The Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers elective programmes in the clinical, para-clinical and pre-clinical specialties on a fee-levying basis for undergraduate Medical Students who are studying in foreign Universities. Clinical elective programmes will take place in the Professorial Units in the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, while para-clinical, Family Medicine and pre-clinical programmes will be available within the Faculty Premises.

Student Reviews

Ms. Brooke Rasmussen

Ms. Jazmin Hawes

Ms. Natalie Chilko

Mr. Braven Rathesh
- Well established programme
- Excellent clinical exposure
- Opportunity to learn from well-proficient experts
- Hassle free fast track online system of application
- Cost effective
- Friendly, cooperative and helpful people
- One of the most beautiful tropical tourist destinations in the world
For a clinical elective: The applicant has to be an international medical student studying in an overseas medical school in their clinical years with a minimum of 2 months of prior clinical experience (A letter should be provided from the Medical school to confirm).
For a pre or para-clinical elective: The applicant has to be an international medical students studying in an overseas medical school with a minimum of 2 months of prior experience in the enrolled medical school.
Applications can be submitted at any time of the year. (Clinical electives will not be conducted during the month of December so please check with the elective coordinator )
Apply online: https://medical.sjp.ac.lk/electives-how-to-enroll
1 to 8 weeks per academic years (as chosen by the student)
- Minimum duration in one department – 1 to 2 weeks
- Maximum duration for entire elective – 8 weeks
You may spend the requested period in one department or number of different departments during the stay.
USD 100 per week for all elective appointments
In addition to the above fee, all elective students should pay a non-refundable administration fee of USD 20, irrespective of the duration of the elective
Payment details
Account Holder: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
Account Number : 097-4-021-8-0010915
Swift Code : PSBKLKLX 023
Bank and the Branch : People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch, Sri Lanka.
1. Elective programmes
Department(s) |
Duration (Minimum 1 week & Maximum 8 weeks) |
Location(s) |
Teaching/Learning opportunities |
Clinical Departments (Can select more than one according to your preference) |
1-2 weeks 1-4 weeks or 5-8 weeks |
1-4 weeks (Minimum 1 week & Maximum 4 weeks) |
Laboratory (Diagnosis/Research experience) in
Departments –
1-2 weeks 1-4 weeks or 5-8 weeks(You can choose and stay in any department maximum up to 8 weeks) |
Community Medicine (Public Health/ Preventive Medicine) | 1-4 weeks or 1-8 weeks |
Pre-clinical Departments (Can Select more than one department during your stay according to your preference) |
1-2 weeks 1-4 weeks or 5-8 weeks in any department according to your preference |
2. Short Course in Forensic Medicine, Toxicology, Ethics and Law
Department |
Eligibility |
Duration |
Fees |
Locations |
Teaching/Learning opportunities |
Forensic Medicine | Undergraduate Medical students after completing the basic sciences and having a minimum of 6 months of clinical exposure The ability to understand and communicate in English is a prerequisite. English language tests are not required. | 2 weeks (excluding weekends and Public holidays) | Course fee – USD 400 In addition to the above, a non- refundable administration fee of USD 50 will be charged from all students Payment details – Account Holder: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Account Number: 097-4-021-8-0010915 Swift Code: PSBKLKLX 023 Bank and the Branch: People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch | Colombo South Teaching Hospital Faculty of Medical Sciences – University of Sri Jayewardenepura |
For further information, visit – https://medical.sjp.ac.lk/electives-short-course-in-forensic-medicine/ |
3. Short Course in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (Annually)
Departments |
Eligibility |
Duration |
Fees |
Locations |
Areas covered |
Microbiology Parasitology Medicine Paediatrics | Medical student studying in an overseas medical school in their clinical years with minimum of 2 months of prior clinical experiences (A letter should be provided from the Medical school to confirm). A working doctor (A letter should be provided from the employer) | 2 -3 weeks (Commence in first week of August. Application will be called in January each year) | Course fee – USD 1000 In addition to the above fee, a Non-refundable administration fee of USD 100 for doctors and USD 50 for medical students will be charged Payment details – Account Holder: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Account Number: 097-4-021-8-0010915 Swift Code: PSBKLKLX 023 Bank and the Branch: People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch | Colombo South Teaching Hospital Faculty of Medical Sciences – University of Sri Jayewardenepura |
For further information, visit – https://medical.sjp.ac.lk/short-course-in-tropical-medicine-overview |

Further details on the application process is given in this page under several headings. For further clarifications please contact the Elective coordinator: electives@sjp.ac.lk.