For Sustainable Development – 2023

Goal 1
No Poverty
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Scholarship for medical students |
Stethoscopes donation for students |
Department of Microbiology Endowment fund for research |
Final year scholarship |
It is no secret that the final year is the most arduous in the journey of medical students. The surplus of our annual budget has been well utilized in providing scholarships to a select group of needy students in the final year help lighten their economic burden in the midst of a scathing economic depression. |

Goal 2
Zero Hunger
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Nutrition lectures conducted for medical students Clerkship programs - GMP teaching |
Early identification of malnutrition is vital for prevention of stunting and wasting. In the Clerkship Programme under CWC and SGD students learn interpretation of growth charts to identify children with growth faltering. They also learn of management of children with nutrition problems. |

Goal 3
Good Health and Well-Being
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
HE activities in SMI in Clerkship program Conduct the lectures on NCD and communicable diseases. Food handling and sanitation in Clerkship Programme Reproductive module lectures and environmental health lectures and FP clinics and CWC Clinics in clerkship Participation of academics in mass media programmes to raise public on important health topics |
Under the community health stream students learn about epidemiology and prevention of Non-communicable disease (ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, cancer, healthy lifestyle centre) and communicable diseases (food sanitation, dengue, malaria, filaria). In addition, they learn health services available for children (SMI, CWC), women (WWC, ANC, PHM home visits, FP clinic). In clerkship Programme, under the health education sessions, students conduct health education activities for preschool and school children on these topics to increase community awareness on important health topics. In addition, academics of the department are involved in mass media programmes to raise public on important health topics |
Epidemiology of Communicable Disease Clerkship Programme - 29th Batch |
Workshop | The Department of Parasitology will be conducting a half-day workshop titled "Parasitic Diseases in Children Sri Lanka" on 7th March 2024 at the Department Seminar room. | Workshop on Parasitology Diseases in Children |
Donation of glucose strips to Colombo South Teaching Hospital | The Arts Circle of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura has always maintained a very close relationship with the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, as a charitable patron. Each year essential medical supplies are donated from the surplus of our annual budget and last year was no different. Our generous donation would undoubtedly be used to provide optimum care for patients. | |
Nenasa TV discussions | As a student body of a Faculty of Medical Sciences, we realize the importance of community health education. For this purpose with the partnership of Nenasa TV, Dialog Axiata Pvt Ltd, we created a series of 'Health Talks' to educate the community about various communicable and non-communicable diseases, their cure and prevention. Employing such a large multimedia network, we were able to reach people from all across the island and strengthen their knowledge and thereby empowering them to improve their overall health. | Nenasa Discussion |
Emotional intelligence (EI) of the medical undergraduates and possible association of EI with some selected socio - demographic factors, academic performance and extracurricular activities of medical undergraduates from a selected government medical school. | Sandakumari GVN, Dedigama DAAD, Wettasinghe I, WeeraratneKC, Weerakkody DSI, Jayasinghe S Emotional intelligence (EI) of the medical undergraduates and possible association of EI with some selected socio - demographic factors, academic performance and extracurricular activities of medical undergraduates from a selected government medical school. - Abstract presentation at SIMCON 2021 | |
List of research publications for the year 2023 |
Dr. Nilanka Perera
Dr. Thushara Matthias
Senior Prof. J. Indrakumar
Dr. Shehan Silva
Dr. Dumitha Govindapala
Clinics |

Goal 4
Quality Education
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Workshops Conduct the SGDs and Tutorials. Conduct the Clerkship and case base discussion. Student feedback is collected, discussed and relevant actions are implemented |
Curriculum of the Community Health Stream was revised and the assessments were mapped with the teaching learning activities. Prepared and conducted the SGDs and tutorials that complement the content covered in lectures and learning sessions to facilitate students' gaining of knowledge. Case based discussions were introduced to students in the clerkship Programme. Student feedback is used to improve the study programme |
Clerkship Programme - 29th Batch Response to Student Feedback - Clerkship Programme Evaluation |
Weekly consensus meeting for updating teaching materials for MBBS | ||
Workshops | Awareness session on student participation in quality assurance by IQAC Coordinator, Prof. K.L.M.D. Seneviwickrama on 02/02/2023 for Undergraduates of the FMS - 32nd batch at the orientation programme | https://drive.google.com/file/d/11P_TrFu9y-I0_yj0oza9qseRO4QM5f_2/view?usp=drive_link |
Awareness Seminar on Institutional Review by Professor B.D. Nandadeva, Advisor to the Standing Committee on Quality Assurance Council of the UGC, Retired Professor, University of Kelaniya to both Academic and non-academic members of the FMS on 12/08/2023 | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SCTZZmfmwJ3WCVzleV_N-loZoHSM435d?usp=sharing |
Webpage Establishment | A webpage was developed for the IQAC/ FMS. All the policies, formats, and flow charts related to QA activities developed by IQAC/FMS was made available for ease of reference | https://opac.lib.ruh.ac.lk/ebooks/RUQAS2023/mobile/index.html |
Research | An extended abstract was submitted to the 3rd Ruhuna Quality Assurance Sessions - 2023 University of Ruhuna under the topic “Student participation in quality assurance activities: experience from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura’’ and was presented under oral presentation category behalf of Editorial Board decision | |
Workshop | The IT & LMS Committee has conducted two successful workshops for the non-academic staff of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, on handling the WORD and EXCEL. The workshop titled “Basics of MS Office Word” was held on 28th July and 04th August 2023, as a hands-on training session with the participation of 30 non-academic staff members. The workshop titled “Basics in Microsoft Excel” was held on 12th, 19th, 26th October and 9th November, as a physical session for 30 participants. The Committee is planning to conduct similar workshops in future to uplift the IT skills of the University staff. | |
Nenasa TV discussions | As a student body of a Faculty of Medical Sciences, we realize the importance of community health education. For this purpose with the partnership of Nenasa TV, Dialog Axiata Pvt Ltd, we created a series of 'Health Talks' to educate the community about various communicable and non-communicable diseases, their cure and prevention. Employing such a large multimedia network, we were able to reach people from all across the island and strengthen their knowledge and thereby empowering them to improve their overall health. | Nenasa Discussion |
Musical instrument workshop | Musical Instrument Workshop | |
Final year scholarship | It is no secret that the final year is the most arduous in the journey of medical students. The surplus of our annual budget has been well utilized in providing scholarships to a select group of needy students in the final year help lighten their economic burden in the midst of a scathing economic depression. | |
Online teaching | Effectiveness and factors affecting online teaching for medical students Wettasinghe, Indika & Dsi, Weerakkody & Kn, Elvitigala & Sandakumari, Nilangika. (2022). IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII. | |
2023.01.11 - Student centered learning workshop 1 | This workshop was held with the participation of 34 academic staff members of the faculty of medical sciences. | Attendance |
2023.03.08 - Student centered learning workshop 2 | Objective of this workshop was to identify means and methods to promote student centered learning in MBBS curriculum. Facilitator – Prof. R. B. Marasinghe, Head of the Department of Medical Education. |
Attendance |
2023.03.31 - Tranning on 'How to use Goggle calendar' | This workshop was held with the participation of 13 nos. of physical, 39 nos. of online non-academic staff members of faculty of medical sciences. |
Attendance |
2023.06.14 - Outcome Based Learning – 1st workshop | 10 and 13 members of academic staff of the Faculty of Medical Sciences participated for two workshops respectively. | Attendance |
2023.07.12 - Outcome Based Learning – 2nd workshop | To describe the concepts of "Outcome Based Education", "Objective" and "Outcome" To discuss the differences between objectives and outcomes To comprehend the importance of defining outcomes in curriculum designing, implementing and evaluation. It was facilitated by Prof. R. B. Marasinghe, Head of the Department of Medical Education. At the end of each workshop a feedback was taken from the participants. |
Attendance |
2023.08.09 - Workshop on "Is Open AI (ChatGPT) an enemy or friend in education?" | The aim of this was to discuss on pros and cons of using AI ChatGPT in education. 6 members of the academic staff participated for this event. This was facilitated by Prof. R. B. Marasinghe. | Attendance |
2023.09.13 - Workshop on "OER Policy, Concepts and Applications" | Objective of this session was to aware academic staff on open educational resources (OER) policy along with concepts of OER. During this workshop some examples for OER in faculty learning, teaching and research activities were discussed with the participants. Resource persons – Prof. R.B. Marasinghe and registrar of MD-Health informatics/PGIM. | Letter |
2023.12.18 - workshop on "Becoming a Better Facilitator" | 34 members of academic staff of the Faculty of Medical Sciences participated for this workshop which was conducted by Prof R. B. Marasinghe. This workshop provides opportunities to explore the basics of facilitation and the differences between SGD, CBL and PBL facilitation. |
Attendance |

Goal 5
Gender Equality
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education sessions at SMI | Under health education sessions of the SMI, students conduct awareness sessions on SRH for school children to sensitize them on gender equality | |
Female involvement |
The Arts Circle prides itself in valuing merit when appointing leaders. We also boast a booming history of female leadership within the club, with the current board itself having many female members in its board, thereby solidifying the principle that one's gender should never be an obstacle in reaching new heights. |

Goal 6
Clean Water and Sanitation
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Clerkship visit to water and sewage purification | In the clerkship program, students learn about how water pollution occurs due to human activities, why waste water recovery is important, and what actions can be taken to recover from water pollution. | Clerkship Programme - 29th Batch |
Effective waste segregation and management |

Goal 7
Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Lectures on occupational Health Factory visit under Clerkship programme Income generating projects
Students learn how work affects health and measures to ensure optimum physical and mental well-being for workers. |

Goal 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Undergraduate research Academics and non-academics are involved in collaborative research |
Students develop skills in conducting scientific research through the research module Collaborative research of the staff members leading to indexed journal publications |
Research |
Patent for modified Ilmenite Nano hybrid material for food packaging | Gazette 21845 (section 3) 2023.03.24 | |
Expansion of department of microbiology to the AHEAD building |

Goal 10
Reduced Inequalities
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Department of microbiology Endowment fund for research |

Goal 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct a lecture on disaster in Environment & Occupational Health module |
As the future healthcare professionals, students’ gain knowledge on disaster preparedness and response which is important in providing essential services during a disaster |

Goal 12
Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13
Climate Action

Goal 14
Life Below Water

Goal 15
Life on Land
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Conduct the Environmental Health lectures Waste water and sewage visits under clerkship Programme. |
Conducted environmental health lectures for students, where they learned about environmental pollution and its impact on animal health. Discussed methods for creating safe environments for living beings and managing environmental factors to improve human quality of life |

Goal 16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Event |
Write Up |
Evidence |
Talents 2023 & Padura (Sajje) |
Sri Lanka is a country with a rich cultural diversity from each of our ethnic groups. The Arts Circle always strives to promote unity among different ethnicities and religions and our annual events such as Talents and (Padura) always makes room for cultural performances by all ethnicities as well as fusion events which enable our unique cultural heritages to mix in a fabulous display of unity and harmony. |
Annual Carol Service 2023 | The annual Christmas carol service of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura organized by the Catholic and Christian Students’ Society of the faculty was held on the 6th of December 2023 at the Apeksha hospital, Maharagama. The lecturers of the medical faculty, doctors from the catholic guild, priests, students from the medical faculty and other faculties, staff of the hospital and patients were present at the event. The true meaning of the Christmas season was shared with the gathering by the carols sung by the students of the medical faculty and the other faculties. Rev. Fr. Jude Nicholas, chaplain to the cancer patients in Maharagama shared a meaningful Christmas message. The inter-religious dialogue was depicted by the carols sung by the Buddhist and Hindu societies. At the end of the carol service, donations were done to the paediatric wards in the hospital. This was a heartwarming event that brought joy and comfort to the patients, families and also the staff of the hospital. Against the backdrop of a challenging environment, the uplifting melodies and heartfelt lyrics resonated, creating a sense of unity and hope. The gathering found solace in the music and the event served as a reminder of the power of community support during difficult times. | Photos |

Goal 17
Partnerships for the Goals