Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation

Course Overview

The Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation will provide foundation knowledge on key concepts in monitoring and evaluation. The main objective of introducing this course is to build the capacity for monitoring and evaluation among a large number of persons either engaged in or planning to embark on careers related to development activities. The course caters for individuals qualified in various study disciplines with diverse professional backgrounds. This is an opportunity for a beginner to enter a lucrative and internationally growing Monitoring and Evaluation profession. This course is guided by the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLFQ) and is placed at the level of SLQF 2.

Teaching learning activities includes lectures, small group activities, assignments, presentations, self-study, and webinars conducted fortnightly as weekend classes at the university.

Mode of conduct : Blended (in person and virtual)
Duration : 4 Months (120 hours)
Credits : 08
Medium : English
Course fee : Rs. 50,000
Application & registration fee : Rs. 1,500

Minimum Admission Requirement

Passed GCE A/L 3 subjects or equivalent qualification in any subject stream with evidence for English language competency.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Advanced Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation, the learners should be able to:

  • describe historical and current global context related to development interventions, monitoring, and evaluation
  • describe concepts in monitoring, results, and indicators and develop a results framework
  • develop a monitoring plan
  • describe concepts in evaluation, theory of change, types of evaluation
  • explain the components of an evaluation design and describe evaluation criteria list and evaluation approaches
  • outline quantitative and qualitative data collection methods used in the evaluation
  • outline steps in managing evaluations
  • outline the structure of an evaluation report
  • outline roles and responsibilities related to monitoring and evaluation in an organization, and
  • importance of norms, standards, and ethics in evaluations

Course Structure

The course consists of four (4) modules delivered as face-to-face or online lectures, workshops, and webinars. These interactive sessions will be held on weekends, but some may be held on weekdays as well after prior notice.

Module No Module Name Number of Credits
Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation
Fundamentals of Monitoring
Fundamentals of Evaluation
Practice in M and E