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"International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023"

The Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka welcomes you to the International Conference on Medical Sciences 2023 to be held on the 8th and 9th June 2023. Conference is organized by the Research Committee, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023 is a conference to showcase research, innovation, and experiences in medical sciences across the region. The aim is to bring together researchers, practitioners, academics, senior scientists and patient representatives to catalyse improvements in the quality of care provided to patients and populations at risk.

The scientific sessions comprise of research presentations in the form of oral and poster presentations and symposia covering topics of medical relevance. We invite all academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers to join us in-person for an unforgettable academic experience.





5.30 pm Invitees take their seats
6.00 pm Ceremonial procession
6.05 pm University anthem
6.10 pm Lighting of the ceremonial oil lamp
6.15 pm Welcome address by the Chairperson, Research Committee

Senior Professor Neluka Fernando
6.25 pm Address by the Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Senior Professor Surangi G. Yasawardene
6.35 pm Address by the Chief Guest, Vice Chancellor, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Professor Sampath Amaratunge
6.45 pm Faculty of Medical Sciences Oration

Senior Professor Kumudu Wijewardene
Professor of Community Medicine
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
7.30 pm Vote of thanks by the Secretary, Research Committee

Dr. Nithushi Samaranayake
7.35 pm Cultural performance
7.55 pm National anthem
8.00 pm Procession leaves the hall
8.05 pm Refreshments


The Faculty of Medical Sciences was established in 1993 at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura as the sixth medical faculty in Sri Lanka. Although a young faculty, our graduates have secured top positions in the common grading list (merit list) of medical graduates in Sri Lanka and continue to excel at the postgraduate level.




Sri Lanka is filled with romantic landscapes, governed by rising mountains, lush forests, ocean like tanks and gushing waterfalls, that it was considered the lost paradise by many a globe trotters, who fell upon the country. The golden beaches of the country had been praised for their picture postcard views since eternity. The dusk and dawn and many human activities connected to these times of the day creates a vibrant picture along the coasts of Sri Lanka.