Green Hub of the Faculty of Medical Sciences was established in 2022 to develop a sustainable and environmental friendly Faculty. The main goal of the committee is to demonstrate how we can live sustainably while at the same time respecting nature and respecting each other.
The staff and student are invited to join with following transformative programs and community events to build a sustainable green Faculty environment.
Reduce pollution
Encourage recycling
Reduce energy consumption
Increase healthy lifestyle among the staff and students
Nature conservation
The Green Hub offers solutions to the challenges faced by academic staff and due to their day today activities in by faculty staff and students in finding harmony with the natural world.

+94 11 2758718,

+94 11 2758694,

PET Bottle Recycling
PET Bottle Recycling
The green hub has installed two PET plastic bottle collection bins at the faculty premises. So far more than 200Kg of PET bottles have been sent for recycling process.
Rigifoam Collection
Rigifoam Collection
The green hub has installed a Styrofoam/Rigifoam collection bins at the Faculty premises. Students and staff are invited to dump the Rigifoam to the bin in order to protect the environment
Free Health Messages
Free Health Messages
The green hum as installed notifications at each stairway and elevators in order to promote physical climbing of stairs