaching sessions? 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital Clinical Society 2005
- Mahanama R, Chandrasiri P, Pathirana A, De Silva M How safe are biliary stents? 25th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine July 2005
- Jayasuriya DEN, Liyanage ASD, Pathirana AA, De Silva MM A descriptive study on hand injuries admitted to a single surgical unit 25th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine July 2005
- Mahanama R, Chandrasiri P, Pathirana A, De Silva M How safe are biliary stents? Joint Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and British Association of Surgical Oncology, August 2005
- Abeysuriya V, De Silva AP, Pathirana AA Improving simple wound suturing of undergraduates: How effective is formal teaching sessions? 25th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine July 2005
- Mahanama R, Premaratne S, Pathirana A, Balawardena J Endoscopic screening for early oesophageal cancer, in a high risk population: early results of an ongoing study Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2004
- Wijeratne T, Se Silva M, Pathirana A, Fernando D Does juxtapapillary duodenal diverticulae predispose to formation of primary bile duct stones? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka with the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2003
- De Silva M, Pathirana A, Weerasekera D Endoscopic management of retained common bile duct stones in patients with T tube in situ. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka with the SAARC Surgical Care Society August 2003
- Mahanama R, Pathirana A, Mugunthan J, Rizny M, Abeykoon S, Pieris D, Ranasinghe L, Fernando D Endoscopic screening for early oesophageal cancer, in a high risk population: early results of an ongoing study. WONCA(World Organization of Family Doctors) – MESAR 2002
- Ekanayake G, Pathirana A, Fernando D A validated questionnaire to measure health related quality of life (HRQoL) in cancer patients in Sinhala: The translation process WONCA(World Organization of Family Doctors) – MESAR 2002
- Pathirana A, Jayasekera P, Udukala M, Nugaduwa N, De Silva M, Weerasekera D, Fernando D Laparoscopic assessment of gastric cancer: Is it useful? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, September 2002
- Mahanama R, Premaratne S, Pathirana A, Balawardena J Endoscopy using Lugol’s iodine (Chromoendoscopy) to screen for early oesphageal cancer, in a high risk population: early results of an ongoing study Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, September 2002
- Jayasuriya DEN, Pathirana A, De Silva M, Fernando D Managing colorectal cancer – what causes the delay? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- De Alwis YS, Pathirana A Treatment of stray animal bites – an unnecessary burden to teaching hospital surgical units? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Halahakoon VC, Pathirana A, Fernando D A descriptive study on pain threshold of individuals. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Halahakoon VC, Pathirana A, Fernando D A comparative study on effective management of post-operative pain Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Wijeratne TK, Pathirana A An audit of surgical wound infections Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Doluweera G, Pathirana A, Fernando D Comparison of polyethylene glycol Vs citrate enema in the bowel preparation for lower gastrointestinal flexible endoscopy: A controlled trial Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Doluweera G, De Silva M, Pathirana A, Weerasekera D, Fernando D Is endoscopic examination justified in uncomplicated dyspepsia? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, October 2001
- Ghaneh P, Pathirana A, Byrne C, Vinjamuri S, Smith L, Vora J, Poston GJ I-131 MIBG is cost effective for controlling symptoms of metastatic neuroendocrine tumours Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland 2000. Abstract published in British Journal of Surgery 2000; 87 (supplement 1): 55
- Pathirana AA, Vinjamuri S, Ghaneh P, Byrne C, Vora J, Poston GJ I – 131 MIBG is cost effective for controlling symptoms of carcinoid syndrome Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2000
- De Silva M, Gamage BD, Pathirana AA, Ratnayake SCP, Weerasekera DD, Fernando D An audit of therapeutic endoscopic procedures in a newly established endoscopy unit Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2000
- Pathirana AA, Amarasinghe IY, Jayasekera P Mastectomy drains – when should we remove them? Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 1997
- Pathirana A, Senarathne JWB, Sheriffdeen AH. Push cycle accidents in Sri Lanka Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Surgeons England and The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka April 1995
- Pathirana AA, Sheriffdeen AH Da Silva repair – modified: The answer to ventral hernia repair Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Surgeons England and The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka April 1995
- Pathirana AA, Fernando D Reasons for delay in presentation, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal malignancies Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, July 1994
- Sheriffdeen AH, Pathirana AA Da Silva repair – modified: The answer to ventral hernia repair Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, July 1994
- Programme and abstracts – The Annual Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. August 2004, September 2002
- “Suture” – The News Letter of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka – Printed quarterly. Founder Editor, Editor from 2002 to 2004
- Role of endotherapy in oesophageal malignancy, Postgraduate master class; endotherapy the present consensus, August 2009
- Benign oesophageal obstruction – indications for endoscopic treatment Postgraduate master class; endotherapy the present consensus, August 2009
- Management of Colorectal metastases. College Lecture, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, February 2009
- Anatomy of the liver. Symposium on liver surgery, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, July 2008
- Role of surgery for colorectal metastases. Symposium on liver surgery, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, July 2008
- National Guidelines on Imaging in Jaundice – The Sri Lanka College of Radiologists. April 2008
- Use of Skills lab in Clinical Teaching. Symposium on Clinical Teaching, Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 2008
- Management of oesophageal cancer. Kandy Society of Medicine, CME programme, August 2006
- Management of liver trauma. Uva Clinical Society, Annual Academic Sessions 2006, June
- Endoscopy in current surgical practice. Annual Joint Clinical Sessions, Avissawella Clinical Society, May 2006
- Therapeutic GI endoscopy. Clinical Society of Gampaha, Clinical Sessions, March
- Hepatic resection: Sri Lankan experience. Symposium on Hepatobiliary Disorders, Annual Scientific Sessions, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, August 2005
- Seminar on breast carcinoma, hormone replacement and mammography, Academic Session of the Menopause Society, November 2004
- Colorectal carcinoma with hepatic metastases. Annual Sessions, Jaffna Medical Association, August 2004
- Management of liver metastases. Guest Lecture, Scientific Sessions of the Galle Medical Association, September 2003
- Surgical anatomy of the liver and biliary system. The inaugural master class on hepatobiliary surgery, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, March 2003.
- A A Pathirana, J W B Senarathne, A H Sheriffdeen, A study of 100 bicycle accidents. Ceylon Medical Journal. 1997; 42: 205-206
- S A Ediriweera Award – for the best paper on trauma, at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka – 1995
- Young Investigator Award – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 1997
- Best overall paper – – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2001
- SE Senevirathne Award for young investigator – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2001
- Best poster award – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2001
- Research Fellowship – Japanese Society of Gastroenterology – 1999
- Ethicon Fellowship for Oncological Surgery – Selected by the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka – 2002
- Asian Surgical Association Clinical Fellow, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong – March 2009
- Honorary Fellow – Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology – November 2009
- SE Senevirathne Award for young investigator – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2009
- Best overall paper – at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
- National Research Council Merit Award for Scientific Publication – 2015
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication – 2018
- PR Anthonis Research Award – 2019. (Given to the two best publications in a peer reviewed journal by a Sri Lankan surgical trainee).
Other Universities
- Diploma in Family Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo,
- MS Part I (Surgery) Revision Course, MS part II exam oriented course, Basic Surgical Skills Course, Royal Liverpool University Hospitals (NHS) Trust.