Prof. S. Prathapan
Professor of Community Medicine
- General information
- Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Field/s of Expertise
- Research & Innovation
- Teaching
Department of Community Medicine
Office – +94 11 2881788 Ext: 4176
Academic Qualifications
- MBBS / 2000 / University of Jaffna / Sri Lanka
- MSc / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
- MD / Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo / Sri Lanka
Memberships in Professional Organizations
Prof. Shamini has been occupying herself in Journal editorial system nationally and internationally. She is the Co-editor of the Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka for nearly a decade. She is also the editorial member of the Ceylon Medical Journal and the Sri Lanka Journal of Health Research.
She has been the Secretary of the Forum for Ethics Review Committees of Sri Lanka (FERCSL) for nearly 8years. She is an international surveyor to Survey and evaluate ethical review practices, under the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) where she has been reviewing the ethics review committees nationally and internationally.
She was the Secretary of the College of Community Physicians in 2013 and the editor of the College of Community Physicians in 2010 to 2012. Shamini has worked alongside with many international organizations such as the WHO, FPA, UNFPA, UN Habitat, UNESCO and with GFTM and the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.
Prof. Shamini is an external reviewer of the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka and presently also a reviewer of the Accreditation Unit of the Sri Lanka Medical Council.
- Prof. K. Balasubramaniam Gold Medal Memorial Oration at the 28th Annual Academic Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association – Changing Landscape of Mental Health disorders in Sri Lanka
- Translational Medicine: The future for Sri Lanka. At the Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Eastern University
- Public Health Specialist,
- Bioethicist and a Journal Editor
- Public health
- Communicable Diseases with special interest in COVID-19 and Tuberculosis
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- Mental Health
ORCID ID and Link
Google Scholar Link
Research Grants Held
- Tuberculosis programme review and support – 2019 – Local Technical expert for the Ministry of Health
- Family Planning Association – Member of the team for “Rapid assessment on SRH and HIV situation in Sri Lanka”.
- Un Habitat -Health Vulnerability among the resettled population in the Northern Province.
- UNFPA – “Road to adulthood” – A tool on SRH and HIV for Undergraduate students of the University.
- UNESCO – Title of the project: Improving health status, behaviour and care seeking through Community-Based Empowerment of Women in the northern province of Sri Lanka’ – Ongoing Project.
- Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among Key Populations at Higher Risk of HIV in Sri Lanka, 2014 – Report, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2015
- National Consultant by the WHO and GFTM for Impact analysis and Epidemiological Review of the National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases, Sri Lanka, July 2017
- Primary Health Care (PRISMYS) study, Funded by the Bill Gates Foundation and the WHO, August 2016
- Consultancy on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on Leprosy in Sri Lanka, Anti Leprosy Campaign, Ministry of Health, 2018
- Needs Assessment to identify the service availability, magnitude of disability cases and needs of the disabled persons in Ratnapura, Polonnaruwa districts and Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) area, Elderly Unit, Ministry of Health, 2017
- Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among Key Populations at Higher Risk of HIV in Sri Lanka, 2018 – Report, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2018
- National Size estimation of the most at risk population for HIV in Sri Lanka – Report 2018, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2018
- Documentation of the best practice in RMNACH in Sri Lanka, WHO 2018
- World Health Organization – Develop a Caregiver Guide for Disabled Elders in Sri Lanka- 2019
- Tuberculosis epidemiological review and impact analysis of TB in Sri Lanka 2017
- Tuberculosis Programme review and support 2019
- World Health Organization – Evaluation on impact of WHO information products on NCD and Health System during 2013-2019
- World Health Organization review on Landscape analysis for trans-fat limits for Sri Lanka: a synthesis report. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336179/9789290228165-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
- World Health Organization review on Landscape analysis for trans-fat limits for Sri Lanka: a policy brief. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336179/9789290228165-policy-breif-eng.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
- End-of-term Review Report of the National TB Programme of Sri Lanka, October, 2020
- Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for sri lanka: a synthesis report. Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for Sri Lanka: a synthesis report. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Evaluation of Impact of WHO Publications Related to NCDs and Health Systems in Sri Lanka (2013-2019): World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NCSA 3.0 IGO. Technical advisory group Shamini Prathapan
Publications and Scientific Communications
- Prathapan S, Crowder D, Bell R. Funnel plots for comparing institutional performance of antenatal care in pregnant women with diabetes. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011, Dec 30; 56 (4).
- Prathapan S, Lindmark G, Fonseka P, Lokubalasooriya A, Prathapan R. How good is the quality of antenatal care in the Colombo district of Sri Lanka in diagnosing and treating anaemia? Quality in primary care. 2011.
- Prathapan S, Fonseka P, Lindmark G, Prathapan R, Lokubalasooriya A. The need for quality improvement in diagnosing pregnancy induced hypertension in Sri Lanka. South East Asia Journal of Public Health. 2013 July 30; 2 (2) : 55-60.
- Shamini Prathapan, Jean Adams, Mary Bythell, Judith Rankin, Are there socio-economic inequalities in the uptake of Down syndrome screening in the UK? Prenatal Diagnosis, Volume 32, Issue 3, pages 293-295, March 2012.
- Prathapan, P. Fonseka, G. Lindmark, R. Prathapan, A. Lokubalasooriya, Quality of Field Antenatal Clinics Services Checklist: A Valid and Reliable Tool for Quality Improvement, Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2321 – 3639) Volume 01- Issue 01, June 2013.
- Banneheke H, Fernandopulie R, Prathapan S, De Silva G, Fernando N, Wickremasinghe R. Culture and immunochromatographic technique for diagnosis of trichomoniasis. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2014 Mar 25; 59 (1).
- S Prathapan, P Hettiarachchi, S W Wimalasekara. Respiratory illnesses and ventilatory function among gem cutters in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2013; 58: 29-31.
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan. Factors influencing self-management of diabetes mellitus – a review article, Journal of Diabetology, October 2013; 3:1. 1.5
- Kumarasinghe A. Sriyani, Sudharshani Wasalathanthri, Priyadharshika Hettiarachchi, Shamini Prathapan. Predictors of Diabetic Foot and Leg Ulcers in a Developing Country with a Rapid Increase in the Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus, PLOS ONE November 2013, Volume 8, Issue 11
- Mangalika GK, Cankanamge SK, Priyadarshana D, Shamini P, Sujatha M, Geeganage W, Nalaka A. Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in women attending sexually transmitted disease clinics in the Colombo district, Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology [serial online] 2014 [cited 2016 Feb 7]; 57:55-60. Available from: http://www.ijpmonline.org/text.asp?2014/57/1/55/130898
- Shamini Prathapan, Lagath U Wanigabandu , D De Silva, V. Serasinghe, N. Dadigamuwa, M. Sannasuriya, M Rajakaruna, Neelangani D.G.Lamahewage Anxiety of adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia and their myths and Beliefs. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology Vol 24, No 1 (2014) page 11 -14. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/slja.v22i1.5451
- Shamini Prathapan, Kumudu Wijewardena, R.Prathapan – A Review on Food and Beverages Advertisements on Television aimed at Children, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition.
- M. Wijesuriya, M. M. Weerasekera, J. Kottahachchi, K. N. P. Ranasinghe, M. S. S. Dissanayake, S. Prathapan, T. D. C. P. Gunasekara, A. Nagahawatte, L. D. Guruge, U. Bulugahapitiya, and S. S. N. Fernando. Proportion of lower limb fungal foot infections in patients with type 2 diabetes at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014 Jan-Feb; 18(1): 63-69. doi: 10.4103/2230-8210.126556.
- Sudharshani Wasalathanthri, Priyadarshika Hettiarachchi and Shamini Prathapan, Sweet taste sensitivity in pre-diabetics, diabetics and normoglycemic controls: a comparative cross sectional study, BMC Endocrine Disorders 2014, 14:67 doi:10.1186/1472-6823-14-67
- Chandima Jeewandara, Thiruni N Adikari, Laksiri Gomes, Samitha Fernando, RH Fernando, MKT Perera, Dinuka Ariyaratne, Achala Kamaladasa, Maryam Salimi, Shamini Prathapan, Graham S Ogg, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, Functionality of dengue virus specific memory T cell responses in individuals who were hospitalized or who had mild or subclinical dengue infection, PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2015, vol 01, issue 4
- G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph, Patients with diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital: their knowledge on disease, treatments and complications. International Journal of Current Research, 2014, Vol 6, Issue 07
- Peter W.G.Tennant, Rudy Bilous, Shamini Prathapan, Ruth Bell, Risk and Recurrences of serious Adverse outcomes in the first and second pregnancies of women with pre-existing Diabetes, Diabetes Care. DOI: 10.2337/ dc14-1888. January 2015.
- Shamini Prathapan, Kumudu Wijewardena, Wah Yun Low, Content Analysis of Food and Beverages Advertisements Targeting Children and Adults on Television in Sri Lanka. Asia Pac J Public Health, December 10, 2015 DOI: 1010539515620481.
- Chandima Jeewandara, Laksiri Gomes, S. A. Paranavitane, Mihiri Tantirimudalige, Sumedha Sandaruwan Panapitiya, Amitha Jayewardene, Samitha Fernando, R. H. Fernando, Shamini Prathapan, Graham S. Ogg, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige. Change in Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis Seroprevalence Rates in Sri Lanka, PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144799 December 22, 2015
- Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among Key Populations at Higher Risk of HIV in Sri Lanka, 2014 – Report, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2015
- B Seneviratne, S Prathapan, Knowledge on Diabetic Retinopathy among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka, Journal of US-China Medical Science, Vol 13, 2016
- G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph, Self-Management of Diabetes Mellitus among Tamils in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka: A Qualitative Study, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2016
- Shamini Prathapan, Amarasinghe WMSY, Balasooriya TC, Harshana Eranga RA, Fernando DTM, Fernando PTM, Risk factors for domestic falls in elders in Sri Lanka, Biomedical Research 2017; 28 (8)
- Chandanie Amila Wanigatunge, Shamini Prathapan, Gizelle Malinka Warnacula, Rochelle Shanika Tanner Identifying reasons for delays in ethics approval: Experience of an institutional ethics review committee Eubios Journal of Asian and International Journal of Bioethics, Volume 26, November 2016
- Pathiraja R, Prathapan S, Goonawardena S. Urinary Incontinence of Women in a Nationwide Study in Sri Lanka: Prevalence and Risk Factors, Urology Journal. 2017 May 23;14(3):3075-3080
- G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph. How much do Tamil Patients with Diabetes know about complications of Diabetes? A descriptive study. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2017, Volume 7, No 1.
- Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S, Gunewardena S, Impact of urinary incontinence on quality of Life of women in a community sample in three districts of Sri Lanka – A cross sectional study, October 2017, Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Primary health care systems (PRIMASYS): case study from Sri Lanka. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Fernando, M. & Prathapan, S., (2017). Why do mothers fail to breastfeed successfully? A descriptive study done at selected lactation management centres in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2017. 46(4), pp.337-342. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljch.v46i4.8381
- Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S, Wijetunge GS. Characteristics of mothers’ depressive illness as predictors for emotional and behavioural problems in children in a Sri Lankan setting. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2018.03.014
- Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, Ananda Wijewickrama, Samitha Fernando, Chandima Jeewandara, Anushka Ginneliya, Supun Samarasekara, Praveen Madushanka, Chameera Punchihewa, Shiran Paranavitane, Damayanthi Idampitiya, Chandanie Wanigatunga, Harsha Dissanayake, Shamini Prathapan, Laksiri Gomes, Siti AB Aman, Ashley St John, Graham S Ogg A preliminary study on efficacy of rupatadine for the treatment of acute dengue infection. Scientific reports 8 (1), 3857
- Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S, Wijetunge GS. Psychological Problems and Socioemotional Wellbeing among Children of Mothers with Depression and Their Association with sociodemographic Factors in a Sri Lankan Setting. Hindawi Psychiatry Journal, Volume 2018, Article ID 3809384, 6 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3809384
- G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph, Validation of educational material for diabetes self-management education: Judgmental and criterion validity. Biomedical Research 2018; 29 (11): 2290-2295.
- G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph, Diet related factors for good glycaemic control among patients with diabetes mellitus in the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka 2018 46 (3): 443 – 451 . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/jnsfsr.v46i3.8496
- Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among Key Populations at Higher Risk of HIV in Sri Lanka, 2018 – Report, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2018
- National Size estimation of the most at risk population for HIV in Sri Lanka – Report 2018, Colombo, National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Management Frontiers (Pvt) Ltd and KIT, 2018
- Caregiver feeding styles and their effect on behaviour and activity of a cohort of preschool children in 4 selected schools in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka. Dias G.U.N., Panduwawala P.K.T.K., B.L.R.Posonmali, H.D.Ranaweera, S.M.A.N. De Alwis, S. Prathapan, G.Liyanage. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2018; 47: 215-218
- Glycemic control and its determinants among patients with diabetes mellitus in the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph, Sri Lankan Family Physician, 2018, 34, 17-25
- Is knowledge and attitude on epidural analgesia during labour satisfactory among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Colombo District? S Delwatta, PD Kaushalya, AK Shehan, C Pilimatalawwe, S Prathapan. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology 2019, 27 (1)
- Knowledge, attitudes and current practices of intern medical officers in Colombo District regarding legal importance of medical records. RS Kodithuwakku , PBDAL Nanayakkara, IS Pallemulla, TAB Ranasinghe, PTK Ranasinghe, Shamini Prathapan, Sanjaya R Hulathduwa, Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 2019 June; Vol. 7, Issue 1
- Maternal vitamin D status and its effect on vitamin D levels in early infancy in a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka, Anusha Kaneshapillai, Usha Hettiaratchi, Dulani Gunasekera, Shamini Prathapan and Guwani Liyanage Hindawi, International Journal of Endocrinology, Volume 2019, Article ID 9017951, 6 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9017951
- What do young doctors know of palliative care; how do they expect the concept to work? A ‘palliative care’ knowledge and opinion survey among young doctors. G. V. M. C. Fernando, S. Prathapan. BMC Research Notes201912:419. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-019-4462-2
- A preliminary study on diabetes self-management education and glycemic control among patients with diabetes mellitus. Kisokanth G., Indrakumar J., Prathapan S., Joseph J., Ilankoon I.M.P.S., Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 9
- Chathuri Weerawardana, Sandun Undugoda, Achala Upeksha, Dimal Prathapasinghe, Chandimani Undugodage, Ananda Wijayasiri and Shamini Prathapan. Characteristics Of Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Induced Hepatitis Patients In Colombo District, Sri Lanka. European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research. 2019,6(8), 72-76
- Yasodha Maheshi Rohanachandra, Shamini Prathapan, H.G. Irosha Amarabandu, The knowledge of Public Health Midwives on Autism Spectrum Disorder in two selected districts of the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102094, Volume 52, August 2020
- Sumudu Avanthi Hewage, Nuwan Wickramasinghe, Surangi Jayakody, Dulani Samaranayake, Shamini Prathapan, Carukshi Arambepola. Social distancing and its impact on flattening the COVID-19 curve in Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2020, 26 (1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i1.8314
- Rajiv Chowdhury, Kevin Heng, Md Shajedur Rahman Shawon, Gabriel Goh, Daisy Okonofua, Carolina Ochoa-Rosales, Valentina Gonzalez-Jaramillo, Abbas Bhuiya, Daniel Reidpath, Shamini Prathapan, Sara Shahzad, Christian L Althaus, Nathalia Gonzalez-Jaramillo, Oscar H Franco. Dynamic interventions to control COVID-19 pandemic: a multivariate prediction modelling study comparing 16 worldwide countries. European journal of epidemiology. 2020 May 19:1-1.
- Nadeeka Perera, Sumudu Avanthi Hewage, Nishani Fonseka, Chathurani Wickramaarachchi, Sajani Nadeeka, Hemali Jayasekera, Sachintha Dilhani, Mekala Fernando, Chithramalee Rodrigo, Thirumagal Sivashankar, Nadeeja Liyanage, Samantha Wijewardhane, Surangi Jayakody, Nuwan Darshana Wickramasinghe, Carukshi Arambepola, Shamini Prathapan. Epidemiology and clinical manifestation of COVID-19 during the early outbreak period: Based on reports from 10 countries. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka,June 2020, Version 26. Issue Special Edition on COVID-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i0.8365
- Surangi Jayakody, Nuwan Darshana Wickramasinghe, Sumudu Avanthi Hewage, Shamini Prathapan, Carukshi Arambepola. Generating a Case Definition for COVID-19. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka,June 2020, Version 26. Issue Special Edition on COVID-19; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i0.8361
- Nuwan Darshana Wickramasinghe, Sumudu Avanthi Hewage, Surangi Jayakody, Shamini Prathapan, Carukshi Arambepola. Basic Reproduction Number (R0) of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka,June 2020, Version 26. Issue Special Edition on COVID-19; DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i0.8359
- Kapila Jayaratne, Carukshi Arambepola, Shamini Prathapan, Renuka Jayatissa, Athula Liyanapathirana, Ruwan Ferdinando, Susie Perera, Malith Kumarasinghe, Buddhika Mahesh, Sameera Senanayake, Sapumal Dhanapala, Exit strategy of COVID-19 epidemic in Sri Lanka: Recommendations of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka (CCPSL), A Communiqué from the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, June 2020, Version 26. Issue Special Edition on COVID-19, DOI:https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i0.8373
- Kapila Jayaratne, Carukshi Arambepola, Shamini Prathapan, Renuka Jayatissa, Athula Liyanapathirana, Ruwan Ferdinando, Susie Perera, Malith Kumarasinghe, Buddhika Mahesh, Sameera Senanayake, Sapumal Dhanapala. Proposed Exit strategy for Colombo Municipality Area: Recommendations of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) – A Communiqué from the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. . Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, June 2020, Version 26. Issue Special Edition on COVID-19, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v26i0.8372
- Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for Sri Lanka: a synthesis report. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336179/9789290228165-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
- Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for Sri Lanka: a a policy brief. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336179/9789290228165-policy-breif-eng.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
- Shamini Prathapan, Gunasekara Vidana Mestrige Chamath Fernando, Anne Thushara Matthias, Yashodara Bentota Mallawa Arachchige Charuni, Herath Mudiyanselage Gayan Abeygunawardhana, Batheegama Gamarachchige Gayasha Kavindi Somathilake. The rising complexity and burden of multimorbidity in a middle-income country. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243614. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243614
- R Pathiraja, S Prathapan. Awareness, knowledge and the factors that affect the use of folic acid among pregnant and non-pregnant women in the reproductive age in a selected area in Colombo district, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020; 42: 105-114. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljog.v42i3.7956
- Vidanage, D., Prathapan, S., Wasalathanthri, S. and Hettiarachchi, P., 2020. Factors Associated with Sweet Taste Sensitivity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Journal of the Ruhunu Clinical Society, 25(1), pp.25-29. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jrcs.v25i1.85
- Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for sri lanka: a synthesis report. Landscape analysis for trans fat limits for Sri Lanka: a synthesis report. Colombo: World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Evaluation of Impact of WHO Publications Related to NCDs and Health Systems in Sri Lanka (2013-2019): World Health Organization, Country Office for Sri Lanka; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NCSA 3.0 IGO. Technical advisory group S
- Sucheera Samarasinghe, Dileshi Fernando, Chathuri Munagama, Charith Perera, Madushan Edirisinghe, Renu Wickremesinghe, Shamini Prathapan. Lymphedema patients and their limb care; How much do they know? How compliant are they? International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research 2021
- Sathees Santhalingam, Sivayogan Sivagurunathan, Shamini Prathapan, Sivapalan Kanagasabai & Luxmi Kamalarupan. The association of health-related factors with quality of life among the elderly population in the Jaffna district of Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health volume 21, Article number: 464 (2021).
- Jayakody, S.A. Hewage, N.D. Wickramasinghe, R.A.P. Piyumanthi, A. Wijewickrama, N.S. Gunewardena, S. Prathapan, C. Arambepola. “Why are you not dead yet?” – Dimensions and the main driving forces of stigma and discrimination among COVID-19 patients in Sri Lanka. Public Health. 10 July 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2021.07.001
- Withanage ND, Perera S, Peiris H, Prathapan S & Athiththan LV. Regression Model for Socio-demographic, Behavioural and Occupational Risk Factors in Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH) and Lumbar Disc Degeneration (LDHD)-In Comparison to Apparently Healthy Subjects. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 05 No. 04 October’ 2021; 424
- Carukshi Arambepola, Nuwan Darshana Wickramasinghe, Surangi Jayakody, Sumudu Avanthi Hewage, Ananda Wijewickrema, Nalika Gunawardena,Sapumal Dhanapala, Shamini Prathapan. Sri Lanka’s early success in the containment of COVID-19 through its rapid response: Clinical & epidemiological evidence from the initial case series. PLOS ONE. July 29, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255394
- P S Alles, Y M Rohanachandra, L Amarakoon, S Prathapan. Psychological distress, challenges and perceived needs among doctors and nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. SL J Psychiatry 2021; 12(1): 4-10DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljpsyc.v12i1.8279.
- Kaneshapillai A, Hettiaratchi U, Prathapan S, Liyanage G (2021) Parathyroid hormone in Sri Lankan pregnant women: Vitamin D and other determinants. PLoS ONE 16(10): e0258381. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258381
- M. D. Nadeeshani, G. Kisokanth, Shamini Prathapan. Body image perception among below knew amputees in selected centers in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Family Physician. Vol 36, No 1. 2020/2021
- Perera, N.D., Prathapan, S.P., Wass, D.A. and Wijewickrama, A., 2021. Construct validity and reliability of the Sinhala version of the Chalder fatigue questionnaire in a cohort following dengue infection in Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 2021, 49(3).
- Review on the National NCD prevention and control programme in Sri Lanka, Ministry of Health and world Health Organization 2021.
- Rohanachandra, Y.M.M., Alles, P.S., Amarakoon, L. and Prathapan, S., 2021. Psychological impact and coping strategies of medical students during university closure due to COVID-19 in a state university in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry, 12(2), pp.4-9. 2021. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljpsyc.v12i2.8287
- Vidanage, D., Prathapan, S., Wasalathanthri, S. and Hettiarachchi, P., Impact of aerobic exercises on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; A randomized controlled trial. BMC Endocrine Disorders (2022) 22:22
- GN Malavige, C Jeewandara, A Wijewickrama, D Gunasinghe, S.Prathapan. Efficacy of rupatadine in reducing the incidence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in patients with acute dengue: A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 16 (6), e0010123
- Y M Rohanachandra, P S Alles, S Semage, P Palihawadana, S Prathapan. Psychological impact and coping strategies in persons who experienced institutional quarantine for COVID-19 in Sri Lanka. SL J Psychiatry
- Santhalingam S, Sivagurunathan S, Prathapan S, Kanagasabai S, Kamalarupan L (2022) The effect of socioeconomic factors on quality of life of elderly in Jaffna district of Sri Lanka. PLOS Glob Public Health 2(8): e0000916. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0000916
- Perera N., Prathapan S., WassD., Wijewickrama A. Are we contented with achieving universal health coverage in treating dengue patients in Sri Lanka? International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2022 Dec;9(12):4334-4340. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20223199
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S.Prevalence of ADHD in Primary School Children, in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2022, Vol. 26(8) 1130-1138. https://doi.org/10.1177/10870547211058704
- Primary Health Care and COVID19 Case Study from Sri Lanka 2020-2021
- Yureka Demini Wimalajeewa, Usha Pushkala Kumari Hettiaratchi, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara, Shamini Prathapan, Mathota Arachchilage Madura Mangala Jayawardane. Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk of Development of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Scoping Review. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2023, 11, 220-238. https://www.scirp.org/journal/jbm
- N Nazeer, YM Rohanachandra, S Prathapan. Predictors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Sri Lankan Children: A School Based Community Study. Journal of Attention Disorders, 10870547231167571
- N Nazeer, YM Rohanachandra, S Prathapan. Criterion validity and reliability of Sinhala version of SNAP-IV: parent and teacher ratings of ADHD of primary graders in Sri Lanka. Children’s Health Care, 1-16
- Prathapan S., Prathapan R., Fonseka P. Relevant service factors for pre-term delivery. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2007
- Prathapan S., Fonseka P., Prathapan R. Pregnancy related risk factors for preterm delivery. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Perinatal Society. Sri Lanka: Oral Presentation; 2007.
- Prathapan R., Dodampahala H., Wijeratne C. N, Jayawardena A, Prathapan S.,et al. An evaluation of sonographic parameters of fetal growth, maternal glycaemia and pregnancy outcome of gestational diabetes mellitus in a Sri Lankan tertiary care unit. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2007.
- Banneheke B.M.H.A., Fernandopulle R.C., Wickramasinghe R., Prathapan S. Use of dipstick test and self obtained low vaginal swabs in the diagnosis of Trichomoniasis. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2008
- Prathapan R., Upali Marasinghe, Prathapan S. Routine uterotonic drug prophylaxis for Atonic Post-Partum Haemorrhage and outcomes in the third stage of labour. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2008
- Prathapan R., Amarasinghe I., Prathapan S. An audit on cardiotrophograph in an obstetric unit. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2008
- Iresha M.A.G., Prathapan S., Senevirathne H.R. Effect of counselling on contraception in women with heart disease. Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sri Lanka: oral presentation; 2008
- Gunawardane DMDEA., Priyadarshana GDK., Prathapan S., Wickramasinghe R., Ekanayake S. Proportion of infections and clinical features of Toxoplasma gondi , Strongyloides stercoralis and Cryptosporidium parvum among a selected group of immunocompromised patients. Ceylon College of Physicians. Sri Lanka: Oral presentation; 2008.
- Banneheke H., Fernandopulle R., Wickramasinghe R., Fernando N., De Silva G., Tilakaratne D., et al. Evaluation of laboratory techniques and assessment of self obtained vaginal swabs for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis among women in Colombo,Sri Lanka. International Union against sexually transmitted Infections. Milan, Italy: oral presentation; 2008.
- Gunawardane DMDEA., De Sila IDGG., Thilakaratne WDT., Prathapan S., Priyadarshana GDPK., Wickramasinghe R., et al. Opportunistic parasitic infections in a selected group of immunocompromised patients. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists. Sri Lanka: 2008
- Gunawardane DMDEA., De Sila IDGG., Thilakaratne WDT., Prathapan S., Ekanayake S., Wickramasinghe R. Parasitic infections among institutionalised individuals. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists. Sri Lanka: 2008
- Rathnayake D., Dodanwela A., Kulasinghe M., Wicktemasinghe R., atanayake Y, withana D., Jayasingha L., Rathanthilaka M., Premawardena I, Wijalath P., Gunawardena T., Wickremasinghe R.,Prathapan S., Purpose of usage of the Information technology Laboratory (IT lab) by medical students of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 50th Anniversary Academic conference of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Sri Lanka; 2009
- Faleel A., Amarakoon P., Kumarasena L., Dissanayake M., D.Abetgunathilake, C.Withana, M.Kodithuwaku, R.Gunasekara, R.Fernando, G.Buddika, Pathirana A, Prathapan S.,. Assessment of Knowledge on Preventive Methods and First Aid Practices of Snake Bite among People in Anuradhapura District. 50th Anniversary Academic Conference of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Sri Lanka; 2009
- Madurangi WH., Costa MN., Priyadarshini NAD., Dimuthumali WGD., Piyadasa WHS., Jeewani AA, Maduka KL, Priyadharshini AMN, Kulathunga BWTU, Faheema KMM, P.Hettiarachchi, Prathapan S. Respiratory symptoms and lung function tests among gem cutters in Ratnapura MOH area. 50th Anniversary Academic Conference of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Sri Lanka: Poster presentation; 2009
- Wanigabandu LV., Prathapan S., Somaweera SWR., Bandara KGMW., Suranga MA., De Alwis HM., et al. Visual impairment and associated factors among school children: a case control study. College of General Practioners of Sri Lanka. Colombo: Oral presentation; 2010.
- Adams J., Prathapan S., Bythell M., Rankin J. Socio-economic deprivation and uptake of Down syndrome screening in Northern England. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, UK; 2011
- Tennant P, Prathapan S, Bilous R, Bell R, Outcomes in successive pregnancies in women with pre-gestational diabetes, Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference 2011. Available on http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- Prathapan S., Prathapan R., Jude S., Suthananthan G., Wijeyasiri A. Post conflict contraceptive needs of the internally displaced women. Kotelawala Defence University symposium on post conflict. Sri Lanka: Oral presentation; 2011
- Prathapan S. Prevention and First Aid Practices of Snake Bite in Anuradhapura district. Post Graduate Institute of Medicine- 30th Anniversary sessions. Sri Lanka: Poster presentation; 2011
- P W G Tennant, S Prapathan, R Bilous, R Bell. Recurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with pre-gestational diabetes. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2011;65: http://jech.bmj.com/content/65/Suppl_1/A214.4
- Bell R., Tennant PWG., Prathapan S., Bilous R. Risk of recurrent adverse pregnancy outcome in women with diabetes. Fetal and Neonatal – an edition of Archives of Disease in Childhood. June 2011;96 (1):129
- Prathapan, S., Prathapan, R., Lindmark, G., Fonseka, P., Lokubalasooriya, A. Quality of detection of pregnancy induced hypertension to reduce maternal mortality to one digit in Sri Lanka. RCOG 2012
- Balagobi B, Silva WTT, Chandrasekera SK, Sutharshan K, Prathapan S, Weerakkodi A. Relationship of Prostate Volume and Prostate specific antigen levels in Sri Lankan men with benign prostatic Hyperplasia. 41st annual Academic sessions of the college of Surgeons of Sri Lanka jointly with the Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2012 August
- Wanigabandu LV., Prathapan S., Somaweera SWR., Bandara KGMW., Suranga MA., De Alwis HM., et al. Visual impairment and associated factors among school children: a case control study. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health: poster presentation; 2012.
- Balasooriya A, Samarasinghe TM, Perera PLD, Kalinga TD, Prathapan S, Kottahachchi. Are the health care workers geared to prevent H1N1 in the future? Scientific Sessions 2012. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Gunasekera HAKM, Silva KCDP, Prathapan S, Mananwaththa S, Weerasinghe G, Abeygunasekera N. Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea in women attending sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in the Colombo District. Sri Lanka College of Venereologists, 17th Annual Scientific sessions 2012.
- De Zoysa ARV, Hettiarachchi P, Prathapan S, Wasalathanthri S, Comparison of sweet sensation in Diabetics, pre diabetics and individuals with normal glycemic profiles. Annual Scientific sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. 2013, 21st to 22nd November 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- S.E. Goonawardena, B.C.V. Senarathna, S. Prathapan, Risk factors for separation/divorce among ever married women in Colombo District. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA) August 2014
- Prathapan, Prevalence of divorce and separation in three districts of Sri Lanka and socio demographic profile of separated or divorced women, 16th Annual sessions of the Population association of Sri Lanka. 5th July 2014
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan, Indrakumar J, Joseph J. Culturally acceptable practices for Management of Diabetes Mellitus among Tamils Living in the Batticaloa District, Peradeniya University, International Research Sessions (iPURSE) 2015
- Kisokanth, S.Prathapan, J.Indrakumar, J.Joseph . Concerns of Physicians and nutritionists on Self-Management of Diabetes Mellitus among the Tamils living in Batticaloa district: A qualitative study. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches. (iCMA), Sep 2015
- Jeewandara KC, Paranavitane SA, Fernando S, Gomez L, Fernando RH, Thanthrimudalige M, Jayewardene A, Panapitiya S, Prathapan S, Ogg GS, Malavige GN. Comparison of seroconversion rates to the Japanese encephalitis live and killed vaccines in children. 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 6th to 9th July 2015
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan ,Indrakumar J, Joseph J. Knowledge and attitudes of Tamil with Diabetis Mellitus in a selected center in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. SLMA 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 6th to 9th July 2015
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan, Indrakumar J, Joseph J. Medication practices and glycemic control among patients with type II Diabetes Mellitus, 129th Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 25th to 27th July 2016
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan, Indrakumar J, Joseph J. Glycemic control and its associated dietary related factors among Tamil patients with type II Diabetes Mellitus, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICOPH 2016), July 2016
- Kisokanth, S. Prathapan, Indrakumar J, Joseph J. Factors associated with good glycemic control among Tamil patients with type II diabetes mellitus: a case control study. 12th European Diabetes Congress, September 2016, Berlin, Germany
- KC Jeewandara, L Gomez, SA Paranavitane, MCK Jayarathne, M Tantirimudalige, S Fernando, R Fernando, S Prathapan, GS Ogg, GN Malavige, Obesity and the presence of asthma are associated with hospitalization due to dengue infection, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, April 2016, Volume 45, Supplement 1, p1-500
- T S M Fernando, S Prathapan, H R M Fernando, Factors affecting difficulties in breast feeding in mothers attending selected lactation management centers in Colombo district, Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, Vol. 22, Suppl. 1, September 2016
- Malavige, G.N., Wijewickrama, A., Fernando, S., Madushanka, P., Punchihewa, C., Ginneliya, A., Samarasekara, S., Paranavitana, S., Idampitiya, D., Wanigatunga, C., Dissanayaka, H., Prathapan, S., Jeewandara, C., Gomes, L.Ogg, GEfficacy Of Rupatadine In The Treatment Of Acute Dengue Infection. November 13-17, 2016 65th Annual Meeting – American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Wanigatunge CA, Warnacula G, Prathapan S , Audit on herbal study protocols reviewed by an Ethics Review Committee of a Western Medical Institution. 16th FERCAP International Conference, November 2016
- Peramuna PDOSD, Fernando LH, Wanigatunga PS, Kulasiri WGMMT, Pathirage CL, Prathapan S. How season of birth affects Schizophrenia in Sri Lanka. Scientific Sessions 2016. FMS,USJ
- Perris TVM, Liyanage ML, Waaduge LT, Sanjaya M, Wickramathunge CV, Liyanage G, Prathapan S. A survey on lifestyle restriction in children with asthma: A comparison with Quality of Life (QoL) Scientific Sessions 2016. FMS, USJ
- Ranaweera HD, Posonmali BLR, Panduwawala PKTK, Dias GUN, De Alwis SMAN, Liyanage G, Prathapan S. Effect of caregiver’s feeding practice on behaviour and activity of preschool children. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017
- Ganesapiragas M, Balasubramaniam R, Shanmugeshwaran T, Subramaiam B, Nimalan NJ, Prathapan S, Waidyasekara H. Needle prick injuries and associated factors among nurses in Colombo South Teaching Hospital. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017
- Dhananjaya AADY, Kodikara CS, Jayasinghe VMA, Sagara DCRR, Nilakshi MPCI, Wijesiri WA, Prathapan S. Assessment of causative risk factors for ulcerative colitis in patients attending selected Sri Lankan Hospital. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017
- Adikari AMMB, Amarasekara K, De Silva TL, Perera WAS, Subodani KGAB, Wijesekara AIC, Prathapan S, Vidanapathirana M, Prevalence of atherosclerosis in post mortems conducted at Colombo South Teaching Hospital. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017.
- Urmila MB, Jayasinghe AU, Chathurika AA< Wickramathunga PGCK, Jayathilaka WTS, Prathapan S, Perera PPR, The association between selected anthropometric measurements and physical activity among female garment factory workers. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017.
- Balakrishnan G, Raviraj P, Selvaranjan A, Rex Stephen D, Dayalan ND, Prathapan S, Kathriarachchi S. Stress related problems and their impact on the lives on intern house officers during their intern period in selected hospitals in Colombo District. Scientific Sessions 2017, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 25th May 2017.
- Antibiotic Self-Medication Among School Teachers in Western Province, Sri Lanka. K. Kiriwandeniya; S. Pitiyawithana; S. Nissansala; H. Wickremasinghe; G. Wijekumara; S. Prathapan; and P. Jayawardane, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 25th June 2017
- A.S Achintha, H.D.S Jayasanka, K.N.N Perera, S.A. Piyarathne, R.L.S.S Ratnayake, Jayamal De Silva, S.Prathapan, Knowledge on Common Child Psychiatric Disorders among Preschool Teachers in Maharagama Area and Their Referral Practices, National Undergraduate Research Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, 4th August 2017
- Melaka Kodikara, Chathurini Mathangaweera, Bathiya Ruwandika, Upendri Samaraweera, Suvini Wanniarachchi, Rasika Perera, Shamini Pathapan The Effect of the Pictorial Health Warning on Cigarette Packet on Smokers, National Undergraduate Research Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, 4th August 2017
- A.N. Fernando, C.L. Munagama, S.M. Samarasinghe, Y.A.C.P. Perera, L.M.A.C. Edirisinghe, D. Jayatilake, R. Wickremasinghe, S. Prathapan Knowledge Regarding Lymphedema in the Community and Compliance to Limb Care in Lymphedema Patients in Selected Clinics of Colombo District, National Undergraduate Research Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, 4th August 2017
- K Kiriwandeniya, S Pitiyawithana, S Nissansala, H Wickremasinghe, G. Wijekumara; S. Prathapan; and P. Jayawardane, Antibiotic Self-Medication Among School Teachers in Western Province, Sri Lanka, Clinical Therapeutics 39 (8), e77-e78. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinthera.2017.05.239
- Fernando GVM, Prathapan S, What do young doctors know of Palliative Care; How do they believe the concept should work? Colombo Conference on Medical Education, Nov 2017
- ND Withanage, S.Prathapan, H.Peris, S.Perera, LV Athiththan,. Socio-demographic, Occupational and behavioural risk factors that attribute to lumbar disc herniation and degeneration: a case control study in a selected Sri Lankan population Proceedings of the 7th Young Scientist Forum, National science and Technology Commission Sri Lanka, Jan 2018
- Vidanage D, Hettiarachchi P, Prathapan S, Wasalathanthri S. Impact of short term aerobic exercises on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, October 2018.
- Vidanage D, Hettiarachchi P, Prathapan S, Wasalathanthri S. Association between glycemic control and taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Research Symposium 2018 Western province, Provincial Director of Health services, Western Province Conference, Colombo, November 2018
- G Chamath Fernando, Shamini Prathapan, What Do Young Doctors Know of Palliative Care; How Do They Believe the Concept should work? 5th Vasco da Gama Movement Forum, 26-27 January 2018, Porto, Portugal.
- Subhashini Suwandaarachchi1, Shamini Prathapan, Preference and associated factors for the caesarean section as a mode of delivery among primi-pregnant mothers attending selected antenatal clinics of Bandaragama Medical Officer of Health in Sri Lanka, College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, Taj Samudra, Sri Lanka September 2018
- Adikari AMMB, Amarasekara K, De Silva T L, Perera WAS, Subodani KGA, Wijesekara WAIC, Prathapan S, Vidanapathirana M, Prevalence of atherosclerosis in postmortems conducted at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Weeraratne KC, Kalubowila KWDSI, Jayathilake RAEC, Hettiarachchi A, Benaragama CA, Fernando S, Prathapan S, Factors associated with menstrual irregularities among girls between 16-18 years, their co coping strategies and quality of life, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Jayawardana PH, Rupika RSJ, Piyumika HNT, Hemachandra AWGA, Gunathilaka MDBD, Fernandopulle B, Prathapan S, Awareness of clinical features, mode of inheritance and screening methods of Thalassemia among Grade 11 and 12 students of Kurunegala District, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Elvitigala KN, Weerakkody DSI, Ranasinghe KA , Wanasinghe ASLM , Prathapan S , Kulathika C. Knowledge, myths and stigma about Tuberculosis among apparel industry employees in Sri Lanka, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Maddumage SS, Seneviratne MLJP, Gunasiri MSM, Dinushika BMGN, Jayathilaka RD, Undugodage C, Prathapan S. Factors affecting non-conversion of sputum smear at the completion of 2 months of treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis patients at tertiary referral centers in Colombo District, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Abeydeera SP, Ariyasinghe WC, Dharmakeerthi KHS, Newamali HPS, Ekanayake SP, Perera PPR, Prathapan S. Tuberculosis among prisoners and prison officers: Proportion, preventive measures, knowledge, attitudes and practices, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Venilan S, Nitharsanan M, Dulanjana GT, Wijayantha WS, Premarathna GKCS, Prathapan S, Wickremasinghe R. Mothers’ knowledge and practices regarding nematode infections among preschool children in Colombo District, Sri Lanka, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Munagama CL, Fernando DAN, Samarasinghe SM, Perera YACP, Edirisinghe LMAC, Jayathilake D, Wickremasinghe R, Prathapan S. Knowledge regarding lymphedema in the community and compliance with limb care in lymphedema patients in selected clinics of Colombo district, Sri Lanka, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Nanayakkara PBDAL, Kodithuwakku R, Pallemulla IS, Ranasinghe TAB, Ranasinghe PTK, Prathapan S, Hulathduwa SR. Knowledge, attitude and current practice of intern medical officers in Colombo District regarding legal importance of medical records, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Sugathapala J, Witharana M, Bandara P, Madhusanka D, Thivanka CT, Wimalasekara S, Prathapan S, Lung functions, factors associated with respiratory symptoms and preventive methods adopted among urban construction workers in Sri Lanka, International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, 7th February 2019, Sri Lanka
- Shehani Delwatta, Jayamini Kaushalya, Ravindu Shehan, Shamini Prathapan, Chamila Pilimatalawwe. Education; key to improve knowledge and awareness on epidural analgesia for labour pain management. 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress (FAOPS2019) from March 28th to March 31st, 2019, in Kobe, Japan
- Impact of glycemic control on taste perception for sucrose in patinets with type 2 DM, Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., S.Prthapan. 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress (FAOPS2019) from March 28th to March 31st, 2019, in Kobe, Japan
- Banneheke BMHA, Prathapan S., Screening a Sample of at Risk Population for Human Echinoccosis (Hydatid) Infection in Western Province, Sri Lanka Medical Association 132nd Anniversary International Medical Congress, 24th – 27th July 2019, Galadari Hotel, Colombo. P44
- K Anusha, U P K Hettiaratchi , S. Prathapan , D P S Gunasekera, Dammike Silva and G Liyanage. Serum vitamin D levels and exposure to sun-a study among a population of pregnant mothers in the Colombo district. 52nd Annual Scientific congress. Sri Lanka College of obstetrician and gynecologist.
- Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S., Awareness, knowledge and factors that affect the use of folic acid among pregnant and non pregnant women in the reproductive age in a selected area in Colombo District. 52nd Annual Scientific congress. Sri Lanka College of obstetrician and gynecologist. August 2019
- K Anusha, U P K Hettiarachchi, S. Prathapan, D P S Gunasekera and G Liyanage. Maternal vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and bone specific alkaline phosphatase among a population of pregnant mothers in the Colombo District. SLENDO 2019 – Endocrine Congress Sri Lanka. Held on 1st to 3rd August 2019.
- K Anusha, S. Prathapan, U P K Hettiaratchi, D P S Gunasekera, Dammike Silva and G Liyanage. Do socio demographic characteristics influence the correlation between vitamin D and PTH? Study among pregnant mothers in the Colombo district. International conference on health sciences 2019. 17th to 18th October 2019.
- K Anusha, U P K Hettiaratchi , S. Prathapan , D P S Gunasekera, Dammike Silva and G Liyanage. Prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency among a population of pregnant mothers in urban, rural and estate sectors in the Colombo district. 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA) – 2019.
- K Anusha, U P K Hettiaratchi, S. Prathapan, D P S Gunasekera, Dammike Silva and G Liyanage. Is peripheral ultrasound BMD measure is a useful tool to identify the vitamin D deficiency? A study among a population of pregnant mothers in the Colombo District. National Health and research symposium 2019.
- Indika Dilshani, Shamini Prathapan, Risk factors for poor control of bronchial asthma among five to ten years old children attending Lady Ridgeway Hospital for children of Sri Lanka, 1st South East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Sri Lanka. Sep 2019
- Cut Off For Hypovitaminosis D Based On Parathyroid Hormone Levels Among A Population Of Pregnant Mothers In The Colombo District (EA70) Young Scientists Forum, National Science and Technology Commission. 27th March 2020; Extended Abstracts
- Wickramasinghe ND, Jayakody S, Hewage SA, Wijewickrama A, Gunewardena NS, Idampitiya D, Palihawadana P, Jasinghe A, Prathapan S, Arambepola C. Duration before hospitalization, hospital stay and the clinical course of covid-19 patients in Sri Lanka: evidence from first 100 patients following discharge or death, 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress 2020, Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Hewage SA, Wickramasinghe ND, Jayakody S, Arambepola CA, Gunewardena NS, Wijewickrama A, Narangoda EM, Dhanapala S, Jasinghe A, Prathapan S. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of covid-19 patients: the initial experience of Sri Lanka. Abstract No: 148, 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress 2020, Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Prathapan S, Fernando GVMC, Matthias AT, Somathilake BGGK. The increasing burden and complexity of multimorbidity in Sri Lanka. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress 2020, Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Jayakody S, Hewage SA, Wickramasinghe ND, Wijewickrama A, Gunewardena NS, Narangoda E, Idampitiya D, Arambepola C, Prathapan S. Does lymphopenia indicate the disease outcome? an analysis of the first 100 patients discharged or dead following covid-19 disease in Sri Lanka. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress 2020, Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Vidanage D, Hettiarachchi P, Prathapan S, Wasalathanthri S. Impact of a 6-Month Combined Exercise Regimen on Taste Perception for Sucrose in Patients with T2DM. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress 2020, Sri Lanka Medical Association
- M. D. Nadeeshani, G. Kisokanth, Shamini Prathapan Satisfaction of Post Amputation Care Among Below Knee Amputeesin Sri Lanka, Sessions of the College of Surgeons, 2020
- M. D. Nadeeshani, G. Kisokanth, S. Prathapan Health related quality of life among below knee amputees in Sri Lanka – a preliminary study. Global academic research institute Colombo, Sri Lanka. August 2020
- Perera N.,Prathapan S., WassD., Wijewickrama A. Prevalence and correlates of post-infectious fatigue after dengue infection among adults in Colombo district. 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020
- Wickramasinghe N., Arambepola C., Hewage S., Jayakody S., Wijewickrama A., Gunawardena N., Prathapan S. Characteristics of the first 100 covid-19 patients following hospital discharge or death in Sri Lanka: is Sri Lanka an outlier? 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020
- Hewage S., Prathapan S., Wickramasinghe N., Jayakody S., Wijewickrama A., Gunawardena., Arambepola C.Clinical course of asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and symptomatic covid-19 patients in Sri Lanka. 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020
- Perera N., Prathapan S., Dulshika Wass D., Wijewickrama A. Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress following dengue infection among adults in Colombo district. 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020
- Anusha, U.P.K. Hettiaratchi, S. Prathapan, G. Liyanage, cut off for hypovitaminosis d based on parathyroid Hormone levels among a population of pregnant mothers in Colombo district Proceedings of the 9th YSF Symposium – 2020
- Perera WND, Prathapan S, De Silva A, Wass D, Wijewickrama A. Out of Pocket Expenditure Incurred Among Adult Dengue Patients In Colombo District. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Jayakody S, Wickramasinghe ND, Hewage SA, Piyumanthi RAP, Wijewickrama A, Gunewardena NS, Prathapan S, Arambepola C. Stigma And Discrimination Associated With Covid-19: A Qualitative Study. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S. Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) Among 6-10 Year Olds In Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S. Criterion Validity Of Sinhala Version Of Swanson, Nolan, And Pelham Iv Scale (Snapiv- S): Parent And Teacher Ratings Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) Among A School Based Sample Of Primary Graders In Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nadeeshani KMD, Kisokanth G, Prathapan S. Body Image Perception Among Below Knee Amputees in Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Perera WND, Prathapan S, Wass D, Wijewickrama A. Prevalence And Correlates Of Stress Following Dengue Infection Among Adults In Colombo District. Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health 2020 Conference Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nadeeshani KMD, Kisokanth G, Prathapan S. Prosthetic Satisfaction Among Below Knee Amputees In Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference on Public Health and Well-being 2021.
- Psychological impact and coping strategies of medical students during University closure due to COVID19 in a state university in Sri Lanka – An online survey. 29th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA Virtual 2021), 10-13 April 2021.
- Nadeeshani K.M.D, Kisokanth G, Prathapan S., Prosthetic Satisfaction Among Below Knee Amputees in Sri Lanka. The 2nd International Conference on Public Health and Well-being, Public Health 2021, 21st – 22nd January 2021
- C Undugodage, M Ekanayake, L Dolawatte, A Dunuthilaka, V Saranga, D Ratnayake, S Prathapan. Compliance of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) in Sri Lanka. European Respiratory Society Open Research 2021 7: 45; DOI: 10.1183/23120541.sleepandbreathing-2021.45
- Nazeer N., Rohanachandra Y.M., Prathapan S. Improving Knowledge and Alleviating Misperceptions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Teachers in Colombo District. 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 15th – 17th of July 2021
- Wijethilake R.N.H.J.B. , Najeela M.N. , Dinethra G.D.T. , Wijethunga T.N.G.T.D. , Perera W.D.T.T. , Gamage B. Prathapan S. Factors Associated with the Post-Operative Recovery of Colorectal Cancer Surgery, What Do the Patients Tell Us? 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 15th – 17th of July 2021
- De Alwis A.N.R., Lakshan D.W.M.B. , Rathnayaka R.M.N.P. , Ruwanpura T.M.M.D. , Silva R.K. , Wickremasinghe R., Prathapan S Visual Problems Related to Professionals in Information Technology. 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 15th – 17th of July 2021
- De Silva K.G.B., Sandasarani S.S., Meemeduma C.T., Walisundara W.M.U.L. , Dewanthi D.P.D.T.M. , Undugodage U.C.M. , Prathapan S. Are COPD Patients Having an Adequate Quality of Life and Factors Associated with Quality of Life. 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 15th – 17th of July 2021
- Nazeer N., Rohanachandra Y.M., Prathapan S. Knowledge and Misperceptions Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Teachers in Colombo District. 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 15th – 17th of July 2021
- L.U. Amarakoon, Prasangika Senaviratne Alles, Y.M. Rohanachandra. An online survey on the psychological impact of covid-19 on the general population in Sri Lanka. International Congress of Health Research (ICOHER’21). 25-28 August 2021
- Beneragama DM, Grero KLW, Gamage TGJN, Munasinghe MAA, Withana JL, Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S. Importance of public perception on the genetic link between parents and offspring in the determination of attitudes towards surrogacy. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S. Diagnostic Accuracy of Sinhala version of Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham IV Scale (SNAP-IV-S): Parent and Teacher ratings of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary Graders in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Keppetipola KVSC, Rajapakshe PDUUSG, Lakshani JAPI, Galaboda DN, Niroshan HDS, Bawantha G, Prathapan S. Polyp detection rate – does completion rate or other factors matter? 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Wijetilake RNHJB, Najeela MN, Dinethra GDT, Wijethunga TNGTD, Perera WDTT, Gamage B, Prathapan S. Factors associated with the post-operative recovery of colorectal cancer surgery, what do the patients tell us? 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Amarakoon L, Rohanachandra YM, Seneviratne P, Prathapan S. Psychological impact of COVID-19 on the general population: An online survey. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Elapatha GEST, Kumarasinghe DDSD, Nanayakkara NBNAK, Premawansha IJ, Madushani SAP, Wickremasinghe DR, Prathapan S, Vidanage UA. Is the school teacher’s knowledge on conduct disorder in children adequate? 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Gamage TGJN, Beneragama DM, Grero KLW, Munasinghe MAA, Withana JL, Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S. Public perspective on the uses and indications of surrogacy within the Sri Lankan context. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Perera MMS, Naveretnam S, Lakpriya LAB, Mudalige CJK, Kaluarachchi KAKS, Undugodage C, Prathapan S. Comorbidities in determining the risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Chandrasekera CMCS, Dharmalingam L, Fernando PCH, Gamage VP, Pramodya AVS Prathapan S. Effect of COVID-19 on the economy of tea plantation owners in Balangoda, Sri Lanka and its association with their access to health care services during the lockdown. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- Jayawardene PU, Ranasinghe RAKG, Samarasinghe SMRK, Samarakoon JPSM, Madusanka WASD, Hewage SA, Prathapan S. Treatment defaulting in tuberculosis: who are at risk? 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka
- A.A. Munasinghe, D.M. Beneragama, K.L.W. Grero, T.G.J.N. Gamage, J.L. Withana, R.P. Pathiraja, S. Prathapan. Public perspective on the uses and indications of surrogacy within the Sri Lankan context. 30th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya. 28th to 31st October 2021
- Lishani Dharmalingam, Chithma Chandrasekera, Sarith Pramodya, Pradeepika Gamage, Charindu Fernando, Shamini Prathapan. Knowledge and lifestyle adaptations to COVID-19 among tea plantation owners in Balangoda, Sri Lanka. 30th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya. 28th to 31st October 2021
- L. Withana, D.M. Beneragama, K.L.W. Grero, T.G.J.N. Gamage, M.A.A. Munasinghe, R.P. Pathiraja, S. Prathapan. Importance of public perception on the genetic link between parents and offspring in the determination of attitudes towards surrogacy. 30th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya. 28th to 31st October 2021
- M N M D Pinto, G G N M Galappaththi, A Weerackody, M Ambegoda, S K Chandrasekara, S Prathapan, T S U De Zylva. Urinary stone composition, characteristics and associations in a cohort of Sri Lankan Patients. 50th annual academic sessions – 2021 of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and Joint international conference with The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh And The SAARC surgical care society
- G G N M Galappaththi, M N M D Pinto, A Weerackody, M Ambegoda, S K Chandrasekara, S Prathapan, T S U De Zylva. The role of urinary stone density in predicting stone composition in a cohort of Sri Lankan patients: a preliminary study. 50th annual academic sessions – 2021 of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and Joint international conference with The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh And The SAARC surgical care society
- Dharmalingam, C. M. C. S. Chandrasekera, A. V. S. Pramodya, V. P. Gamage, P. K. C. H. Fernando and S. Prathapan. Effect of COVID-19 on the economy of tea plantation owners in Balangoda, Sri Lanka and its association with the prevalence of chronic and acute diseases during lockdown and access to healthcare services Annual Research Symposium 2021, of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 26th November 2021. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2021; 8(2): E164 1-32. http://doi.org/10.4038/jpgim.8378.
- C Undugodage, S Prathapan, C J K Mudalige, K A K S Kaluarachchi, M M S Perera, L A B Lakpriya, S. Navaretnam. Presenting complaint and daytime somnolence in determining the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea. Annual Research Symposium 2021, of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 26th November 2021. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2021; 8(2): E164 1-32. http://doi.org/10.4038/jpgim.8378
- Dasanayake HD, Abeysiriwardana PS, Bandaranayake BMIM, Jayamanna PY, Jayasundara JPSC, Gamage M, Prathapan S. Burnout, quality of life and coping strategies among intern medical officers in selected tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka during the lockdown of the COVID 19 pandemic. MSF Asia Scientific Days & International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2022
- Nazeer, N., Rohanachandra, Y., & Prathapan, S. (2022). Evaluation of Risk Factors for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Sri Lankan Children: A school based population study from a developing nation. European Psychiatry, 65(S1), S231-S231. doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.598
- Anusha, U.P.K. Hettiaratchi, S. Prathapan, G. Liyanage. Determining the cut off values for hypovitaminosis D among pregnant mothers in Colombo District-Sri Lanka. 22nd IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition. 2022
- Dasanayake HD, Abeysiriwardana PS, Bandaranayake BMIM, Jayamanna PY, Jayasundara JPSC, Gamage M, Prathapan S. Burnout, quality of life and coping strategies among intern medical officers in selected tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka during the lockdown of the COVID 19 pandemic. MSF Asia Scientific Days & International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2022, Sri Lanka
- Kosgallana EW, Wijetunge S, Malaviarachchi SL, Kumarasinghe I, Ratnayake P, Ratnatunga KC, Kandegedara SL, Gamage BD, Prathapan S, Prematilleke IV. Association of tumour budding and clinicopathological characteristics in colorectal cancer from four tertiary care centres in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Hapuarachchi TM, Wanigaratnam MNF, Bandara AMSA, De Silva HHDNM, Egodawaththa HAC, Prathapan S, Malavige N. Risk of persistent fatigue following SARS-CoV-2 infection among undergraduates in medical faculties of state universities in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Udawella AV, Weerasinghe YO, Wimalarathna CUI, Dilshan SAC, Nirmani SKHC, Prathapan S, Nandasena S. Biophysical, behavioural and anthropometric factors in predisposition of noncommunicable diseases in adults attending Healthy Lifestyle Centers in Kalutara district. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Wimalajeewa TMDYD, Jayawardane MAMM, Hettiaratchi UPK, Amarasekara AATD, Prathapan S. Vitamin D deficiency and gestational diabetes mellitus: A preliminary study among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics at Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Varatharajah L, De Silva KDS, Ferdinando KPMVDDS, Sanjana KMN, Vidanapathirana DS, Prathapan S, Wijesekara DS. Parental knowledge and associated factors on symptoms and first aid for seizures in children attending a tertiary care hospital in Colombo district. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Nadeeshani KMD, Kisokanth G, Prathapan S. Gender differences in body image and prosthetic satisfaction among below knee amputees in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023.Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 2023.
- Dissanayake D.M.C.H.B, Ranasinghe R.H.G.B.S, De. Silva K.M.M, Nimsara T.T.N, Gunasinghe D.A, Jayawardane M.A.M.M, Prathapan S. Anxiety related to exclusive breastfeeding and its associated factors among mothers immediately after delivery in Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka
- Nadeeshani KMD, Kisokanth G, Prathapan S. Body image and its relationship with prosthetic satisfaction and duration of use among below knee amputees in Sri Lanka”. 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress. Sri Lanka Medical Association. July 2023
- Wijekoon D., Semage S., Rohanachandra Y., Fauz T., Prathapan S. Prevalence of psychosocial problems among adolescents of army war widows in post-war Sri Lanka. 28th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. August 2023. https://doi.org/10.4038/jccpsl.v29i5.8633
- Location-based Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Transmission Tracking’ has been provisionally accepted to be presented at the International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 2023 which will be held on 6th to 8th December, 2023.
- Anusha Kaneshapillai, Usha Hettiaratchi, Shamini Prathapan, Guwani Liyanage, PAB(T6) Determining the cut off values for hypovitaminosis D among pregnant mothers in Colombo District-Sri Lanka. Ann Nutr Metab 2023;79(suppl 1):14-1172. DOI: 10.1159/000530786
- Prevalence of uncontrolled blood pressure among hypertensive patients managed at tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka: a nationally representative study. Matthias AT, Jayasekera MMPT, Sujanitha V, Jayasinghe IK,Wickramaratne WMDD, Bandusiri RP, Dias LD, Mayurathan P, DeZoysa PDWD, Karunarathna WGSG, Prathapan S
Research Collaborations
- Awarded the Common Wealth scholarship for having achieved the best performance in Public Health in the MBBS programme.
- SIDA/SAREC grant – Health & Social care for the Socially Marginalized People for the study on Quality on antenatal care in the Colombo district – 2007 – 2010
- Qualitative research methodology – step by step approach on research methodology at Mahidol University, Bangkok by the Health & Social care for the Socially Marginalized SIDA/SAREC grant
- Research grant from the ASCEND Research Network a collaborative project between the US NIH and Monash University, Australia – 2012 to 2013 for a research title “A review of food and beverages related advertisements viewed on television aimed at children”.
- University research Grants 2018 – “Proportion of depression, anxiety, stress and post infectious fatigue and its selected correlates and assessment of household costs due to Dengue among adults in Colombo District”
- University research Grant 2019 – Prevalence, Risk factors and Psychiatric comorbidities of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Children and effectiveness of an intervention to improve knowledge and misperception of Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder, among primary school teachers, in Sinhala Medium state schools in Colombo District
- World Health Organization – Awarded a grant to “develop a Caregiver Guide for Disabled Elders in Sri Lanka”- 2019
- World Health Organization – Awarded a grant to “Identifying and documenting best practices in maternal and child health/ family planning programme in Sri Lanka” – 2018
- World Bank Grant for “Capacity Building in Research and Strengthening Primary Health Care in Sri Lanka of the future doctors of the nation” – 2019
- The international union against tuberculosis and lung disease for Comprehensive intervention strategy to improve retention in TB infection cascade of care in high-risk groups through a person-centred approach in Galle district, Sri Lanka (CRITIC) – 2024
- Best paper at the General Practitioner annual session – 2011 on visual impairment and associated factors among school children: a case control study
- Best paper at the 50th Anniversary Academic Conference of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura – 2009 on Respiratory symptoms and lung function tests among gem cutters in Ratnapura MOH area.
- Best Free Paper at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Physicians – 2008 – on Proportion of infections and clinical features of Toxoplasma gondi, Strongyloides stercoralis and Cryptosporidium parvum among a selected group of immunocompromised patients.
- Second best presentation at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2007 – Selected obstetric Pregnancy related risk factors for preterm delivery.
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication – 2013
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research Award 2014
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research Award 2015
- Session’s best presentation award at the 2nd International Conference on Public Health 2016 – Glycemic control and its associated dietary related factors among Tamil Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Best student award at the 2nd International Conference on Public Health 2016 – Glycemic control and its associated dietary related factors among Tamil Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- NSF Merit Award for Scientific Publication – 2014
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research Award 2016
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research Award 2018 in recognition of publishing full papers in indexed journals
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura Research Award 2018 in recognition of obtaining external research grants
- Knowledge Regarding Lymphedema in the Community and Compliance to Limb Care in Lymphedema Patients in Selected Clinics of Colombo District – Best Oral Presentation at the National Undergraduate Research Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, 4th August 2017
- Factors associated with menstrual irregularities among girls between 16 – 18 years, their coping strategies and quality of life – Awarded third place at the International medical undergraduate research conference 2019
- Knowledge Regarding Lymphedema in the Community and Compliance to Limb Care in Lymphedema Patients in Selected Clinics of Colombo District – Awarded first place at the International medical undergraduate research conference 2019
- Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the covid-19 patients in the initial case series: Is Sri Lanka an outlier? 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020 – COVID -19 category best presenter.
- Prevalence and correlates of post-infectious fatigue after dengue infection among adults in Colombo district. 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020 – Communicable disease category best presenter.
- Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the covid-19 patients in the initial case series: Is Sri Lanka an outlier? 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2020 – Best Research Presentation category
- Prathapan S. Prosthetic Satisfaction Among Below Knee Amputees In Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference on Public Health and Well-being 2021 Session’s Best Presentation Award
- Beneragama DM, Grero KLW, Gamage TGJN, Munasinghe MAA, Withana JL, Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S. Importance of public perception on the genetic link between parents and offspring in the determination of attitudes towards surrogacy. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka Best Oral Presentation Award for Undergraduate
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S. Diagnostic Accuracy of Sinhala version of Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham IV Scale (SNAP-IV-S): Parent and Teacher ratings of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary Graders in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka – Best Presentation Award – First Place for Oral presentations
- Nazeer N, Rohanachandra YM, Prathapan S. Diagnostic Accuracy of Sinhala version of Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham IV Scale (SNAP-IV-S): Parent and Teacher ratings of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary Graders in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka – Session’s Best Presentation Award under Clinical Medicine, quality and safety
- Beneragama DM, Grero KLW, Gamage TGJN, Munasinghe MAA, Withana JL, Pathiraja RP, Prathapan S. Importance of public perception on the genetic link between parents and offspring in the determination of attitudes towards surrogacy. 14th International Conference on Health Sciences, October 2021, Sri Lanka Best Oral Presentation Award for Undergraduate – Best Presentation Award – Third Place for Oral presentations
- NRC merit award for year 2018
- NRC SUSRED Award 2020 for investigating the effect of maternal vitamin D levels on infant vitamin D levels and determining the cut off values for hypovitaminosis D among pregnant mothers in Colombo District
- K. Balasubramaniam Gold Medal Memorial Oration at the 28th Annual Academic Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association – Changing Landscape of Mental Health disorders in Sri Lanka
- Translational Medicine: The future for Sri Lanka. At the Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Eastern University
Other Universities
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo